The biology of prenatal development. The Biology of Prenatal Development DVD 2022-12-15

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Prenatal development refers to the process of growth and development of an embryo and fetus inside the mother's womb from the time of fertilization until birth. It is an essential and complex process that involves a series of intricate and interrelated events that ultimately shape the development of an individual.

The process of prenatal development begins with fertilization, which is the union of a sperm and an egg. Once fertilized, the egg begins to divide and form a zygote, which is the earliest stage of development. As the zygote travels down the fallopian tube, it begins to divide and form a ball of cells called a blastomere. The blastomere then begins to differentiate into two types of cells: the inner cell mass, which will eventually form the embryo, and the outer cell layer, which will eventually form the placenta.

As the embryo continues to develop, it begins to take on a more recognizable form. The head and the neural tube, which will eventually form the brain and spinal cord, begin to form. The heart also begins to form and starts beating around the fifth week of development. By the eighth week, all of the major organ systems have begun to form and the embryo is now called a fetus.

Throughout the remainder of pregnancy, the fetus continues to grow and develop, with the major organs and systems continuing to mature. The fetus also begins to move and respond to stimuli, and can even hear sounds from the outside world. As the pregnancy nears its end, the fetus begins to assume the position it will be in at birth, with its head facing downward in preparation for delivery.

Prenatal development is a complex and dynamic process that requires the coordination and integration of numerous biological processes. It is influenced by a variety of factors, including genetics, nutrition, and environmental exposures, all of which can have lasting effects on the health and development of the individual.

Overall, the biology of prenatal development is a fascinating and essential process that plays a crucial role in shaping the development of an individual. Understanding the biology of prenatal development can not only help us better understand the complex process of human development, but it can also help us identify potential risks and intervene to promote healthy development.

Stages of Prenatal Development

the biology of prenatal development

Researchers estimate that approximately 60% of all natural conceptions never become properly implanted in the uterus, which results in the new life ending before the mother is ever aware she is pregnant. The embryonic stage plays an important role in the development of the brain. If the fetus is not born prematurely, major organs and muscles continue to grow in the third month of development. Burke shows how repressed feelings may be acted out through self-destructive behavior, broken relationships, obsessions, eating disorders, parenting difficulties and other emotional or behavioral problems. Prematurely Born Babies Once the babies are at the age of viability, they can survive if born prematurely - not all do, but they now have a chance. During this time, cells divide continually and create more and more tissue.


Prenatal Development: Definition & Stages

the biology of prenatal development

Third Trimester The third trimester of prenatal development is almost all about growth. From the beginning of the third trimester all the way up to 36 weeks, the baby has a chance at surviving if born early. During this trimester of prenatal development, the embryo is especially sensitive to any environmental toxins or chemicals that the mother comes in contact with. During the third month of gestation, the sex organs begin to differentiate. By the end of this trimester, the baby is considered almost fully developed. Gametogenesis happens when an adult body creates gametes for reproduction. Cystic Fibrosis Babies are born with cystic fibrosis due to a mutation in one of their genes, requiring that both parents possess this gene for them to have a baby with cystic fibrosis.


Biology of Prenatal Development Flashcards

the biology of prenatal development

Introducing the Multilingual Illustrated DVD Explore the fascinating imagery and facts presented in The Biology of Prenatal Development at your own pace. If the mother has AIDS, she can pass it on to her baby. In fact, babies delivered at only week 24 still have a 50% chance of surviving if given the proper treatment for a premature baby. This ball needs to implant onto the wall of the uterus if it is to survive. Down Syndrome Infants born with down syndrome have an extra chromosome, chromosome 21, which attached itself during the conception of the zygote.


The Biology of Prenatal Development Video Project

the biology of prenatal development

This is especially true after implantation, when the small embryo begins to receive nutrients from the mother. A considerable amount of brain development takes place postnatally, including growing in size and volume while changing in structure. The process is shown in the image below. After these first two weeks, the developing zygote enters the embryonic phase. The Biology of Prenatal Developmentis a video project we have been involved in for many years. Since the mother is creating life, it is essential that she does not ingest any substance that would harm the baby in addition to existing in a less stressful environment.


Priests for Life Online Store. The Biology of Prenatal Development DVD

the biology of prenatal development

Use the form below to let us know that you want to get on board, and help us change hearts and minds by showing this video in every school, pregnancy center and Church across America. Any harmful substance that the mother uses goes through her blood, the placenta, the umbilical cord, and to the baby. As soon as the embryo enters this period, it becomes a fetus and remains one until delivered. At the beginning of this phase, the fetus can react to touch and begins to move its fingers. Germinal Phase of Development The germinal phase includes the fertilization of the egg and continual cell division from a couple of cells to a couple of hundreds.


Biology of Prenatal Development Video Flashcards

the biology of prenatal development

Each clip from the program is accompanied by its corresponding written script. During this time all of the organ systems advance. It is a key ingredient in EHD's curriculum intended to enhance the effectiveness of prenatal care, health science education, and efforts to prevent the use of harmful substances during pregnancy. If you can help call us at 1-888-735-3448. The body grows larger and systems begin to function.


The Biology of Prenatal Development

the biology of prenatal development

Click here to learn more about this video. Mothers who become pregnant before the age of 18 and after 35 are at a higher risk of giving birth to a baby with down syndrome. This cycle starts with the release of an egg, or oocyte, from the ovaries into the fallopian tube. The embryonic development period lasts from the second to the eighth week. Most of the body is sensitive to light touch and there are now fat deposits in the cheeks, abdomen, back, and shoulders. The external body structures, such as the eyes and ears, begin to take shape by weeks five to eight.


The Biology of Prenatal Development

the biology of prenatal development

However, it has not been widely promoted in the pro-life movement because the strategy has been to allow the video to develop strong secular credentials. We intend to distribute this video to every pregnancy center, every school, and every Church in America and we need your help! Stages of Prenatal Development The following text describes in detail three major prenatal developmental phases. A "full screen" option is also available by clicking the button. . The fetus begins to store up large amounts of fat all over the body.
