Radiation hazards and safety measures. Radiation Protection: Measures to Minimize Potential Hazards 2022-12-28

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Radiation is the emission of energy as electromagnetic waves or as moving subatomic particles, especially high-energy particles that cause ionization. It occurs naturally in the environment and can also be produced artificially through various means, such as the use of nuclear reactions or the acceleration of charged particles. While radiation has many beneficial uses, it can also pose hazards to human health if not properly controlled and managed. In this essay, we will discuss the various types of radiation, the potential hazards they pose, and the measures that can be taken to ensure the safe use of radiation.

There are several types of radiation, including ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. Ionizing radiation has enough energy to remove tightly bound electrons from atoms, which can cause damage to living tissue and genetic material. Examples of ionizing radiation include X-rays, gamma rays, and alpha and beta particles. Non-ionizing radiation has lower energy and does not have enough energy to ionize atoms. Examples of non-ionizing radiation include radio waves, microwaves, and visible light.

Ionizing radiation can be harmful to living tissue because it can damage or destroy cells, leading to tissue damage or even cancer. This is because ionizing radiation can cause changes to the DNA in cells, which can lead to the development of cancer. The severity of the effects of ionizing radiation depends on the amount of radiation received, the duration of exposure, and the type of tissue exposed. Short-term exposure to high levels of ionizing radiation, such as in the case of a nuclear accident, can cause immediate illness or death. Long-term exposure to lower levels of ionizing radiation, such as from living near a nuclear power plant, can increase the risk of cancer and other health problems.

Non-ionizing radiation is generally considered less harmful than ionizing radiation, but it can still have negative effects on human health. Non-ionizing radiation can cause heating of the tissues, which can lead to burns or other injuries. It can also cause changes in cells and damage to DNA, although the risk is generally lower than for ionizing radiation.

To protect against the hazards of radiation, it is important to follow appropriate safety measures. These measures can include using protective clothing, such as lead aprons, to shield the body from radiation, and using barriers, such as walls or curtains, to block the passage of radiation. It is also important to maintain a safe distance from sources of radiation and to use proper ventilation to reduce the risk of inhaling or ingesting radioactive materials.

In addition to these measures, it is important to carefully monitor and control the use of radiation in the workplace and in other settings. This includes regularly checking and maintaining equipment to ensure it is functioning properly and following established safety procedures. It is also important to properly label and store radioactive materials to prevent accidental exposure.

In conclusion, radiation can pose hazards to human health if not properly controlled and managed. There are various types of radiation, including ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, which can have different effects on the body. To protect against the hazards of radiation, it is important to follow appropriate safety measures, such as using protective clothing, maintaining a safe distance from sources of radiation, and properly storing and labeling radioactive materials. By following these measures, we can ensure the safe use of radiation in various settings.

What are radiological safety hazards?

radiation hazards and safety measures

Beta radiation is a stream of tiny charged particles that can be stopped by a thin layer of plastic, glass, wood, metal and most other common materials. Eye response to excessive brightness i. Their main route into the body is ingestion. For the purpose, facilities such as fume hoods, glove boxes, shielded boxes and hot cells are provided in amber areas. During normal working of a plant the air concentration values remains a small fraction of the DAC. Distance works on the principle that the effect of radiation reduces as the distance between the worker and the source increases.


Chapter 14

radiation hazards and safety measures

Hot cell A hot cell is also a shielded enclosure with systems of manipulation to allow the performance of almost all operations inside the cell. While our bodies have the ability to repair damage cells, over time if exposure becomes longer and greater, it can result in many acute injuries such as burns, acute radiation syndrome, and long term health problems such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases. What equipment measures the level and intensity of radiation exposure quizlet? Radiation therapy to treat cancer. Poor illumination can cause industrial accidents. Infrared radiation is measured by the black-bulb thermometer and radiometers. The specific absorption rate SAR measures the amount of radio frequency energy absorbed by the body when using a wireless device.


Radiation Types, Effects, Hazards & Control Measures

radiation hazards and safety measures

The most dangerous form of skin cancer, malignant melanoma, has increased by over 40% over the last ten years, making it cancer with the fastest rising number of cases in the UK. Both patients and clinicians can be exposed to radiation. The purpose of decontamination is to reduce its level below the safe level. The primary effect of microwave energy is thermal. Exposure from an industrial radiography source, exposure from a Co-60 or Cs-137 source used in medical or research applications, and exposure of humans to natural radiation source like cosmic radiation from space are the examples of external exposure. About 14% of exposures to ionising radiation are due to medical exposures during diagnostic or treatment processes.



radiation hazards and safety measures

It is recommended to isolate and contain these waste away from the environment. Long-time exposure to the hottest sunlight afternoon may cause skin cancer. That means if you have multiple CT scans over time, the risk from each scan adds up. These are manageable and can be treated. Radiation can also cause hereditary genetic mutations if the cells affected were gametes. Accidental radioactive contamination depends on the nature of the radionuclide its physical, chemical and radioactive characteristics , local distribution in the body path of entry through skin, wounds or inhalation , duration initial and secondary impact following bodily intake and level of contamination massive, substantial or slight. X-ray machines are widely used in industry, medicine, commerce and research.


Ionizing radiation, health effects and protective measures

radiation hazards and safety measures

They can help you determine if your exposure is safe and what steps you can take to reduce your risk. Portholes with air-lock are provided for material transfer. The hazards are categorised as either stochastic or non-stochastic. Some fixed monitors are as under: Type of Detector For the type of Radiation. Myth: Radiation cause body mutations Fact: No, radiation will not cause a person to mutate and gain supernatural abilities. Besides these, the use of gloves, leggings, overalls, and boots is an essential necessity for the personnel engaged in welding. What Happens if a Person is Radioactive? Different types of radiation call for different types of shielding protection.


Precautions After Radiation Therapy

radiation hazards and safety measures

The person appointed, usually, an employee must be competent to supervise the arrangements in place and have received relevant training. What are the 3 Principles of Radiation Safety? Protection from ELF is possible by shielding of the electric field by any conducting surface. If the person does not receive medical treatment, there is a chance that he or she will die within 60 days. Conclusion On balance, it is important to emphasize that time, distance, and shielding, as well as associated training, are the cardinal strategies to enhance radiation exposure protection. Time involves using the reduced time exposure principle and thus reduces the accumulated dose. Radiation is the emission or transmission of energy through waves or particles in space or a material medium.


Radiation Safety Precautions

radiation hazards and safety measures

Background radiation levels vary geographically due to geological differences. If a thermometer is moved slowly from violet to the red portion, it shows a rise in temperature. Beta radiation is more penetrating than alpha radiation, but not as much as gamma radiation. A thin sheet of paper can cut off alpha radiation. On average, 80% of the annual dose of background radiation that a person receives is due to naturally occurring terrestrial and cosmic radiation sources.


Exposure to radiation

radiation hazards and safety measures

Increase distance as much as possible. If you are concerned about your radiation exposure, talk to your doctor or a health physicist. The thickness should be increased depending on the intensity of radiation. Source It is important that the involved source details, such as type of radionuclide, the radiations, and the optimum source strength, are used for the purpose of assessing personnel exposures and the control measures. The first, planned exposure situations, result from the deliberate introduction and operation of radiation sources with specific purposes, as is the case with the medical use of radiation for diagnosis or treatment of patients, or the use of radiation in industry or research.


What is Radiation Safety?

radiation hazards and safety measures

As mentioned above, healthcare practitioners must have the necessary skills based on the most recent research and enhanced by the use of technological advances. UV radiation has beneficial effects, such as accumulating vitamin D and strengthening bones. Plant medical services should remain in touch with local and other hospitals where irradicated or contaminated persons can be treated. Training and education are the measures that can ensure following the standards related to timing, distancing, and shielding. Depending on the absorption type of the inhaled particles Fast, Medium and Slow-type , the deposited radioactive materials are transferred from the lung to blood and get cleared from the body through excretion. In woodworking plants, high-frequency heating is used for bonding plywood, laminating and general gluing.


How can you protect yourself from ionizing radiation?

radiation hazards and safety measures

Radiation standards also limit the amount of radiation emitted to a low level, in this device its radio frequency. They are also extensively used in surgery for cataract treatment and the sealing of blood vessels. How Much Radiation Do You Get From CT Scans? Pregnant women and children might not be allowed to visit you. Long waves have low energy, short-waves have high. Therapy should first be followed instead of measurement of radioactivity and clinical and biological examinations, though they should be followed subsequently to assess the level of contamination.
