Persuasive speech on immigration. Speech on Immigration 2022-12-17

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Immigration is a complex and often divisive issue that has been a source of debate and controversy in many countries around the world. While some people argue that immigration is a vital source of economic growth and cultural diversity, others believe that it can lead to increased competition for jobs, strain on public resources, and a threat to national security. In this persuasive speech, I will argue that immigration is ultimately a positive force for both individual immigrants and the countries that welcome them, and that we should embrace it as a cornerstone of a more diverse, prosperous, and compassionate society.

To begin with, it is important to recognize that immigration has a long and storied history in many countries. From the earliest days of human civilization, people have migrated from one place to another in search of new opportunities, safety, and a better way of life. This is especially true in the United States, which was founded by immigrants and has been shaped by successive waves of newcomers from all corners of the globe. The contributions of immigrants to the growth and development of the country are immeasurable, and include some of the greatest achievements in science, arts, business, and politics.

One of the primary arguments against immigration is that it can lead to competition for jobs and downward pressure on wages, especially for low-skilled workers. While it is true that some immigrants may compete for jobs with native-born workers, there is also evidence to suggest that immigration can actually create new jobs and stimulate economic growth. For example, immigrants are often willing to take jobs that many native-born workers are unwilling to do, such as working in agriculture or construction. This can lead to increased productivity and competitiveness in these sectors, which can then spill over into other areas of the economy. Moreover, immigrants are often entrepreneurial and start their own businesses, which can create new job opportunities for both immigrants and native-born workers.

Another concern about immigration is that it can place a strain on public resources, such as schools, hospitals, and social welfare programs. However, research has shown that immigrants are generally net contributors to the economy and pay more in taxes than they receive in benefits. This is especially true of highly skilled immigrants, who are more likely to be employed and pay higher taxes. Additionally, many immigrants are young and in the prime of their working lives, which means they are less likely to depend on social welfare programs and more likely to contribute to the workforce and support the aging native-born population.

Finally, some people argue that immigration poses a threat to national security and the cultural integrity of a country. While it is important to have a robust system in place to screen and secure our borders, the vast majority of immigrants are law-abiding and contribute to their communities in positive ways. In fact, studies have shown that immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than native-born citizens. Moreover, immigration can enrich the cultural fabric of a country and bring new ideas, perspectives, and talents to the table.

In conclusion, immigration is a complex and often controversial issue, but it is ultimately a positive force for both individual immigrants and the countries that welcome them. We should embrace it as a cornerstone of a more diverse, prosperous, and compassionate society.

Pro Immigration Persuasive Speech

persuasive speech on immigration

That is a reasonable answer although, the United States itself was built and enhanced by immigrants who fled their country to find a better life for themselves, their families, and future generations. For example, Kristhell Alvarez wrote a letter on letters2presidents. In relation to the republican presidential candidate Donald Trump opinion about the Latinos he criticizes a lot for being a threat to the American society and that the Mexicans are rapist and only bringing crimes and drugs to America. Some immigrants are treated unfairly and should be given the chance to a better life. Illegal immigrants are invading our land, stealing our jobs, and wasting our tax money by way of government assistance. I am 13 years old, so I could not vote, but I would have if I were 18. Currently, similar laws and actions are taking place with regards to a wall on the southern border of Mexico, and the exclusion of immigration from Middle East countries.


Persuasive Speech About Immigration

persuasive speech on immigration

What if it were you? I watched the speech in order to understand the strategies he implements in order to win the attention of his audience. In the speeches presented by those talking about the Act, the speech of Mr. Republicans and Democrats in the Senate have acted. The feeling of being burdensome, unappreciated, and unintelligent due to the language barrier when communicating with others. These limitations affect undocumented immigrants in their daily lives and they face downward social mobility. From there, they would have to do a number of things in order to become citizens, including paying taxes for a certain number of years and registering with the Social Security office.


Speech on Immigration

persuasive speech on immigration

He hopes, as well, that his family is not the victim of crime. Unfortunately they are forced to come in illegally and become an integral part of the economy and country. Immigration is a huge problem, and it will only be solved by a comprehensive approach. However, immigration laws and the discrimination against immigrants needs to change. A violation of a State 's immigration laws a person who is declared Immigration Argumentative Analysis 683 Words 3 Pages These indicate that immigrants increase the growth of employment rate which helps the economy along the lines of working in manufacturing industries, construction, and so forth where unemployment is high. The United States provides many cheap labor positions in construction and farming where business owners are looking for immediate workers that will get the job done.


Persuasive Essay On Immigration

persuasive speech on immigration

The immigrants goal is to strive for a better future for themselves and their family. I personally agree everyone should be given a chance to live the American Dream. If they stay forever they have to take a test to earn their citizenship. With immigration laws playing a huge part in our present, and an even larger part in our past, future laws and disputes are inevitable, and will continue to be hotly contested in the US. I consider an unbiased voter anyway, as I have to political affiliations, so this was easy Western Stereotypes In The Children's Film Aladdin system in which you receive extreme punishment for something as simple as stealing and apple Aladdin is filled with western stereotypes of Middle Eastern life. Illegal immigration has been around ever since borders were created to divide the world.


Persuasive Immigration Speech

persuasive speech on immigration

Need A Unique Essay on "Speech on Immigration"? In the United States, most of the current illegal immigration comes from Mexico and Latin America because of poverty and the lack of jobs Poroy. The host family is only able accept an immigrant if it is accorded an income of about 125% of the poverty status. Our policies on illegal immigration can diminish the problem by enforcing immigration laws, revoking birthright autonomy, and demanding proof of citizenship when applying for social services. Another possible solution would be to grant immediate citizenship to children who were brought to the United States. This meant that coming across the border was as easy as hopping in a car.


persuasive speech on immigration

With war, abuse, and terrorism happening in many foreign countries many have to flee. Immigration is what makes America great and a place of safe haven not the building of walls to create fear in people. Immigrants provide this country with an immeasurable number of benefits, and limiting immigration will only leave the United States at a disadvantage to other countries. They do not respect our country and laws that make our country safe and economy thrive. The Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 allowed a number of barriers to immigration. That lady that sits on the side of the road of the street you go down everyday. We should respect them as people just like we respect our own.


persuasive speech on immigration

The resolution is within reach. By taking essential jobs, helping U. No matter which country they are traveling or moving from! Without a sensible plan in place, these immigrants and their children are likely to suffer without the protection of labor law or other forms of law. Some may say how this may lead to letting in terrorists or how they will be taking away our jobs. Unfortunately, many Americans view immigrants as being a negative impact to this country.


persuasive speech on immigration

The problem compounded on top of itself, too. When they do so, they look for a country that has freedom and job opportunities so that they can care for themselves and their families. This quote shows us that even to this day, immigration is a huge help to our nation and helps us to grow Illegal Immigration Policy Essay 1207 Words 5 Pages Not every immigrant get into the country using the legal means. I had minimal knowledge of the speaker; I knew she was the wife of Bill Clinton. Immigration has become a major problem in this country and needs to be restricted.


persuasive speech on immigration

They are trying to succeed in life just like we are. A workable solution would include a number of different elements. America has more technology, schools, medicine, job opportunities, etc. . For decades, immigration has been a problem for the United States.


persuasive speech on immigration

The pro is that the Latino will probably get a better life in the United States than Mexico. The audience was a combination of people from uneducated to educated about eighty-four million in total. These immigrants are largely affected by the problem, and many others in society are affected, too. He performs odd jobs, unable to secure long-term employment. The Negative Impact Of Undocumented Immigrants 752 Words 4 Pages Some believe population growth is key to a healthy economy, the more people in a country, the more money there is to circulate. As there are problems being brought to our attention with our now president Donald Trump wanting to shut out a good amount of immigrants from coming in like building a wall on the southern border …show more content… As they work very hard, the only reason they are here for is opportunity to live a better life and to live the American dream.
