Social studies sba on abortion. SOCIAL STUDIES SBA 2022-12-09

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Abortion is a controversial and divisive issue that has been at the forefront of public discourse for decades. In many countries, including the United States, abortion is legal, but it remains a highly controversial and emotionally charged topic. In this social studies SBA (School-Based Assessment), we will explore the history of abortion, the various arguments for and against it, and the impact that it has on individuals and society as a whole.

History of abortion:

Abortion has a long and complex history, with evidence of induced abortion dating back to ancient civilizations. In many ancient cultures, abortion was seen as a way to control population size or to end unwanted pregnancies, often as a result of infidelity or rape. However, abortion was also often associated with negative consequences, such as social stigma or even death.

In the modern era, the availability and legality of abortion has varied widely from country to country. In the United States, the Supreme Court's 1973 Roe v. Wade decision legalized abortion nationwide, but the issue has continued to be a source of controversy and political conflict. In other countries, abortion remains illegal or is only allowed under certain circumstances, such as to save the life of the mother.

Arguments for and against abortion:

There are many arguments for and against abortion, and people's views on the issue often depend on their personal beliefs and values. Some of the main arguments for abortion are:

Some of the main arguments against abortion are:

Impact of abortion on individuals and society:

The decision to have an abortion can have significant personal and social consequences. For the woman undergoing the procedure, it can have physical, emotional, and psychological effects, both positive and negative. Some women may feel relief after an abortion, while others may experience feelings of guilt or sadness.

Abortion can also have wider social and political implications. It is often a hotly debated issue in the media and in political campaigns, and people's views on abortion can have an impact on their voting decisions. In countries where abortion is illegal, women may seek out unsafe or illegal abortions, which can have serious consequences for their health.


Abortion is a complex and highly charged issue that has been the subject of debate and controversy for centuries. While there are strong arguments on both sides of the issue, ultimately, the decision to have an abortion is a deeply personal one that should be made by the woman involved, taking into account her own beliefs, values, and circumstances.

Social Studies SBA

social studies sba on abortion

A pregnant teenager has many decisions to make regarding her future: 1. Why are you having sex? Teenage mothers often drop out of school before they had an opportunity to develop meaningful life skills, a higher level of education and achieving goals. Which of the birth control method below are you most familiar with? Do you have more than one sexual partner? This started because of the decline in the profitability of the tobacco in the West Indies. The reason why I chose to undertake the investigation in my community is to make it easier to collect and analyze my data closer to home given the conditions of covid-19. In the focus-group discussions, boys were particularly likely to view sexual initiation as an important sign of manhood. This parish is associated with fishing, farming and rearing of animals.


Susan B. Anthony Pro

social studies sba on abortion

The Population Council conducts research to address critical health and development issues. Thanks to my family for providing me with a laptop so i could get extra info and complete the sba. There were a number of mothers who were not in attendance which resulted in the sum of 10 persons included in the discussion. Some of them have reported that they became pregnant accidentally and were coerced or encouraged by parents, family members and friends to get rid of the pregnancy to avoid dropping out of school and to avoid the stigma attached to teenage pregnancy. During this time I have observed a number of effects of social media on the life of teenagers in my area. Throughout history, women have had abortions, whether legal or not even if it meant risking their lives with unsafe methods.



social studies sba on abortion

Yes No 8 Can teenage pregnancy in the Grove community cause an impact in the lives of families who are residing there? Because of that, several studies have been done and attempts made to correct, or at least to significantly reduce the problem. However, Boyle attempts to bring more light to teenage pregnancy, and gives the reader a different side than commonly assumed about teenage pregnancy. Essay On In-Clinic Abortion 472 Words 2 Pages Due to the lack of parental guidance and education at school, children are more prone to engaging in unprotected sex, which is one of the leading causes to abortion Her Choice, 2009. Children under the age of 18 should abstain. I wish to thank my Social Studies teacher Mr. It is very disturbing to see women suffering and struggling mentally, physically and educationally because of teenage pregnancy.


Social Studies SBA on Poverty

social studies sba on abortion

East Indian Mix African Amerindians Chinese Portuguese European 4 To what religion do you belong to? How does the parent of a teenager react when they find out their child is pregnant? So why do teenagers have sex? Most teenagers are led to sexual activities because of various reasons such as lack of communication with parents, not enough sex education in schools, peer pressure and a lack of responsibility to use protection. Yes No 19 What role do parents play in the prevention of teenage pregnancy? David for giving me this assessment and dedicating her time, showing full support and patience. This report reviews the mixed results from multicountry studies that used the indirect technique. Reasons To Abortion In The United States 624 Words 3 Pages About 1. The instrument that would be used to conduct this survey is a questionnaire which is a printed or written question with a choice of answers devised for the purpose of satisfied study.



social studies sba on abortion

The Taino were subsistence farmers growing food mainly for their own needs. What age do you belong to? Also the paper will detail how each level of governments work together. Yes No 17 How can teenagers be properly informed about teenage pregnancy in the Grove community? Along with public health the paper will explain the information available about teen pregnancy on a government level, state level and local levels. Also 50% do believe in abortion because they had financial problems, because of the reaction of their parents they felt ashamed and also they thought that having the baby would have been a very risky thing to do. However, I still do consider that the best way to prevent teenage pregnancy is to abstain because it makes sense. Others say they have developed resentment towards parents and others who encouraged them to perform this act. It is approximately from the heart of Princes Town.


Social Studies S. B. a on Sexual Activities Amongst Jamaican Teenagers Essay Example

social studies sba on abortion

Some Tainos canoes were large enough to carry seventy or eighty people or a tonne of trading goods. Although the rate of teenage pregnancy is higher among low income African-Americans and Hispanics, especially those in inner city, the number of births to teenagers is highest among white, non-poor young women who live in small cities and towns. Some girls also viewed engaging in sexual intercourse as symbolic of adulthood and suggested that a teenage girl who becomes sexually active is no longer seen as a child. Thank you all for your cooperation. The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy NCPTP has established connections between early pregnancy and childbearing to a number of other serious social issues, for instance health, education and poverty "Unplanned pregnancy, sexual," 2012. Abstain Do your parents know that you are not a virgin? I would like to extend my gratitude to everyone who assisted me throughout the course of this assessment.


Sba for Social Studies

social studies sba on abortion

Firstly I would like to thank my members of my family for cooperating with me, because it has truly been hard for me over the past year in light of covid-19 pandemic. Secondly, My teacher who gave me the knowledge and understanding of this topic. Andrews who took the time out of their busy schedule in filling out he questionnaires which was most important part of the research. Reid for giving me the go ahead on this S. Do you think abortion is prevalent among teenage girls in 2 East Greater Portmore? Cause teens to lose the trust of their parent Cause parents to gave less freedom to their teenagers Cause families to have more frequent misunderstandings Cause families to seek residents in a better community 10 What do you think can cause the teenage pregnancy rate to rise in the Grove Community? Pro-Choice 816 Words 4 Pages First , say there is a girl who gets raped and she ends up getting pregnant. This paper will explain the definition of public and community health and why teen pregnancy is an issue of public health. This will make the child more comfortable to know that they can talk to their parents, they are being listened to while being taught at the same time and understanding more about sex education.


Survey Questions for the Measurement of Induced Abortion on JSTOR

social studies sba on abortion

Task 6 Presentation and examination of Data A total of 10 teenage mothers were interviewed succesfully. Satire On Abortion Research Paper 811 Words 4 Pages On the other hand, males used condom to prevent the sperm of entering into the fallopian tubes of a woman. Teenage mothers often experience social exclusion; they are not able to carry out their usual daily activities, as well as the relationship between both their parents and peers being more distant. As such I have decided to conduct an investigation into the major cause and effects it has amongst teens and possible strategies that can be implemented to solve this social problem. . Her patience and guidance are greatly appreciated.


Social Studies

social studies sba on abortion

This caused them to be unemployed and nondependent. Tainos in Hispaniola also blocked inland rivers to make artificial fish ponds. In a number of cases, they did not intend to get the girl pregnant. Key terms such as Social Studies and environment will be defined. Introduction Abortion is the ending of pregnancy by removing a fetus or embryo before it can survive outside the uterus An abortion that occurs spontaneously is also known as a miscarriage. What are the causes of teenage pregnancy? Why are so many Jamaican teenagers sexually active? This is also a recommendation to resolve the problem of teenage pregnancy, making a difference in the society. I would also like to thank the students of gwen lizarraga high school and some of my family members for taking the time out of their busy schedule to reading and completing my survey question and also to my current social students teacher for providing me with her laptop while at school to type my survey questions.



social studies sba on abortion

In this novel we learn that Imaculee was a young girl when the genocide in Rwanda broke out. According to the chart, 30% of women went back school couple months after their pregnancy. Solutions This issue of teenage pregnancy has been around for a very long time, but is not an acceptable occurrence in most, if not all societies. It also allowed respondents to have a sense of privacy which it was hoped would encourage them to give honest answers. Sexual abuse is defined as unwanted sexual activity where perpetrators use force, make threats or take advantage of the victim not able to give consent.
