The causes and effects of smoking. Causes and Effects of Smoking 2022-12-08

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Smoking is the act of inhaling and exhaling the smoke of burning tobacco, which is typically contained in cigarettes, pipes, or cigars. It is a widespread and highly addictive behavior that has significant negative consequences for both the individual smoker and society as a whole. In this essay, we will explore the causes and effects of smoking, with a focus on the harmful effects of tobacco use on human health.

There are several factors that can contribute to an individual's decision to start smoking. One of the most common causes is peer pressure, as young people may feel pressure from friends or social groups to conform to certain behaviors or standards. Additionally, tobacco companies often use advertising and marketing tactics to appeal to young people, promoting smoking as a fashionable or cool activity. Some people may also turn to smoking as a way to cope with stress or other negative emotions, although it is ultimately an unhealthy and ineffective coping mechanism.

The effects of smoking on human health are well-documented and significant. The smoke from tobacco contains a variety of harmful chemicals, including nicotine, tar, and carbon monoxide, which can damage the body's organs and systems. Smoking can cause numerous health problems, including lung cancer, emphysema, and heart disease. It can also lead to a range of respiratory issues, such as coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath.

In addition to the negative effects on individual health, smoking also has significant impacts on society. It is a leading cause of preventable death and disease, resulting in billions of dollars in healthcare costs each year. Secondhand smoke, which is the smoke inhaled by people in the presence of a smoker, can also be harmful to non-smoking individuals, particularly children and the elderly.

Quitting smoking is not easy, but it is possible, and it can greatly improve an individual's health and quality of life. There are a variety of resources and treatments available to help people quit smoking, including nicotine replacement therapy, prescription medications, and support groups.

In conclusion, smoking is a harmful and addictive behavior that has significant negative consequences for both the individual smoker and society as a whole. The best way to protect oneself and others from the harmful effects of tobacco is to avoid smoking altogether, or to seek help in quitting if you are already a smoker.

Causes and Effects of Smoking

the causes and effects of smoking

Normally, in all the cigarettes, pipes, cigars, and the rest of the varieties, there will be the usage of tobacco products. In other words, this harmful addiction leads to the harming of their loved …show more content… Wherever you go, someone is smoking for their own personal reason. Types of Smokers There are types of smokers, where it will cause ill effects on other environmental kinds of stuff. Women who smoke tobacco disproportionately suffer from even more health problems as it directly harms not only their reproductive health but also their mortality and morbidity rates of their progeny or future children American Lung Association, n. A weak immune system will prone to infections very easily. It does not benefit anyone in any way. Learn more about the symptoms and overall effects of smoking on the body below.


Cause and Effects of Smoking Cigarettes, Essay Example

the causes and effects of smoking

A cause effect essay The causes and effects of smoking among students Smoking is one of the most dangerous widespread phenomena that threatens lives of a huge number of people worldwide. Nicotine patches, nicotine gum and nicotine lozenges are available over the counter, and a nicotine nasal spray and inhaler are currently available by prescription. If the person smoking has asthma, the tobacco smoke can trigger an attack. Passive smokers are also those who are referred to the ones that inhale the second-hand; smoke from the burning from the cigarette end and smoke breathed by the smoker. Manufacturers need workers and by providing job to the unemployed is a good sign of progress. Public smoking on the other hand has made many businesses to suffer directly or indirectly due to the loss of customers especially in establishments like hotels which encourage smoking in their premises.


Health Effects of Smoking

the causes and effects of smoking

Teen Smoking: Understanding the Risk. Because of the problems at Home, teenagers may start smoking as a sign of resentment. Noticeably, smoking is always perceived as a negative habit based on debates and discussion over the radio, on television or other social media. Moreover, do you know that 95 per cent filter of cigarette made of plastic cellulose acetate? Not only would they start to smoke but once they take that first puff, they do not know that in about five years, they will still be Essay On Negative Effects Of Smoking All these problems comes from a simple symptom, addiction. When smokers are tired, they opt to smoke in order to receive the stimulating effects from cigarettes. Although the Centers for Disease Control CDC report that teen smoking is down since the 1990s, the problem has remained relatively stable throughout the 2000s.


Causes and Effects of Smoking, Sample of Essays

the causes and effects of smoking

They often tire quickly during physical activity. One of the effects of smoking is financial issues; smokers spend the large amount of money just to satisfy their urge in smoking. The sooner you quit smoking, the more you have the confidence that the risk of getting cancer will be lessened or if you have some serious diseases it is possible that it will heal faster because of quitting smoking. Psychological causes There are various psychological reasons that can lead to smoking. Smoking is associated with a feeling of euphoria, calmness as well as a perception of performance enhancement. Smoking is highly attributed with narrowing of the blood-vessels which subsequently trigger high blood pressure and stroke.


Essay About Cause And Effect Of Smoking

the causes and effects of smoking

Over time, this damage leads to a variety of problems. Bonnie VanDenBerg of Ireton, Iowa shared with me what life was like while smoking and what it was like after quitting. Maybe 2 in 3 teen smokers want to stop smoking because of the problems they have right now. So, asthma, bronchitis, and emphysema are always a lingering threat. Hence nicotine increases the reaction time of the smoking individual. Do you want your children to experience early deaths? Children whose parents smoke are more prone to coughing, wheezing, and Smoking damages your entire cardiovascular system.


Cause of Smoking

the causes and effects of smoking

A liquid is filled in the cavity and the electronic cigarette is charged and when a person puffs it, the liquid heats up and the smoke goes through his lungs into the blood. Recent researches have shown that those who do not smoke are at risk of being exposed to the same carcinogens which are cancer causing as those who are active smokers and they smoke in public settings. When the arteries wall becomes weaker, it has bulged and this condition is called an aneurysm. Furthermore, the more you are around smoker the higher instance of having smoking-related disease. This applies to both smoking, and alcohol addiction.


Causes of smoking

the causes and effects of smoking

Neverless, it has been declining due to the rise on taxes and the promotions to cut down tabacco use advetisement. The following are the few lists of diseases that are caused by smoking. Department of Health and Human Services. The side effects of tobacco will slowly change everything and draw you to death. They utilize manures to make the dirt rich and bug sprays to slaughter the creepy crawlies that eat the tobacco plant.


The Causes And Effects Of Smoking

the causes and effects of smoking

The main reason of teen smoking is the Peer Influence. Some people assert that smoking is individual right so that they can smoke on campus while many others argue that smoking on campus is not only related to their own health issue but also influence other non-smokers and environment. Medical studies proved that smoking can cause several diseases and in most cases, fatal to the human body. Many states require documentation on birth certificates of maternal tobacco consumption Woolbright, 1994. Smoking caused great damages to the health of the individuals and the entire humanity. Statistics show that other obstetric complications directly linked to smoking, including spontaneous abortions, premature rupture of membranes, ectopic pregnancies, and complications related to the placenta.
