Reflection of a story example. Short Story Reflection 2022-12-12

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Reflection is an important aspect of learning and personal growth, as it allows us to reflect on our experiences and understand them in a deeper and more meaningful way. One way to reflect on a story is to consider the themes, characters, and events that it presents, and to consider how these elements relate to our own lives and experiences.

For example, consider the story of "The Tortoise and the Hare," a well-known fable that teaches the importance of perseverance and hard work. In this story, the hare is confident in his ability to win a race against the tortoise, and he takes a series of breaks along the way, thinking that he has plenty of time to spare. The tortoise, on the other hand, steadily makes his way to the finish line, ultimately beating the hare and proving that slow and steady wins the race.

Upon reflection, we might consider the themes of the story, such as the importance of hard work, determination, and resilience. We might also consider the characters of the hare and the tortoise, and how their different approaches to the race reflect different attitudes and approaches to life. The hare's overconfidence and lack of focus may be seen as a cautionary tale about the dangers of complacency, while the tortoise's determination and perseverance may be seen as a model for how to approach challenges and setbacks.

We might also consider how the events of the story relate to our own lives and experiences. For example, we might reflect on times when we have been overconfident or complacent, and how this has affected our ability to achieve our goals. We might also consider how the tortoise's approach to the race might apply to our own lives, and how we can learn from his determination and perseverance.

Overall, reflecting on a story can be a powerful way to gain insights and learn lessons that can be applied to our own lives. It allows us to think deeply about the themes, characters, and events presented in the story, and to consider how they relate to our own experiences and challenges.

Reflected Best

reflection of a story example

Family Member 2 enjoyable to spend time with I value time spent with others. Colleague 2 steadiness I navigate stressful situations effectively. There are many different types of essay, but they are often defined in four categories: argumentative, expository, narrative, and descriptive essays. Motivation: Reflection provides students with motivation to learn and enjoy the process of learning. His works originated from his childhood, they include his masterpieces The ¨Monkeyś Paw¨ and ¨The Toll House¨. An introduction of the essay should be short, crisp and should inculcate not only the introduction of the art work but also about what points your essay is going to talk about.


Short Story Reflection

reflection of a story example

Individuality I am confident in myself and my abilities and I ground my decisions in sound reasoning rather than popular opinion. You are not a sheep, you are a lion, just like me! I wanted to avoid that, hence I stepped aside. Why you did not use your sword, even though you could lose instead of showing yourself as a coward before all of us? And so the lion cub grows up along with the other sheep and starts thinking and acting just like a sheep. I take pride in my personal integrity, make ethical decisions, and challenge convention and tradition. The setting and symbolism used within the story are key factors that give the ready a clear picture true journey the old African-American woman is taking on. The text is a short story because it has a small gallery of characters and a short storyline. A reflection paragraph should have all of this in it, as critical analysis is a very important part of it.



reflection of a story example

The guards recognized the trusted teacher, and did not stop him at the door. Although he was of an advanced age, there was a legend that he was capable of defeating any adversary. Common examples include the reflection of light, sound and water waves. My short story was actually written about my mom, as I had not actually heard of the Black Swan movie until my small group read my story. The mother sheep sees the cub and decides to raise it as its own. Reliability I honor my commitments and work hard, even in the face of significant challenges.


12 Short Stories on Self Realization And Finding Your True Self

reflection of a story example

Clear and Concise Make your paper as clear and concise as possible. That is, the consistency of the message given by the artist and the emotions evoked in us while experiencing the art. . It is no coincidence that for centuries, the great spiritual leaders of the tribes resorted to wise stories to make reflect the rest of the tribe. This exercise asked me to seek out feedback from others about me at my best. The story starts in medias res with Gerard leaving the office.


How to write a reflection paragraph example

reflection of a story example

Realizing this can be truly freeing. If so, who lived here before you were born? Focus: A reflective essay is a type of personal narrative in which writers share insights and observations about life. Monkey and the Fish The fish loved the river. We can make assumptions but that does not mean that your assumptions will always be true. Moral of the story: There is no absolute truth.


what is a reflection of a story

reflection of a story example

The theme is the author 's way of explaining a situation, topic, or an idea they feel strong about getting across within their writings. Effective Communicator I synthesize complex ideas into understandable communications. At this point the older lion gets an idea. These literary elements are plot, point of view, tone, setting, character, and symbolism. Pull the reader in without giving too much away, then provide a quick overview of the reflective topic. We must remember that many times the weight of unresolved problems is havier than the consequences of it.


Reflection Of A Short Story

reflection of a story example

What are the 3 basic parts of reflection paper? What is the reflection of a story? Colleague 1 eagerness to learn I ask important questions that clarify goals and objectives. How do you write a good reflection? Throughout the piece, I had questions over the nature of Kathryn. And secondly, the other sheep would constantly ridicule it for being so different. Include a topic sentence that briefly summarizes your thoughts and feelings, then go on to clarify your topic sentence by providing more details and specific examples. Reflection: The writer reflects on the issue that is, the topic they are writing about and considers how their own experience and points of view might influence their response.


What is the reflection of a story?

reflection of a story example

In other words, the theme in a story is a representation of the idea behind the story. What is reflective writing style? Erickson realized that the stories come to our subconscious, circumventing the barriers of the conscious mind, so that they can cause a positive change more radical than the best discourse, however logical or stilted it may be. What are the main types of essays? Moral: This psychological short story reminds us that overcome obstacles represent an opportunity to grow as people and improve our condition. Moral: This psychological story reminds us that worries, negative thoughts and resentment are like that glass of water. Instead, when you 2. As an adult, it is easy to The older lion in this story is not an external entity.


reflection of a story example

It felt it had let down the sheep community by being so different and that it was a waste of space. Begin with a great hook and a strong introduction. Clear examples are very useful. The answers varied between 200 and 250 grams. Every author begins writing a book, article, short story, or whatever because of an idea they had.


reflection of a story example

Even though the elephant must have felt anger, it did not allow the anger to evoke an automatic emotional reaction. Then he asked them: — Are you sure? When necessary, I chart my own course, and inspire others to follow with sound reason and logic. Understood a difficult personal situation. It is nothing but a computer program. She dies soon after giving birth.
