On economic causes of civil war. Social And Economic Causes Of The Civil War History Essay 2022-12-07

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Civil wars are often thought of as being caused by ethnic, religious, or ideological differences. While these factors can certainly play a role in the outbreak of civil conflict, economic causes can also be a significant factor. In this essay, we will explore some of the economic factors that can contribute to the onset of a civil war.

One economic cause of civil war is the unequal distribution of resources. When a country's resources are concentrated in the hands of a small elite, the majority of the population may feel disenfranchised and resentful. This can lead to social unrest and ultimately, civil conflict. For example, in the Syrian Civil War, a significant factor was the concentration of power and wealth in the hands of the Assad family and their supporters, while the majority of the population lived in poverty. This inequality fueled the anger and discontent that led to the uprising and subsequent civil war.

Another economic cause of civil war is economic stagnation or decline. When a country's economy is struggling, it can lead to widespread dissatisfaction and frustration among the population. This can be especially true if the government is perceived as being ineffective at addressing the economic challenges or if the benefits of economic growth are not evenly distributed. For example, in the Libyan Civil War, a significant factor was the country's economic decline, which was fueled by a drop in oil prices and mismanagement by the government.

A third economic cause of civil war is resource scarcity. When a country's natural resources, such as oil or minerals, are in high demand, they can be a source of conflict. For example, in the Congo Civil War, a significant factor was the country's vast mineral wealth, which was coveted by various factions and fueled the conflict.

Finally, economic sanctions can also be a contributing factor to civil war. When a country is subjected to economic sanctions, it can lead to widespread suffering and discontent among the population. This can create a fertile ground for civil conflict, as people become desperate for change and are willing to take risks to achieve it.

In conclusion, economic factors can play a significant role in the onset of a civil war. Unequal distribution of resources, economic stagnation or decline, resource scarcity, and economic sanctions can all contribute to social unrest and ultimately, civil conflict. Understanding these economic causes can help policymakers and international organizations develop strategies to prevent or mitigate civil wars.

Civil War, Economic Causes of (Issue)

on economic causes of civil war

Rebellions either have the objective of natural resource predation, or are critically dependent upon natural resource predation in order to pursue other objectives. As a result of winning the 1860… Causes of the Civil War The causes of the Civil War are many, the obvious being slavery, however that is merely on the surface. The South thought that Lincoln would abolish slavery and the South did not want to do that because they thought that the North would have too much power and they did not want to relinquish all of that power to the North. The famous Dred Scott Decision in 1857 denied his request stating that no person with African blood could become a U. Stowe took inspiration for her book from real stories that a former enslaved person had told her. Northern climate and topography were ill suited for the use of slave labor and the system never became an essential part of the economy.


Civil War Economic Causes

on economic causes of civil war

For the South the tariff was little more than a transfer of wealth from them to the north through the higher prices for manufactured goods, both foreign and domestic. Charles Dickens said it was a financial quarrel, that slavery was a ruse in lieu of that fact. In the Civil War era, this struggle focused heavily on the institution of slavery and whether the federal government had the right to regulate or even abolish slavery within an individual state. The Midwest became the breadbasket of the industrial northeast, especially after the —primarily wheat, corn, and beef. They abandoned their own countries to seek better jobs in the United States. John Calhoun, the South Carolina senator and, for a time, Vice President, reversed his earlier support of internal improvements and became a leading opponent.


US Economic History 4 — Economic Causes of the Civil War

on economic causes of civil war

Between opposite economic interests, cultural values, and the widely debated power of states' rights, it seemed as though there was nothing left to do but fight. It was attempted by the Wilmot Proviso, then when the Wilmot Proviso was made the core of the Republican platform and coupled with a Republican majority in Congress, the Lower South opted for secession. The lands of the Mexican cession were not hospitable to plantation agriculture, and coming from Mexico, would likely have remained "free" even without agitation about slavery. Southerners… Discuss the causes of the Civil War. This meant the South focused on farms and plantations and had very few factories. This created an economy deeply threatened by the oncoming rise of Political Causes of the Civil War Since the end of the American Revolution, the U. The South was able to use cotton as diplomatic weapon which they thought they could use to persuade France or Britain to assist or side with the Confederacy.


On Economic Causes of Civil War on JSTOR

on economic causes of civil war

Southerners wanted independence so that they could keep their traditional way of life, including the having and keeping of slavery. The flip side of the internal improvements was the tariff, the list of taxes on specified imported goods. Because the majority of the people living in the South did not own slaves, they were not the ones producing cotton. Farms and plantation were the major source of income. To answer this question one must look back and the reason the civil war happened and how it affected America. When —1814 , Northern manufacturers pushed for higher and higher tariffs as protection.


Economic Causes Of The Civil War

on economic causes of civil war

The consensus is that economic and political factors related to slavery played a more decisive role than the moral issues this system of human exploitation raised. Get Help With Your Essay If you need assistance with writing your essay, our professional essay writing service is here to help! People started pouring into the Northern states from all parts of the world because North had become a rapidly developing industrialized economy. The Civil War was one of the most devastating wars in American history. On April 12, the Confederates opened fire with cannons. Immigration was an encouragement.


Causes of the Civil War, From States' Rights to Slavery

on economic causes of civil war

Could the United States of America survived without the famous war? South Carolina nullified the law and tried to convince the other southern states to support its position. The two sections tried to force its point of view on the nation as a whole. The civil war was known as one of the bloodiest and deadliest conflicts the United States had ever seen. This became quite clear when the war broke out. Another very important cause of the Civil war was the weak economy of the South. The Civil War split the country pinning North against South over the issue of slavery. The South grew many crops such as tobacco, rice, and indigo.


[PDF] On economic causes of civil war

on economic causes of civil war

This is why Liberia in Africa was created, as a landing area for emancipated slaves to return to Africa. Each argument is well thought out, historically accurate, and provides the reader with new perspective on the causes of the Civil War. All the immigrants decided to stay in the Northern states as South was mainly an agrarian society and agriculture was the least sought after profession in those days. The South was a voting bloc in the Congress and that was why slavery was opposed so ardently. This paranoia gave force and sustenance to the motif: the Union shall and must be preserved.


Economic Causes to the Civil War

on economic causes of civil war

After slavery ended, how many job opportunities actually opened up for whites? Secessionist minded Southerners were intent on dividing the Democratic Party so that it would be weak and a Republican election would be a certainty. The goal of ending slavery was to remove the black population from the US so that, just as the Wilmot Proviso states, the US would be for whites only. It is important to understand that even if slavery was more an economic problem than a moral one; it was nonetheless the strongest factor that resulted in the most violent conflicts of all time. Many things such as the Kansas-Nebraska act and the election of Abraham Lincoln led to the succession of 11 southern states. It was fought between the North and the South over Slavery. Economic Causes of Civil War and Their Implications for Policy Title: Economic Causes of Civil War and Their Implications for Policy Author: Paul Collier Pub.
