Moisture content of soil lab report. LAB REPORT 2022-12-07

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Lord of the Flies, a novel written by William Golding, is a masterpiece that explores the inherent evil in human nature. Through the use of literary elements such as symbolism, imagery, and characterization, Golding effectively illustrates the deterioration of a group of young boys who are stranded on a deserted island after a plane crash.

One of the most prominent literary elements in Lord of the Flies is symbolism. Golding uses various symbols throughout the novel to represent different aspects of human nature and the boys' descent into savagery. The most significant symbol in the novel is the "beast." The beast represents the primal, animalistic instincts that exist within all humans and the fear and mistrust that can arise when individuals are isolated from society. The conch shell, another important symbol, represents order and democracy. As the boys use the conch to call meetings and make decisions, it becomes a symbol of their civilized society. However, as the boys become more savage, the conch is destroyed, symbolizing the loss of order and the eventual collapse of their society.

Imagery is also a key literary element in Lord of the Flies. Golding uses vivid imagery to convey the boys' descent into savagery and the brutal conditions on the island. The description of the boys' physical appearance and behavior becomes increasingly animalistic as the novel progresses, reflecting their loss of humanity. For example, the boys' paint their faces and bodies, which is a primitive and savage act. The descriptions of the island itself also become increasingly dark and foreboding as the boys' society deteriorates, with the jungle and the "beast" becoming symbols of the boys' own primal instincts.

Characterization is another important literary element in Lord of the Flies. Golding uses the characters of Ralph and Jack to represent different aspects of human nature. Ralph represents the rational, civilized side of human nature, while Jack represents the primal, savage side. Through the characters of Ralph and Jack, Golding demonstrates the inherent conflict between these two aspects of human nature and how easily the civilized side can give way to the savage side when individuals are isolated from society.

In conclusion, the literary elements of symbolism, imagery, and characterization are effectively used in Lord of the Flies to explore the inherent evil in human nature. Through these elements, Golding illustrates the deterioration of a group of young boys stranded on a deserted island and the eventual collapse of their society. The novel serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of abandoning civilized values and the power of fear and mistrust to destroy order and bring out the worst in humanity.

Determination of Moisture Content

moisture content of soil lab report

Figure 2 : Raft foundation. The tins with the soil sample were put into the oven with 110 °C for about 16-24hours. Compaction of soil increases its density and produces three important effects; 1. From the reading we conclude that as the depth increase moisture content also increase. This can be caused by errors while performing the experiment or due to the varying grain characteristics found in the soil used per trial.


Determination of Moisture Content in Soil

moisture content of soil lab report

The core is lifted out and cleaned carefully. The data obtained is listed in the following sections. The water content is also used in expressing the phase relationships of air, water, and solids in a given volume of soil. Hence differing capacitor values allows oscillation between the two states. Peat and other organic soils are to be dried at lower temperature say 600 possibly for a longer period.


Moisture Content Lab Report

moisture content of soil lab report

Although microorganisms may cause harm, society benefits from microorganisms in many ways. Calculations: Zone — 4 a — 1 feet Sieve Sieve Size mm Mass Retained Grams % Retained C. Since only one transistor works at a time, only 1 frequency output will be heard on the speaker at one time. On a beautiful day on the fourth of December in 2015, the class of SNC1D5 started a lab on different kinds of molecules. It is noted that the shear strength of a material is a term used to describe a materials ability to resist failing in the direction parallel to the applied force, and therefore an important soil property to be noted by engineers. Computed sample and average moisture content VI. A scoop Photo 1- Oven Photo 2- Sample Tin Photo 3- Balance Photo 4- Scoop 4.



moisture content of soil lab report

The study: · Why? The question for this experiment therefore became the following. Today, with our growing population of more than 7 billion, humans have become hugely dependant on agriculture. Place the moist soil and tin in a drying oven. The lab consisted of two parts. One of the codes for resistance to erythromycin and clindamycin which is expressed in bactroides but not in E.


Moisture Content

moisture content of soil lab report

Trays The last layer in the BS sieve that act to catch the sample that pass through the 0. Dues to its important role in society the study of microorganisms, Microbiology, has become widespread. Non-corrodible air-tight container 2. A metal cup approximately 55 mm in diameter and 40 mm deep with the rim parallel to the flat base 6. A tour of the Syrian refugee in the North of Lebanon was made in the beginning to know their sanitation problems and to try to find a solution.


SOIL REPORT: The moisture content

moisture content of soil lab report

Chemical Change Lab Report 1679 Words 7 Pages Everything can change from one substance to another, but the creation and the end of some things never happen. THEORY Moisture content or water content is the amount of water present in the soil. Place the soil loosely in the container. It triggers an increase in rainfall rather than snowfall in the mountains resulting in less groundwater. The mould is fitted with a detachable base plate and an extension collar 52mm high.


Moisture Content Of Soil Lab Report

moisture content of soil lab report

Microorganisms are necessary for the production of antibiotics, vitamins, vaccines and food such as bread and cheese. Note it as W 1. Yara Medawar February 7, 2018 Part 1: Results This experiment was done by measuring temperature and moisture content of random soil directly below the surface and deeper. Z-4 b -4 feet 23 71 62 23. Pan 0 4 0 499 99 0 Total 499 99. Balance readable and accurate to 0. The reason that the water clings to the ionic compounds is due to its polarity, which causes the water molecules to get trapped inside of the compound and integrating into the crystal structure.


Soil lab report

moisture content of soil lab report

In this experiment you are required to compare these tests for a clay and granular soil. Based on graph paper. The water content is a good indication of the strength of clay soils. The natural moisture content will give an idea of the state of soil in the field. Calculate moisture content or example: W m2 m3 x 100 m3 m1 31. Given Data Table 1. Balance readable and accurate to 0.


Moisture Content Lab

moisture content of soil lab report

It is defined as the ratio of the weight of water to the weight of the dry soil grains in a soil mass. Pan 0 6 1 498 99 0 Total 498 99. Sample Divider Used for put the sample before the test done. Scientists are finding that the aquifer could be at risk with the climbing climate. Going farther from the initial reference point 1m, 2m, and 3m , the temperature decreases from 20 C to 16.


Determination of Moisture Content Lab Report

moisture content of soil lab report

Z-4 a -3 feet 24 73 68 10. The patterns of environmental quality are also examined. The moisture content is important to determine what can and cannot grow on it. Laboratory Report Title : Soil Moisture Content Objectives : To determine the moisture content of the soil sample Introduction : This experiment is designed to test the moisture content of the soil by measuring the weight of soil sample before and after drying. The approximate molecular weight of a band is determined by comparing the band of the food sample to the protein ladder bands. Analysis and discussions A.
