On compassion analysis. What Is Compassion? 2022-12-25

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Compassion is a feeling of deep sympathy and understanding for the suffering of others, accompanied by a desire to help. It is an essential quality that all human beings should possess, as it allows us to connect with others on a deeper level and to understand their experiences and emotions.

In "On Compassion," Barbara Lazear Ascher explores the concept of compassion and its role in society. She begins by describing a scene in which she witnesses a homeless man being ignored by passersby, who are more interested in their own lives and concerns than in helping someone in need. This, she suggests, is a common occurrence in modern society, where people often prioritize their own interests above those of others.

Ascher then goes on to consider the various factors that can influence a person's capacity for compassion. She notes that some people seem to be naturally more empathetic than others, but that this capacity can also be nurtured and developed through experiences and exposure to different cultures and ways of life. She also points out that some people may be less likely to show compassion because they are too caught up in their own problems and struggles to consider the needs of others.

One of the key arguments in "On Compassion" is that compassion is a choice. Ascher suggests that we all have the ability to choose whether or not to extend compassion to others, and that this choice can be influenced by a variety of factors, including our own experiences and beliefs. She also notes that compassion is often portrayed as a weakness in society, and that people may be reluctant to show it for fear of being perceived as weak or vulnerable.

Despite these challenges, Ascher argues that compassion is a crucial quality that can bring about positive change in the world. She suggests that if we are able to cultivate compassion within ourselves, we will be better able to understand and connect with others, and to work towards a more just and equitable society.

In conclusion, "On Compassion" is a thought-provoking essay that invites readers to consider the importance of compassion in our lives and in the world around us. It suggests that compassion is not just a feeling, but a choice that we can make, and that this choice has the power to shape the way we interact with others and the world around us. By cultivating compassion within ourselves, we can create a more compassionate society and a better world for all.

An Analysis Of Barbara Ascher's On Compassion

on compassion analysis

Acting on these feelings of compassion can benefit others, but as the research suggests, sometimes compassion is its own reward. Learning this ability takes some time and practice, but it's worth it to keep working on flexing your compassion skills. After the Getty museum was asked to buy a Greek Kouro statue that was in almost perfect condition. I completely agree with this reasoning and Annette C. It is obvious that a kid's perception of the people and things around him will be altered if it's parents don't show respect to the homeless or the orphan. There is the sense of compassion in the essay, she has inspired the audience by addressing the man or people who are in problem, according to Ascher, no one is born compassionate, she have explained the other story to explain the compassionate, the examples or story have explained about her compassion or what she think about the compassion. It involves a willingness to have empathy and potentially make one vulnerable to feel along with another as well as taking action to change the condition of the one in need.


On Compassion Analysis Essay

on compassion analysis

Nancy Mairs On Being A Cripple Essay 807 Words 4 Pages This quote shows that even though Mairs sometimes has difficulty accepting her illness, she knows that there is a growing acceptance of people who must deal with the difficulties that she faces. You wonder how he got themselves into a position like that? The author use rhetorical elements that appeals to Pathos to invoke sympathy from an audience. The author presents an example when a woman who works in a shop feeds a homeless man who leaves it after receiving the food Ascher, 2017. Curr Dir Psychol Sci. These solutions have limitations though, which will hopefully come to an end.


Nietzsche On Compassion Analysis

on compassion analysis

The story she shared about the man is that he was walking and when the homeless man offered the money and who was staring at the baby, he smiled. It would benefit all for nurses to lead the way in teaching the essentials of and including the practice of compassion in all health care fields. Being the recipient of compassion can help you get the support you need to carry you through a difficult time. Ascher made very good points about her beliefs on compassion. Kuyken et al 2010 found that when using compassion to treat depressive symptoms, CFT showed less severe symptoms 15 months after remission.


On Compassion

on compassion analysis

Find Out How UKEssays. Throughout the book Lazear gave examples to determine if the situation was out of compassion or fear. While the master morality weighs its actions and its consequences on a scale good what is useful or bad, the slave morality weighs it on a scale of good or evil Nietzsche, p. Education plays an important part. Schopenhauer and Nietzsche on Compassion Many different interpretations of the word compassion exist.


What Is Compassion?

on compassion analysis

She uses two different encounters to back up her arguments and points. Was it because of pity? The first time I remember receiving compassion was when I was in second grade on a middle-of-the-night flight from Germany to the States. May 2012 poses the following excellent questions: By looking at expert meditators, neuroscientists hope to get a better picture of what compassion looks like in the brain. I:1 Nietzsche mentions a very powerful thought that permeates history that the strong and the winners are who writes history. Sometimes authority figures in general put an immense amount of pressure on kids. Psychiatry professor, Thomas G. However, not all nurses may have the full understanding of compassion and also can be taught how to balance their feelings of empathy and actions of care in order to fully meet the needs of the patient holistically.


Analysis Of On Compassion

on compassion analysis

Changes or evidence of the defining attributes may be present in a given situation and one can express that they have compassion, but actually measuring compassion may still be problematic. Moreover, he argues that all human actions are intentional and directed to …show more content… 154. Had she not given the man a dollar, would her conscious realize that she has been taught other things, and that what she did was wrong? Everyday we encounter the homeless whether by seeing them holding their personal signs at stoplights, confronts with beggars, or viewing them from afar under bridges. You leave some money by his foot to help get himself somewhere for a short time. She uses encounters from everyday life so readers can see and understand where she is coming from. Consequences according to Walker and Avant 2005 are events or incidents that occur as a result of the occurrence of the concept.


Barbara Ascher's Essay 'On Compassion'

on compassion analysis

Other uses of the concept include: Compassionate drug use: for seriously ill or those using a new unapproved drug when no other treatments are available. These people are people that when looking at them walking on the street you would never know the situations they come from or what they need to do in order to survive. She took the time to massage my hand, knowing the correct pressure points to alleviate my ear pain, and low and behold, it worked. Whatever or whoever does not possess these attributes is seen as bad. So if most of America does this, then what gets done with that problem? As the last thinker of the enlightenment, Kant was a philosopher that believed that reason was the only thing that morality can come from.


The Compassion A Concept Analysis Philosophy Essay

on compassion analysis

Twice Ascher has witnessed this and one argument made was, what compelled the woman to feed the man? However he argues that in higher civilizations and in people these moralities are mixed. Basic instruction is the best approach to stop such a large number of hurried…. Rather than a man because in this society they are taught to be macho, and not show that they have feelings, or that anything bothers them. Ascher made me change how I see and think about compassion. Compassion is necessary to the human experience because if someone is not shown compassion thus not experiencing it they will suffer. Just as our institutions have fallen into decadence, so too have our social mores and our capacity to empathize with the less fortunate. Ascher questioned as to why the woman gave to the homeless.


On Compassion Analysis

on compassion analysis

He accepts the offer and leaves the café. This contrast in tone, but general feeling of hope is key to the type of emotions that Nancy Mairs is trying to educate her readers about. Edwards, 2012 Lubetzky 2010 conducted a thought-provoking study on the science of human compassion which stressed the importance of kindness or compassion to our survival. Compassion is learned through experience and seeing those less fortunate; it brings out sympathy because one cannot ignore it when unfortunate people are everywhere. This flight attendant had to have felt compassion towards my situation and then had a desire to act, in accordance with the Miriam-Webster definition. Its four elements: 1 recognising suffering, 2 understanding the universality of suffering in human experience, 3 feeling moved by the person suffering and emotionally connecting with their distress, and 4 acting or being motivated to act to alleviate suffering Gu 1 better connects individuals on a humanized level. Along with the idea of compassion being learned, Ascher also tries to make us wonder what our motive is that leads us to being compassionate.


On Compassion by Barbara Lazear Ascher

on compassion analysis

Compassion is good for both your physical and mental health. It was something that society seemed to have imprinted in her mind. Over this past summer my coworker and friend Adam was kicked out of his house for being transgender. Schiller wrote his critique to show that Kant was not explaining how moral duty worked. Which is the ability to evaluate and question life through our own eyes.
