The devil and daniel webster play. The Devil and Daniel Webster 2022-12-23

The devil and daniel webster play Rating: 4,5/10 1439 reviews

The Devil and Daniel Webster is a play written by Stephen Vincent Benét in 1937. It is a retelling of the classic American folktale "The Devil and Daniel Webster," which tells the story of a man named Daniel Webster who makes a deal with the Devil in exchange for success and wealth.

In the play, Daniel Webster is a successful lawyer and politician who is approached by the Devil, who goes by the name Mr. Scratch. Mr. Scratch offers to make Webster rich and powerful in exchange for his soul. Webster initially resists the temptation, but eventually agrees to the deal.

As Webster becomes more successful, he begins to neglect his family and his principles. He becomes corrupt and ruthless, doing whatever it takes to win cases and advance his own interests. Eventually, he realizes the error of his ways and seeks to repent for his actions.

The play explores themes of temptation, greed, and the dangers of making deals with the Devil. It also serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of power and the importance of staying true to one's values.

Overall, The Devil and Daniel Webster is a thought-provoking and entertaining play that delves into the timeless themes of temptation and the corrupting influence of power. Its portrayal of the Devil as a clever and manipulative figure adds an interesting twist to the traditional folktale, and its message about the importance of staying true to one's values is as relevant today as it was when the play was first written.

The Devil and Daniel Webster

the devil and daniel webster play

They said, when he stood up to speak, stars and stripes came right out in the sky, and once he spoke against a river and made it sink into the ground. And of course the devil takes him up on it. Scratch, but as he is ejected, the fiend promises that Webster will never fulfill his ambition to become president. He was carrying a box under his arm—a black, japanned box with little air holes in the lid. He was talking about the things that make a country a country, and a man a man. The chickens he raised were all white meat down through the drumsticks, the cows were tended like children, and the big ram he called Goliath had horns with a curl like a morning-glory vine and could butt through an iron door.


The Devil and Daniel Webster (film)

the devil and daniel webster play

He'd been contented enough, the first few years. The end of the play was very interesting to me and I would recommend this play for anyone to read. You can't tell me he is! Scratch admits that the United States will remain united after the war. That was the kind of man he was, and his big farm up at Marshfield was suitable to him. I'd kind of like to turn you loose in his field and see what he'd do.


Devil And Daniel Webster

the devil and daniel webster play

Throughout his life, Paganini was frequently criticized for his extravagant lifestyle as well as his neglect of his family and wife. He didn't care any more what happened to Jabez Stone. Till, finally, he can't bear it any longer, and, in the last days of the last year, he hitches his horse and drives off to seek Dan'l Webster. Thest two stories were alike in very few ways, and different in many. And then he began to speak. Dance has always been associated with the Devil, according to many writers.


"Sunday Showcase" The Devil and Daniel Webster (TV Episode 1960)

the devil and daniel webster play

King Philip was there, wild and proud as he had been in life, with the great gash in his head that gave him his death wound, and cruel Governor Dale, who broke men on the wheel. But till you make a bargain like that, you've got no idea of how fast four years can run. But, in your case, as I was saying—" "Put that handkerchief away! His incredible technique and Caprices have drawn many to him. Webster, the most renowned lawyer in the country, agrees to take his case. After that Scratch refuses an extension.


The Devil And Daniel Webster: A Legend About Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

the devil and daniel webster play

It's a very pretty property you've got here, Mr. It goes poorly for Webster, since Stone's signature and the contract are clear, and Mr. The wound healed clean, but it left a little white scar. Scratch will not compromise. Scratch agrees after Webster says that he can select the judge and jury, "so long as it is an American judge and an American jury. The Bishop of Nice did not permit him to be buried in consecrated ground. Niccol Paganini was born on October 27, 1782, in Genoa, Italy.


Devil and Daniel Webster

the devil and daniel webster play

Till, finally, it was time for him to get up on his feet, and he did so, all ready to bust out with lightnings and denunciations. If Jabez Stone had been sick with terror before, he was blind with terror now. It was something that looked like a moth, but it wasn't a moth. Stone is an American citizen, and no American citizen may be forced into the service of a foreign prince. For Webster, freedom and independence defines manhood: "Yes, even in hell, if a man was a man, you'd know it. He finally says, "it's enough to make a man want to sell his soul to the devil! But he knew he'd done a miracle. There's some folks bound to be like that, apparently.


The Devil and Daniel Webster

the devil and daniel webster play

Liz Jennings Period 7 Play Analysis - Devil and Daniel Webster 1. He offered to compromise the case; the stranger wouldn't hear of it. He didn't care if it was contempt of court or what would happen to him for it. Daniel Webster is one of Jabez's neighbors and friends, he is trying to help Jabez get his soul back. She bewitches Jabez, driving a wedge between Mary and himself. He, too, had signed a pact with Mr. The Devil and Daniel Webster, reducing the running time to 85 minutes with edits that were crudely done.


the devil and daniel webster play

He read it in the glitter of their eyes and in the way the stranger hid his mouth with one hand. III It was early in the morning when he got to Marshfield, but Dan'l was up already, talking Latin to the farm hands and wrestling with the ram, Goliath, and trying out a new trotter and working up speeches to make against John C. And he hasn't been seen in the state of New Hampshire from that day to this. Jabez Stone allowed that it was a kind of mortgage case. And I would, too, for two cents! Scratch comes for Stone's soul at the appointed time, and Stone bargains for more years.


the devil and daniel webster play

I think I'll take you back to Marshfield," he said, kind of reflective. Lesser men will be made President and you will be passed over. All in all, you might say the Stone family was as happy and contented as cats in a dairy. They got tricked and trapped and bamboozled, but it was a great journey. It is often said that great artists sell their souls to the devil in order to achieve greatness. He pointed out the property had increased in value, and state senators ought to be worth more; the stranger stuck to the letter of the law.
