Short essay about obesity. Obesity: Causes and effects 2022-12-07

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Air pollution is a serious environmental problem that affects the health and well-being of people all over the world. It is caused by the release of harmful substances into the air, such as gases, particles, and biological molecules. These substances can come from a variety of sources, including factories, power plants, vehicles, and even household products.

Air pollution can have a range of negative effects on human health, including respiratory problems, heart disease, and even cancer. It can also harm the environment, damaging crops, forests, and bodies of water.

There are several ways in which air pollution can be reduced or prevented. One of the most effective ways is by regulating the emissions of pollutants from industrial sources. This can be done through the implementation of strict emissions standards and the use of clean technologies. Governments can also encourage the use of public transportation and the adoption of clean energy sources, such as solar and wind power.

Individuals can also play a role in reducing air pollution by making eco-friendly choices in their daily lives. For example, driving a fuel-efficient car or using public transportation instead of driving can reduce the amount of emissions released into the air. Using energy-efficient appliances and turning off lights and electronics when they are not in use can also help to reduce energy consumption and lower emissions.

In conclusion, air pollution is a serious problem that requires the efforts of both governments and individuals to address. By taking steps to reduce emissions and make eco-friendly choices, we can work towards cleaner air and a healthier planet.

Essay on Obesity in Children

short essay about obesity

It is suggested to squeeze in at least half an hour per day to indulge in moderately intense physical activities such as swimming, jogging, dancing and cycling among others. Some cases of obesity are primarily caused by mental disorder, medications, endocrine disorders or genes. Obesity is one of the leading cause of death in America. We can improve the quality of our diet by reducing our consumption of foods that are energy-dense like those that are high in sugars or fat and by trying to increase our dietary fibre intake. Other chronic illnesses like cancer can also arise from obesity because inflammation of body cells and tissues occurs in order to store fats in obese people.


Essay on Obesity for Children and Students

short essay about obesity

It is mainly a form of a medical condition wherein the body tends to accumulate excessive fat which in turn has negative repercussions on the health of an individual. A low calorie diet with moderate exercise such as walking would be the best in which the time-span can be gradually increased. What are the causes of Obesity? Genetic factors and human hormones contribute significantly to the genesis of obesity Qasim et al. Even people who do not smoke are also affected, and suffer illness. The table below shows how a child can get in the suggested one hour of physical activity each day. A BMI of less than 25 is considered optimal. This is alarming because of the severity of obesity and …show more content… Although obesity can run in peoples genes, that is not always the case.


[PDF Notes] Short Essay on Obesity 2023

short essay about obesity

Foods that are high in fat and sucrose are more satisfying than other types of foods and it is easier to overeat and become obese. How can a child accumulate 1 h of everyday activities Walks to school- 10 min Plays during breaks- 20 min Walks home from school- 10 min Cleans room- 10 min Walks to meet friends- 10 min Total 60 min Example 2. . The cause is not by viruses or bacteria, but by human nature. The types of foods that being developed now a days are not so healthy and this leads people to a difficulty of choosing and receiving healthier foods and life styles.


Childhood Obesity Essay

short essay about obesity

Obesity In America 1187 Words 5 Pages Today over one-third or 36. However, an alarming trend of childhood obesity is being noticed in the recent years. Even children seem to be glued to televisions, laptops and video games which have taken away the urge for physical activities from them. The most common cause of obesity is unhealthy food habits. To properly digest the consumed food, physical exercise is compulsory.


Essay on Obesity: Meaning, Causes, Types and Treatment

short essay about obesity

If parents just sit on a sofa and consume high cholesterol foods then advise their kids to exercise and eat healthy is not going to reduce the obesity rate. As a result children eat food that leads to obesity. In most cases, obesity is caused through a combination of genetic susceptibility, a lack of or inadequate physical activity, excessive intake of food. Depression, anxiety, stress, and emotional troubles are well-known factors of obesity. It may usually, not necessarily, be a genetic problem and might even occur as a side effect of certain medicines. WHO has declared obesity as a global epidemic.


Essay on Obesity: 8 Selected Essays on Obesity

short essay about obesity

Avoiding rides to school, watching television, and avoiding playing video games will help accomplish ones goal of completing the one hour recommended amount of exercise each day Nowicka, 2006. Here is a detailed look at the causes of this condition and the ways to prevent and treat it. Most obese people generally lack self-confidence due to their physical appearance. Obesity is usually caused due to regular intake of excessive food and lack of proper physical exercise. Sleep apnea is another disease that is a major risk in a person's life and can cause early death due to obesity. Obesity is the leading cause of ill-health and death all over the world that is preventable.


Short Essay on Obesity

short essay about obesity

The non-smoker inhales smoke too without using a cigratte. Health, safety, and nutrition for the young child. Nevertheless, evidence shows that negative obesity can also affect mental health. Schools ought to educate students about the side effects of engaging in an unhealthy diet. Childhood obesity in transition zones: An analysis using structuration theory. Conclusion Though a serious health problem, obesity can be cured by following a healthy lifestyle. Among housewives, household activities like mopping, sweep­ing the floor, gardening, etc.


Essay On Obesity In America

short essay about obesity

In the case of adults, most of the professions of today make use of computers which again makes people sit for long hours in one place. The role of early childhood professionals in managing this condition is also highlighted. Junk food is the main culprit. The relationship between the general population and the personal-level causes of obesity forms the structuration theory. As these kids get older, they are unable to distinguish between healthy snacks and unhealthy food Dawes, 2014.
