Mutah marriage in quran. Quranic evidences for the legitimacy of Mutā€™ah 2022-12-13

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In Islam, a mutah marriage, also known as a temporary marriage or a pleasure marriage, is a type of marriage that is contracted for a specified period of time and dissolves automatically upon the expiration of that period. This type of marriage is not recognized by all schools of Islamic jurisprudence, and it is generally considered to be controversial within the Islamic community.

According to some interpretations of the Qur'an, mutah marriage was permitted during the early years of Islam as a means of providing support and protection for widows and orphans. However, the Prophet Muhammad eventually prohibited mutah marriage due to the abuse and misuse of this institution by some members of the community.

There are several verses in the Qur'an that are believed to relate to mutah marriage. For example, Surah 4:24 states, "And all married women (are forbidden unto you) save those (captives) whom your right hands possess." Some scholars interpret this verse as allowing for the possibility of mutah marriage with female captives, although this interpretation is not universally accepted.

In addition to the Qur'anic verses, there are also hadiths, or sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad, that relate to mutah marriage. One such hadith states that the Prophet Muhammad said, "A woman may be married for four things: her wealth, her family status, her beauty, and her religion. Choose the one who is religious, may your hands be rubbed with dust (i.e., may you prosper)." This hadith is often used to argue that mutah marriage was intended to provide a way for men to marry women for a temporary period of time for the purpose of satisfying their sexual desires in a halal (permissible) manner.

Despite the existence of these Qur'anic verses and hadiths, there is considerable disagreement among Islamic scholars about the permissibility of mutah marriage. Some scholars argue that mutah marriage is permissible in certain circumstances, such as when a man is traveling and does not have access to a permanent wife. Other scholars argue that mutah marriage is completely forbidden in Islam, citing the Prophet Muhammad's prohibition of the practice and the potential for abuse and exploitation.

In conclusion, the issue of mutah marriage in Islam is a complex and controversial one. While some scholars argue that mutah marriage is permissible in certain circumstances, others argue that it is completely forbidden. Ultimately, the decision about whether to enter into a mutah marriage is a personal one that must be made in accordance with an individual's understanding of Islam and the guidance of a qualified Islamic scholar.

Mutah (Temporary Marriage)

mutah marriage in quran

And my companion also said: My cloak. This is a truly unique piece of research. It makes us no different from the kuffar in my opinionā€¦ As a muslim i fully condemn mutah and hope that every other muslim opens their eyes and does the same. When caliph Umar asked Amr bin Hareeth regarding this, the latter confessed and the former prohibited Mutah immediately. Hence the marriage is still nikkah and not a third type of marriage. However you are welcome to make a voluntary contribution towards administration if you wish. As such, this verse has nothing to do with marriage between free parties.


Let's Talk About Mutah, or Temporary Marriage in Islam

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Abu Dawood- classed as Saheeh by Sheikh al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawud. That is, what is the abrogator of this verse? No, a Muslim man cannot marry an unbelieving woman or a fornicatress. And if that tradition is contradicting, does it have enough credibility to abrogate the command of Quran? However, the tradition of Jabir from the channel of Ibad bin Kathir is incorrect and forsaken. He has also tried to justify mutah at the point of allowing adultery with married women by justiying that slave wives can be married while you have mutah with them. Furthermore, upon returning to Al-Istibsar by Al-Tusi p. To avoid the growth of prostitution in society and to have assurance about the legitimacy of the children from such unions, the Prophet had recognized and permitted temporary marriage for some time.


What Is Muta Marriage in Islam? Read This!

mutah marriage in quran

For instance, when it is done during the engagement period where the two parties get to know each other better. Since he used to narrate traditions from everyone. Are you suggesting that the Holy Prophet SAW permitted prostitution and the sahabas practiced it? Hence it is necessary to quote the formula of divorce in order to end it if it needs be ended before death. For example, a killer of husband is deprived of the right to inheritance. Did he even pay or give you the required dowry? No extension of the mutŹæah is permitted, but cohabitation may be resumed if a new agreement is reached with new compensation for the woman.


Quranic evidences for the legitimacy of Mutā€™ah

mutah marriage in quran

Meaning a man can have 4 full wives and any number of half-wives mutah. People who accept and perform mutah are just plain dumb and blinded by their desires. Mutah in the Quran at a glance: What is Mutah marriage? The pagan meaning of mutah was 'hire of vagina. Although in modern times such a thing is considered obsolete, due to the availability of fast travel, and primarily exists in Mut'ah, literally meaning joy, is a condition where rules of nikah mut'ah or to the The prominent companion and Mut'ah. Misyar and Urfi marriage For a marriage contract to be valid there are a few main conditions that needs to be met. There were no mutual rights and obligations between the parties. What Shall I do? A muslim man is FORBIDDEN from marrying both permanent and temporary any woman who is not muslim, jewish or christian.


Is Mutah Halal or Haram?

mutah marriage in quran

This is a uniform verdict among all the Muslims. And Allāh has now forbidden that until the Day of Resurrection. You have to understand that some acts were permitted in the early days of Islam like wine. The news of Umratul Qaza is not correct because it is among those narrations of Hasan in which a link in chain of narrators is missing and it becomes weak. This verse was revealed at that time that married women are prohibited except those who become your slave-girlsā€¦ Now read the whole verse and consider it in the light of the above-mentioned circumstances of revelation.


mutah marriage in quran

The thing to remember is that his arguments are an attempt to justify the interchanging of the word ISTIMATUM in to MUTAH and the justification to add new words like 'SEEK TO' in to the verse. Thus, it is proved that neither this verse which is called abrogator was revealed after the verse of Mutah nor does it oppose the order of Mutah. Some books try to twist this by saying that the word AJAR is to differentiate between the mahar of mutah with that of nikkah. Jubayr and al-Suddi - chose to recite it with the ayah. He has revealed this verse in this way only. Mu'tah marriage or nikah mu'tah is a marriage for a temporary period which is a firm of fixed period. There are hundreds of apps and other internet ways available for everyone to access illegal and pornographic content.


1. Mutā€™ah In The Qurā€™an

mutah marriage in quran

I prohibit them and would punish one who commits them. The time period and nikah nama. Retrieved 16 January 2020. I was describing the history of Mutah. He fasted, and exercized, and rubbed my feet, recited Quran to my belly.


This Is What Islam Says About Nikah Mutah (Temporary Marriage)

mutah marriage in quran

The Quran mentions this marriage in order to remove the stigma of marrying slave girls. We will also try to provide other related sources of law. And when it is done against these rules and regulations, then it is Haram and constitutes Zina. However, no other man except her husband can marry her till the period of Iddah ends. The parties must have attained the age of puberty, which is above 15 years of age. Or you can write up that sex be allowed. Since adultery, or zina, is forbidden, here we see the birth of Mutah.


How to Do Mutah: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

mutah marriage in quran

The companions protested the cutting off of the hands of thief through this recitation of Ibn Masud and Imam Abu Hanifah also believes the same. A man can have up to 4 wives and some would say that mutah wives can be numerous and not counted as towards the 4 full wives status. We considered it abominable to be intimate with married women. Are you really going to have a child with someone you dont love and only used for sex? In the next topic I'll explain inshaAllah why mu'tah marriage is halal if it is for a necessity. Nevertheless, the condition is same here too.
