The cutting of my long hair by zitkala sa summary. Memories of Childhood Summary Class 12 Vistas English 2023-01-06

The cutting of my long hair by zitkala sa summary Rating: 6,8/10 213 reviews

"The Cutting of My Long Hair" is a short story by Zitkala-Sa, a Native American writer and activist. The story is a poignant and powerful reflection on the cultural assimilation and loss of identity experienced by Native American people, particularly women, during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

In the story, Zitkala-Sa describes her experience as a young girl attending a government-run boarding school for Native American children. At the school, the students were required to cut their long hair, a symbol of their traditional culture and identity. For Zitkala-Sa, this was a deeply painful and traumatic experience, as she felt that by cutting her hair, she was being forced to abandon her cultural heritage and embrace a foreign, Western way of life.

Despite her reluctance and sadness, Zitkala-Sa ultimately complied with the school's demand to cut her hair. However, she did so with a deep sense of loss and grief, feeling as though she had been robbed of a fundamental part of her identity.

Throughout the story, Zitkala-Sa uses vivid and emotive language to convey the sense of loss and betrayal that she felt as a result of the cutting of her hair. She writes of the "grief that gnawed at my heart" and the "bitter tears" that she shed as she cut her hair. These powerful descriptions serve to underscore the deep sense of loss and cultural displacement that many Native American people experienced during this time.

In conclusion, "The Cutting of My Long Hair" is a poignant and powerful reflection on the cultural assimilation and loss of identity experienced by Native American people, particularly women, during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Through her evocative language and personal narrative, Zitkala-Sa conveys the deep sense of loss and cultural displacement that many Native American people experienced during this time.


the cutting of my long hair by zitkala sa summary

Many people tried to befriend her. This extract is a painful revelation of a particular period of the life which the writer had to suffer during her hostel days. I did not appreciate his kindly interest, for there was an unrest gnawing at my heart. After my concluding words, I heard the same applause that the others had called out. And though my spirit tore itself in struggling for its lost freedom, all was useless. As they were going to the dining room, the boys came from the opposite door.


Memories of Childhood Summary in English by Zitkala

the cutting of my long hair by zitkala sa summary

In the beginning going to school for Indian children meant listening to stories told by tribal elders, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and storytellers. On the other hand, the city people get attracted by her innocent beauty and the pendant in her neck. One day she saw in her street, a threshing floor set up in the corner. In the summary of childhood memories, Zitkala Sa and Bama looked back and narrated the extracts of childhood, which reflects the relationship with the existing culture. He advised her to surpass this inequality through education.


Memories of Childhood Summary Class 12 English

the cutting of my long hair by zitkala sa summary

Soon she was found under the bed and was pulled out of it. These people believed that people of lower caste should not touch them. Judewin was of a view that they should agree to what the authorities wanted to as they were strong then these two girls but the author was not ready for it and so she decided to go against the school authorities. He was one of the sharecroppers of Champaran, who had come to appeal against the injustice of the landlord system in Bihar. The next bell ranged and all the others seated themselves.


“The School Days of an Indian Girl” by Zitkala

the cutting of my long hair by zitkala sa summary

She felt as if she had lost her spirit and stopped struggling anymore. I fell asleep, heaving deep, tired sobs. Along the hall I passed, without knowing whither I was going. Top About the Author — The Cutting of My Long Hair Gertrude Simmons Bonnin, born in 1876, was an extraordinarily talented and educated Native American woman who struggled and triumphed in a time when severe prejudice prevailed towards Native American culture and women. My mother had never gone inside of a schoolhouse, and so she was not capable of comforting her daughter who could read and write.


Memories of Childhood Class 12 English Chapter 8 Explanation

the cutting of my long hair by zitkala sa summary

He could not touch food as the landlord believed that they were from a high caste and would get polluted if they touched him. Bama is the pen-name of a Tamil Dalit woman from a Roman Catholic family. They should not do petty jobs for them. A paleface woman, with white hair, came up after them. The room was filled with sudden light. She describes that they were the Indian girls who were wearing hard shoes and tight dresses. Jude win knew a few words of English; and she had overheard the paleface woman talk about cutting our long, heavy hair.


Story Summary: The Cutting of My Long Hair by ZITKALA

the cutting of my long hair by zitkala sa summary

His house was located on the sea-coast where he had spent his childhood. Memories of childhood explanation recount both excerpts showing resistance and rigidity developed in both females who went through the cruel social differences during their juvenility. People come searching for her and drags her out and finally she has had her hair cut short. Though we rode several days inside of the iron horse, I do not recall a single thing about our luncheons. Speeches by leaders of political parties, street plays, puppet show, stunt performances or some other entertainment happened from time to time.


Memories of Childhood Summary Class 12 Vistas English

the cutting of my long hair by zitkala sa summary

Later, the decision of the judges awarded me the first place. She pulled her chair out and set on it. Their people were driving cattle in pairs round and round to crush the grain from straw. However, soon she heard footsteps and loud voice in the hall, calling out her name. But all the others hung their heads over their plates. She hides herself under a bed in some room upstairs.


Memories of Childhood Summary

the cutting of my long hair by zitkala sa summary

She hid under a bed present in an empty dark hall, windows covered by green curtains. THE ENEMY - Pearl S. But there was one more terrible thing that her friend Judewin told her. It was devised to teach Euro American ways and history instead of native American culture. In her anguish she mourned for her mother but no one came to comfort her. Though in the hall loud voices were calling my name, and I knew that even Judéwin was searching for me, I did not open my mouth to answer.
