Suggest some good topics for debate. Abortion 2022-12-29

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Debate is a valuable activity that can help people develop critical thinking skills, improve their public speaking abilities, and learn to express their opinions effectively. However, finding good topics for debate can be challenging, as it is important to choose topics that are relevant, interesting, and debatable. Here are some suggestions for good topics for debate:

  1. Climate change: This is a hot topic that has been making headlines for years. Some people believe that humans are largely responsible for climate change and that we need to take drastic action to reduce our carbon emissions. Others argue that the science behind climate change is uncertain and that we should be more cautious in our efforts to address it.

  2. Vaccines: Vaccines have been a controversial topic for decades, with some people arguing that they are necessary to protect public health and others claiming that they are dangerous and ineffective. This is a complex issue that touches on topics such as personal freedom, public health policy, and the role of science in decision-making.

  3. Gun control: The issue of gun control is highly divisive, with advocates arguing that stricter gun laws are necessary to reduce gun violence, while opponents argue that gun ownership is a fundamental right protected by the Constitution. This topic could be debated from a variety of angles, including the effectiveness of different types of gun control measures, the potential impact on public safety, and the balance between individual rights and the common good.

  4. Healthcare reform: Healthcare is a complex and controversial topic that has been the focus of much debate in recent years. Some people believe that the government should provide universal healthcare coverage, while others argue that this would be too expensive and that people should be responsible for their own healthcare expenses. This topic could be debated from a variety of perspectives, including the role of the government in healthcare, the impact on the economy, and the fairness of different healthcare systems.

  5. Immigration: Immigration is a controversial issue that has been a focus of much debate in recent years. Some people believe that immigration is good for the economy and that the United States should welcome immigrants from all countries. Others argue that immigration is a burden on the country and that we should limit the number of immigrants we allow into the country. This topic could be debated from a variety of angles, including the economic impact of immigration, the cultural and social effects of immigration, and the role of the government in regulating immigration.

Blood Pressure Chart & Numbers (Normal Range, Systolic, Diastolic)

suggest some good topics for debate

What is it like? The Lower Bounds of Cognition: What Do Spinal Cords Reveal? Do dolphins know their own minds? Vivisection was carried out by such ancient luminaries as Galen and there was a resurgence of the practice in early modern times Bertoloni Meli 2012. Gallup used these observations to develop a widely-replicated protocol that appears to allow a scientific determination of whether it is merely the mirror image per se that is the object of interest to the animal inspecting it, or whether it is the image qua proxy for the animal itself that is the object of interest. In fact, this page includes the end-notes which, for lack of space, do not appear in the magazine. These reviews also distinguish pain from distress and suffering see also Bermond 2001 , and the ILAR has divided what used to be a single report on recognition and alleviation of pain and distress into two separate reports, although the scientific investigation of distress is relatively rudimentary but see Dawkins 1985; Farah 2008. Therefore Josephus identified this James by reference to his famous brother Jesus. Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 3, 541—558.


Animal Consciousness (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

suggest some good topics for debate

Your claim is made without any evidence at all to support it, let alone ancient evidence that is relatively close in time to Jesus of Nazareth. The claimant needs to provide the evidence that their claim is indeed true and correct. Although the roots of careful observation and experimentation of the natural world go back to ancient times, study of animal behavior remained largely anecdotal until long after the scientific revolution. Is your blood pressure above the normal range, in either or both systolic and diastolic levels? Writing in 116 or 117 C. Pilate condemned him to be crucified and to die.


Consensus decision

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It is generally accepted that the mammalian pain system has both a sensory and an affective pathway, and that these can be dissociated to some degree both pharmacologically with morphine, e. Retrieved 7 August 2020. Meta-cognition in Animals: A Skeptical Look. Thanks again for your encouragement. Many scientists and philosophers believe that the groundwork has been laid for addressing at least some of the questions about animal consciousness in a philosophically sophisticated yet empirically tractable way. They reported that he had appeared to them three days after his crucifixion and that he was alive; accordingly, he was perhaps the Messiah concerning whom the prophets have recounted wonders. Here is the remainder: Around this time there lived Jesus, a wise man.


Did Jesus Exist? Searching for Evidence Beyond the Bible

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What is it like to be a bat? Natural Theories of Consciousness. They also testified boldly when on trial and preached openly despite the prospect of painful punishment, which in fact they received, reportedly without regret. The True Word this title is also translated as The True Doctrine, or The True Discourse, or The True Account, etc. Descartes dismissed parrots vocalizing human words because he thought it was merely meaningless repetition. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. It is often argued that the use of animals to model neuropsychiatric disorders presupposes convergence of emotional and other conscious states and further refinements of those models may strengthen the argument for attributing such states to animals.



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The result of this reduced commitment, according to many consensus proponents, is potentially less willingness to defend or act upon the decision. And even those accounts that are compatible with animal in their general outline, are not specific enough to permit ready answers to the Distribution Question in its full generality. Allot of Christianity is based on Paul, where is he? In the same vein of instinct vs. Chrestos, a common name given to slaves by their Roman masters, appears in early manuscripts of the Annals, by the Roman historian Tacitus—not in the New Testament. The BAS DVD THE TESTIMONY OF JOSEPHUS.


suggest some good topics for debate

Kanzi: The Ape at the Brink of the Human Mind. However, without DNA traces of all his family, we will never be able to confirm it at 100%. Higher-order thoughts, animal consciousness, and misrepresentation: A reply to Carruthers and Levine. Neurological similarities between humans and other animals have been taken to suggest commonality of conscious experience; all mammals share the same basic brain anatomy, and much is shared with vertebrates more generally. By the mid-1700s, based on textual evidence, scholarly opinion had rejected the authenticity of the Testimonium Flavianum and the controversy largely ended for over two centuries.


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As well as generic arguments about the connections among consciousness, neural activity, and behavior, a considerable amount of scientific research directed towards understanding particular conscious states uses animals as proxies for humans. There are additional daunting challenges to addressing questions of consciousness outside the vertebrate lineage, given the radical differences between vertebrates and invertebrates with respect to anatomy and physiology. Your second sentence is not related to the article, but a reply is possible. The omitted words indicated by the ellipsis … are in Greek, to let scholars know what words are translated into English. Retrieved 17 January 2007.


suggest some good topics for debate

Furthermore, except for some language-related work with parrots and dolphins, such approaches are generally limited to those animals most like ourselves, particularly the great apes. Further evaluation of this argument will be taken up further below, but it is worth noting here that if as experiments on the attribution of false beliefs suggest young children before the age of four years typically lack a theory of mind, Carruthers' view entails that they are not sentient either — fear of needles notwithstanding! Following up on Lycan's suggestion of degrees of richness or fullness, one might ask what graded dimensions or qualitative thresholds might be available to distinguish different kinds of minds? Some consider all unanimity a form of groupthink, and some experts propose "coding systems. In contrast, this article treats an area that has already been thoroughly researched, so I have gleaned material from the best results previously obtained may the reader pardon the many quotations. Reviews in Fisheries Science, 10, 1—38. New York: Oxford University Press. Do chimpanzees know what conspecifics know? Archived from PDF on 14 March 2012. The Biblical Archaeology Society has already made most or practically all of the factual content of the article available above on this page, and it is freely accessible by anyone who has Internet access.
