Terrorism cannot be justified essay. Can Terrorism Be Justified 2023-01-03

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Terrorism is the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political or ideological goals. It is a tactic that has been employed by various groups throughout history, and it continues to be a major concern in the modern world. Despite the motivations that may drive individuals or organizations to engage in terrorism, it is a tactic that can never be justified.

One of the fundamental problems with terrorism is that it violates the basic principles of human rights and international law. The use of violence to achieve political or ideological objectives is a blatant violation of the right to life and security of persons. It also violates the principles of non-violent conflict resolution, as it seeks to achieve goals through the use of force rather than through dialogue and negotiation.

In addition to violating basic human rights, terrorism is also ineffective as a means of achieving political or ideological goals. It is often counterproductive, as it tends to generate fear and mistrust among the general population, and it often leads to a backlash against the group or ideology that is being promoted. This can further polarize and divide societies, making it more difficult to achieve the goals that the terrorists are trying to promote.

Furthermore, terrorism often causes significant harm to innocent people. The use of indiscriminate violence can result in the deaths and injuries of innocent bystanders, as well as the destruction of property and infrastructure. This can have long-lasting effects on individuals, families, and communities, and it can contribute to further violence and conflict.

In conclusion, terrorism cannot be justified under any circumstances. It is a tactic that violates basic human rights, is ineffective as a means of achieving goals, and causes significant harm to innocent people. It is essential that we work together to combat terrorism and promote non-violent conflict resolution in order to create a more peaceful and just world.

Research Essay: Can Terrorism Ever Be Justified?

terrorism cannot be justified essay

Unless, we have a belief so strong, we are willing to go to any length to protect or enforce it, we must accept that there actions are justified by their situation and beliefs in many cases. A dramatic increase of the occurrence and severity of terrorism attacks is leaving effects on the world community as well as our Australian country, but terrorism is something we as country should not live in fear from. It might be just a song but can you really answer that question? Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. The attempts towards preventing terrorism and enhancing homeland security in the United. Farnham, Surrey, England: Ashgate.


Can Torture Of Terrorist Suspects Be Justified?

terrorism cannot be justified essay

Government and two from academic scholars. Another major fault noted by Saul 2004:1 is the threshold of anticipated harm in which he seeks to question how many lives justify torture. But he still acknowledges that very rare cases of actual ticking bomb scenarios have ever taken place. Such cases have been witnessed in France, Russia, Italy and South Africa. Political, economic and social causes can be identified for the mushrooming of terrorist groups. This paper discusses whether the act of terrorism is justified or not.


Terrorism Cannot Be Justified Essays

terrorism cannot be justified essay

In addition, the supreme emergency must be accounted for. Terrorism tears families apart and causes immense grief and anger amongst normal people. Terrorist activities overlook conventional distinctions of person and place while guerrilla warfare is genuine warfare is genuine warfare against a stated enemy. Apart from that, a large number of people also joins terrorism owing to their religious beliefs. The terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon scarred America by killing thousands of innocent citizens, tearing apart families, and highlighting how vulnerable we are to random acts of violence.


Can terrorism ever be justified?

terrorism cannot be justified essay

Economic Consequences It is generally a habit of the terrorist groups to target international powers in order to make their Words: 998 Length: 3 Pages Topic: Terrorism Paper : 8042256 Terrorism, during its long violent history, has been used as a means of intimidation and aggression. In the case of the massacre Brown and his group of men attacked those who were pro slavery and saw his views as radical. They wanted tourists not to come, people to be scared, terrorized. However, in situations where terrorism is used to prevent more harm, it can be justified. . The terrorist even holds the innocents punishable for their crime of ignoring him and his causes.


Terrorism cannot be justified essay Essay Example

terrorism cannot be justified essay

These latter types occur when governments turn on their own citizens, or try to stir up trouble among the citizenry of another nation. Though returning to a complete ban, the legal repercussions for potential torturers are able to act as a deterrent. Fighting words are punishable if they are likely to incite an ordinary citizen to take immediate physical retaliation. On the other hand, Pacifism looks at terrorism as an immoral and like in the case of political realism; it approves the use of any form of violence in fighting terrorists. In its narrow definition only violent acts or threats of violent acts committed by nongovernmental groups or individuals are considered to be terrorism, but in the broader context governments have been known to commit terrorism as well Terrorism may include political assassinations, violent political revolutions, hijackings, skyjackings, and bombings.


Can Terrorism Be Justified

terrorism cannot be justified essay

By torturing a captive, we are treating him as a means only towards the acquisition of information as he is definitely not being treated in a way to which he would consent. Individuals have used terrorism used for centuries as a weapon of change. In February 2005, the Central Intelligence Agency CIA began to worry openly about the problem. . . When examined, however, it can be found that terrorists often have the same root causations and moral substantiations of their positions as do states. As a result, Jehl 2005 believes that the Bush administration finds itself holding some suspects who clearly have joined terrorist conspiracies and might have been criminally convicted and subjected to long prison terms, but against whom prosecution has become unfeasible.



terrorism cannot be justified essay

The convention states categorically that there will be no circumstances — peace time, war time, or even war against terror where torture would be permissible. This may seem to be the same with torture used by an illiberal state to extract confession but the fundamental variation lies in the reality that confession is retrospective as it concentrates on acts of the past while intelligence gathering is futuristic as it aims to gain information to avert prospect evils. Therefore, if terrorism is used to achieve these goals, there is no reason as to why it cannot be justified. . One reason is described by Schmidt-Leukel, in which the conquered party will always have a hatred for their conquerors, and as a result will look for revenge Not only this, if the terrorists and their ideologies are not fully accepted then it can not be seen as successful. A definition of terrorism is hard to put forth, mainly because it depends on which side the definition comes from.


Can Terrorism Be Justified Essay

terrorism cannot be justified essay

This means terrorism may not be well justified because commonly it is ideally created based on specific ideologies and principles in life. It might be just a song but can you really answer that question? Terrorism: A Critique Of Excuses 1055 Words 5 Pages In the Ethical Life, by Russ Shafer-Landau, chapters written by Michael Walzer and Alan Dershowitz express their knowledge and opinions on the topics of terrorism and torture. Terrorism simply does not work. . For example, ISIS is a terrorist organization that have cause many lives and pain. Terrorism cannot be justified, because it is nearly at all times the case that violent acts of intimidation are carried out by people who do not stand for the majority of society.


Terrorism Isn’t and Can Never Be Justified Essay Example

terrorism cannot be justified essay

The 1997 International Convention for the suppression of Terrorist Bombings followed that analysis and made it a criminal offence to attack a government structure or facility, a public place or a state with the aim of causing death or damage. Cause And Effect Of Terrorism Essay 705 Words 3 Pages Terrorism causes fear all across the world. It is ethically wrong. . In my opinion terrorism cannot be justified.


Can Terrorism Ever Be Justified Analysis

terrorism cannot be justified essay

Cultural Relativism In Social Media 2321 Words 10 Pages No one can say if someone else is right or wrong, it is a matter of personal opinion and no society can pass judgement on another society. The horrific attacks only have opposite effects. Schmidt and Youngman in their book Political Terrorism is now a well established feature of world politics and conflict. Some will counter it, some will openly justify it, and others will secretly go along with it providing that it is not sadistic and serves a useful, although unheralded, early-warning function in the war on terrorism. A system of terror. I want life, not death; peace, not war; multiculture, not monoculture. I believe the analysts that are reluctant to consider root causes would rather use military action instead of another logical means of preventing terrorism.
