Stem cell research outline. Stem Cell Research: Uses, Types & Examples 2022-12-14

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Stem cell research has the potential to revolutionize the field of medicine and has garnered significant attention and controversy in recent years. Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that have the ability to develop into any type of cell in the body. They are unique in that they can divide and replicate indefinitely, and have the ability to repair and regenerate damaged tissue.

There are two main types of stem cells: embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. Embryonic stem cells are derived from the inner cell mass of a blastocyst, a structure that forms in the early stages of embryonic development. These cells have the potential to differentiate into any type of cell in the body and are therefore considered to be pluripotent. Adult stem cells, on the other hand, are found in adult tissue and have a more limited ability to differentiate into different cell types.

Stem cell research has the potential to provide new treatments for a variety of diseases and conditions, including Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, spinal cord injuries, and diabetes. It may also be used to develop new methods for drug testing and to study the development of diseases.

However, stem cell research is not without controversy. One of the main controversies surrounding stem cell research is the ethical issue of using human embryos as a source of stem cells. Opponents of this practice argue that it is unethical to destroy human embryos, even for the purpose of scientific research. Supporters of stem cell research argue that the potential benefits to society outweigh the ethical concerns and that the embryos used in stem cell research are often leftover embryos that would be discarded anyway.

Another controversy surrounding stem cell research is the potential for stem cells to be used for reproductive cloning. While stem cell research is not the same as reproductive cloning, some people are concerned that the techniques used in stem cell research could potentially be used to create a cloned human being.

Despite the controversies, stem cell research continues to be an area of active investigation and has already led to the development of several new therapies. In the future, stem cell research has the potential to provide even more breakthroughs in the treatment of diseases and conditions that currently have no cure.

Stem Cell Research: An Outline

stem cell research outline

Stem cells have also been found in amniotic fluid. These new types of cells are called induced pluripotent stem cells iPSCs. They also could be multipotent stem cells, cells with the ability to self-divide and to develop into multiple specialized cell types, found in specific tissues or organs. Stem cells are cells which are usually in the earliest stages of life which allows them to be able to have the potential for development into many different types of specialized cells. This type of stem cell can be leukemia inhibitory factor LIF , a glycoprotein Mouse embryonic stem cells are widely used to create genetically modified mice. Stem cell field grew out of findings by Canadian scientists Ernest A.


Stem Cell Research Outline Free Essay Example

stem cell research outline

There is plenty of potential in the use of stem cells, but it is mostly speculation due to ethical issues. STEM CELL RESEARCH OUTLINE INTRO- I believe that if a woman chooses to terminate her pregnancy, she should have the choice whether to give the excreted tissue to scientific research. Bush In August 2001, former President George W. Characterized by the ability to renew themselves through mitotic cell division and differentiating into a diverse range of specialized cell types. Stem cell research is the study of growth, use, and termination of human embryos. However, if iPSCs have the potential to develop into a human embryo, researchers could theoretically create a clone of the donor. They remain in a quiescent or non-dividing state for years until activated by disease or tissu.


Stem Cell Research

stem cell research outline

There are two types of stem cells, embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. These cells can only serve a specific purpose in a particular organ. Since stem cells have the ability to turn into various other types of cells, scientists believe that they can be useful for treating and understanding diseases. For scientists, it represents a revolutionary path to discovering the causes and cures for many more human deficiencies. Stem cells are expected to be most useful in treating tough diseases that derive from problems with various genes and are often related to environmental causes. The Skeletal Muscle Stem Cell Research Stem cells are cells which are nonspecific and have the ability to both differentiate into specific cells and self-renew.


Stem Cell Research Outline

stem cell research outline

Scientists may be able to ease these concerns by using a new method that can turn adult stem cells into pluripotent stem cells, which can change into any cell type. This particular cell is unique in the fact that it can divide itself over and over virtually to an infinite number. Transition: Although the sciences of biomedical engineering is beneficial to people, it is still wrong in the eyes of the bible and many people. Extraction Methods A Bone marrow stem cells are extracted by needle and are taken from the iliac crest hip bone. They note that researchers receive consent from the donor couple whose eggs and sperm were used to create the embryo. History of stem cell research A. Stakeholders : Medical field professionals, patients, people in concern about such a procedure, fertility clinics IV.


Stem cell research outline for

stem cell research outline

These statements still hold truth today. Stem cells are cells found in most, if not all, multi-cellular organisms. Types of stem cells. One can define a stem cell as a cell type that is found in many tissues. A stem cell is uncommitted and remains that way, until it receives a signal to develop into a specialized cell, unlike a heart or muscle cell for example. What are stem cells? Greeting — Introduce members by name and inform of topic. Some argue it is better that fetus goes to better use Conclusion Just like any other agenda they both have their pros and cons, but it is our Job as a society to educate ourselves which of the two sides we stand on.


stem cell research outline

stem cell research outline

These types of cells 4 to 7 day old embryo are called embryonic stem cells that are unspecialized and have the ability to renew themselves and give rise to specialized cell types they have not yet developed into cells that perform a specific function. Greeting — Introduce members by name and inform of topic. CST 110: Group Persuasive Speech Outline Andrew, Rena, Eyrame, Xiao, Hyun Stem Cell Research Specific Goal: To persuade the audience that stem cell research is a viable medical breakthrough that they can choose to support. The process of cell differentiation A primary goal of research on embryonic stem cells is to learn how undifferentiated stem cells turn into differentiated stem cells that form specific tissues and organs. There are two main types of stem cells; the most common is embryotic cells and the other is an adult stem cell. How are they collected? There are thousands of people dying every year to these diseases, are stem cells ethical if it means saving lives? Stem cells offer the capability to develop into many different cell types in the body in the time of early life and growth.


Stem Cell Research Outline, Sample of Essays

stem cell research outline

Cord blood stem cells and amniotic fluid stem cells Cord blood stem cells are harvested from the umbilical cord after childbirth. Types of stem cells. An ethical solution has presented itself throughout all the fighting, lets take this discovery and put it to good use. So why would anyone object to research in this area? The embryonic stem cells provide long term effects rather than seemingly short compared to adult stem cells. This means they are capable for long-term self-renewal, meaning these cells can divide and renew themselves for very long periods of time. Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that can become any cell, such as but not limited to skin cells or brain cells.


Stem Cell Research Outline

stem cell research outline

Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that are able to develop into any type of cell in the body, therefore they are one of the major factors in healing the human body. Improved treatment for diseases and injuries such as these could give sizeable social benefits for individuals and significant economic gains for society as a whole. They can be frozen in cell banks for use in the future. Essentially they can grow these parts in Petri dishes, and later attach them to persons in need. We are living in an exciting new world where science allows for an organ to grow in a petri plate.


stem cell research outline

stem cell research outline

Embryonic stem cells are pluripotent, that is, they have the unique ability to develop into any 220 cell types in the human body. There have been great controversies regarding where stem cells are derived from; while some places are considered fine, others are considered highly immoral and inhumane. Stem cells grow in large quantities and they can self-renew and divide forever. If embryonic cells do not prove to successful in treatments, it would show the medical field what needs to be improved and what can be changed for better treatments. Scientists have tried for years to find stem cells because of their great medical value.
