Socio cultural impacts of tourism development. Tourism And The Socio 2022-12-09

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Tourism development can have both positive and negative socio cultural impacts on a destination. On the positive side, tourism can bring economic benefits to a community, including job creation and an influx of financial resources. It can also help to preserve and promote local cultural heritage, as tourists may be interested in learning about and experiencing the unique customs, traditions, and history of the destination.

However, tourism development can also have negative socio cultural impacts. One potential issue is the loss of cultural authenticity, as the tourist industry may seek to present a sanitized or overly commercialized version of local culture. This can lead to the erosion of traditional practices and values, and may result in the displacement of local residents as the tourism industry expands.

Another potential negative impact is the exploitation of local labor. Tourism development often involves the creation of low-skilled, low-paying jobs, which may not provide workers with fair wages or working conditions. This can contribute to a cycle of poverty for local residents, and may lead to an influx of immigrants seeking work in the tourism industry.

Additionally, tourism development can put pressure on local resources, such as water, electricity, and transportation systems. This can lead to environmental degradation and resource depletion, which can have negative impacts on both the local community and the tourists themselves.

To mitigate these negative impacts, it is important for tourism development to be sustainable and responsible. This may involve working with local communities to ensure that the benefits of tourism are shared fairly, and taking steps to minimize the negative impacts on the environment and local culture. It may also involve promoting cultural exchange and understanding between tourists and local residents, rather than simply using local culture as a commodity to be consumed by tourists.

Overall, the socio cultural impacts of tourism development can be complex and multifaceted. While tourism can bring economic benefits and promote cultural exchange, it is important to carefully consider the potential negative impacts and take steps to ensure that tourism development is sustainable and responsible.

The Socio

socio cultural impacts of tourism development

Sustainable Tourism Development Planning Principles in Rural Areas. You may interested to read about c. Cultural Relations and International Co-Operation. The moral and standard set at the destination should be regarded highly. It has been generally accepted that tourism is, for the most part and with relatively few exceptions, beneficial to both generating and destination countries Holloway, 2009, p.


Social Cultural Impacts of Tourism

socio cultural impacts of tourism development

This has been made most evident in Zili Village. Know more about d. They sent money home and brought back gold and jewelry during holidays. The total population of Majianglong Village is more than 1,000, including approximately 500 community-dwelling people, 60 of whom work for the tourism industry. The three authors made substantial contributions to conception and design and participated in drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content.


Tourism And The Socio

socio cultural impacts of tourism development

Data Collection The research work was carried out in batches within four years. Key concepts of sustainable development and sustainable tourism, values and ethics of sustainable tourism and the needs of sustainability in all form of tourism shall be discussed in this essay. Exploitation of the local community by tourists is increasing day by day. Other factors are the type of contacts created and how tourism is regarded by the local community. Currently, following the expansion of tourism, people show more concern for fellow villagers and strive to jointly construct a harmonious residential community, and the larger the scale of tourism development is the more local people become concerned about their contribution to the community.


Socio Cultural Impact Of Tourism: Free Essay Example, 504 words

socio cultural impacts of tourism development

Essay On Impact Of Tourism 1076 Words 5 Pages Of course, the impacts of tourism on the country as well as the people in that country can be positive or negative. Developing a strategy for the Angkor world heritage site. At the same time in respect it would be considered unfortunate for tourism not to have some socio- cultural consequences on destinations; as a catalyst of development, tourism is usually promoted with the purpose of economic and social betterment. Such lifestyle differences might have an impact if the hosts copy, envy, or morally judge the tourists, or vice versa Pizam 1978, p. Tourism, Economic, Physical and Social Impacts; Longman: Harlow, UK, 1982.


Socio Cultural Impacts Of Tourism

socio cultural impacts of tourism development

However, as their income increased and their living conditions improved, the pursuit of materials became popular among local residents. The local handicrafts and emporiums get ample thrust with respect to the marketing support from tourism promoters both in the private and public sectors. During the last 30 years, national governments of developing countries with high levels of biological diversity have been considering tourism as a panacea to improve social and economic development. The main serious worry of travellers is the environment has been destroyed socially as well as culturally. In the name of life seeing e.



socio cultural impacts of tourism development

The host communities take pride in their cultural traditions. Funding The authors declare no conflict of interest. On the other hand, people from developing countries generally have a more relaxed attitude towards time, and are not as strict in keeping appointments. Learn More Ordinarily, most tourist-host interactions occur at the tourist destination region, when tourists purchase goods and services from local people, when tourists and local residents use the same facilities such as beaches, shops, restaurants, and other amenities and infrastructure, or when they purposefully meet to exchange ideas and information. Community participation in tourism at a world heritage site: Mutianyu Great Wall, Beijing, China. Worse still, the one and only restaurant can hardly remain in business.


Social and Cultural Impact of Tourism » Impact of Tourism

socio cultural impacts of tourism development

Research has shown that socio-cultural impacts are more likely to be experienced when the development of tourism is rapid and uncontrolled. Religion, Traditions, and Customs When tourists and hosts belonging to different religions come into contact with one another, there are likely to be shocks and new discoveries. Such differences can be a source of misunderstanding or even conflict between tourists and the host community. Instead, people lead a life of ease; some villagers even claim to be loungers. There was no reply until we promised that the worship of ancestors in their towers can be preserved, and they agreed eventually … An old man who settled abroad kept refusing, so I sent him a box of mooncake at Mid-Autumn Festival. Cultural artifacts and events woo the tourists and they take great interest in enjoying them.



socio cultural impacts of tourism development

Socio-culture impact of tourism Tourism is main sources of income for many countries. Tourism plays a signature role in promoting cultural relations and forging international co-operation. Tourism development of world heritage sites in China: A geographic perspective. National policy-makers for tourism in China. Selling antiques and souvenir articles to tourists is another source of income. Promotion of Cultural Values.
