Stalking research. Safe Horizon 2022-12-21

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Stalking is a serious and prevalent problem that affects people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. It is defined as a pattern of repeated and unwanted attention, harassment, contact, or any other behavior that causes fear or concern for one's safety or well-being. Stalking can take many forms, including physical, verbal, and online harassment, and it can have serious consequences for both the victim and the perpetrator.

Research on stalking has increased significantly in recent years, as policymakers and advocacy groups have recognized the importance of addressing this issue. Studies have shown that stalking can have a profound impact on the victim's mental and physical health, as well as their overall quality of life. Victims of stalking may experience fear, anxiety, depression, and a range of other psychological symptoms, as well as physical injuries and financial losses.

One key area of research on stalking has focused on the characteristics and motivations of stalkers. Studies have found that stalkers can be male or female, and they may have a variety of motivations for their behavior, including jealousy, obsession, revenge, or a desire for power and control. In some cases, stalkers may have a history of abuse or violence, and they may use stalking as a way to maintain control over their victims.

Another important area of research on stalking has focused on the effectiveness of interventions and prevention strategies. These studies have examined a range of approaches, including restraining orders, counseling and therapy, and education and awareness campaigns. Some research has found that these interventions can be effective at reducing stalking behavior and improving the safety and well-being of victims. However, other studies have suggested that these approaches may not be sufficient on their own, and that a more comprehensive and coordinated response is needed to address the complex issues surrounding stalking.

Overall, stalking research has helped to shed light on the prevalence, impacts, and dynamics of this complex and harmful behavior. It has also identified a number of promising interventions and prevention strategies that can help to reduce the incidence of stalking and support victims in seeking help and rebuilding their lives. While much work remains to be done, this research has contributed significantly to our understanding of stalking and the steps that can be taken to address it.


stalking research

Thus, it may be difficult to determine the most effective type of treatment or management for stalkers. Stalking-related fear, for both women and men, was associated with all of the outcome measures. The authors question whether we underestimate moderate violence by female stalkers and examine whether commonly held sociocultural beliefs may lead female perpetrators to justify their level of moderately violent behavior within the context of intimate partner stalking. While we may assume that aggressive stalking behaviors like vandalism, threats, and physical harm are more severe than showing up unexpectedly or repeated phone calls, the meaning and impact of these behaviors may be similar. Previously, legal remedies could be used only when the stalker had escalated to violence against the victim, which left many stalking victims without legal recourse. While there was a decrease in physical violence after police intervention for these victims, stalking behaviors lasted longer in both strength and frequency Melton, 2007. Because of injuries suffered during the stalking period, their functioning at work may also be impaired.


Current Research

stalking research

Stalking in America: Findings from the National Violence Against Women Survey. The Mental Health System and Stalking Before stalking was recognized as criminal, the official response to those who committed stalking was to address their behavior within the mental health system. Between 2012 and 2016, researchers at the Centre for Forensic Behavioural Science were involved in a project led by doctoral candidate Svenja Senkans to investigate this relationship further. Thus, a gender difference was still quite apparent when fear was a criterion. Previous perception research asked people to judge whether they believed a set of behaviors constitute stalking.


The impact of stalking

stalking research

What happens when the abuse turns on them? Sextortion perpetrators seek to feel powerful and in control of others, preying on children's needs for connection, affirmation, and acceptance. The original version of the SRAQ has since been used in research in the UK and Italy. Law enforcement personnel might not know how to differentiate stalking from domestic violence, especially when justice system representatives tend to rely on physical harm rather than psychological harm when assessing the seriousness of a situation Finch, 2001. Therefore, there is dissimilarity between some legal and clinical definitions of stalking. Many survivors report feeling pressure to stay in unhealthy or even abusive relationships due to pressures from family members or religious or cultural leaders.


Safe Horizon

stalking research

March 12, 2022 in Many survivors report feeling pressure to stay in unhealthy or even abusive relationships due to pressures from family members or religious or cultural leaders. Persistent communication, tracking, and threats lead the target to feel unsettled and on edge. Violence risk factors in stalking and obsessional harassment: A review and preliminary metaanalysis. A However, this belief that victims of intimate aggression are disproportionately female has been controversial see Archer, 2000. A Don't use plagiarized sources. These four steps will help with damage control.


Stalking (Forensic Psychology)

stalking research

In cases of heterosexual intimate partner stalking, male stalkers are seen as more serious, threatening, and injurious than female stalkers e. Though these orders may not fully stop an abuser from stalking or causing harm onto a victim, it does form an opportunity for the offender to be placed under arrest. In 2015 this research was expanded by undertaking an exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis of the full SRAQ to refine and determine the structure of the instrument, in addition to establishing construct and convergent reliability. Interest in stalking — both empirical and public — has increased substantially within the last decade see Figure 1. A The issue of whether men stalk more than women is subject to one of the problems that drive questions of victimization: which samples we study.


Stalking Research Paper

stalking research

We learn the minor details of their lives--from an early schooling, to first kiss, last divorce, drug problems, hopes and fears. Majority of stalking happen to women, but it still does happen to men. If the community perceives stalking in a manner different from the conception embodied in the legislation, then police resources may be misused, with stalking incidents reported that do not fit legislative requirements. However, witch hunts are not just a thing of the past, as modern day witch hunts are happening right now. Partner Abuse, 8 2 , 223-250 Senkans, S. The research reveals that men and women may seek legal assistance under different circumstances.


Issues of gender in stalking research

stalking research

They can respond to comments or messages. StillIn contrast, others find that men are more likely than women to threaten their victims Langhinrichsen-Rohling et al. What psycholegal research tells us about proscribing stalking. Many victims are such entangled in fear that they develop disorders such as eating disorders. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 31 1 , 9-36.


stalking research

Wayne and colleagues 2001; see also Wayne, 2000 have found that women harassing men were more likely to be found guilty than the inverse in a hostile work environment case. A Also examining perceptions of stalking cases, Cass and Rosay this issue explore how the incidenta case may make its way through the criminal justice system. HoweverIn sum, the most recent meta-analysis of stalking and unwanted pursuit found that 23. Further, all of these studies show that women are more likely to be stalked by a prior intimate than men, who are equally likely to be stalked by acquaintances or intimates. Overall, Spitzberg et al. Stalkers attending the Assessment in mid-2016: McEwan, T.
