The dilemma of obedience. The Dilemma of Obedience on JSTOR 2022-12-20

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The dilemma of obedience refers to the ethical conflict that arises when an individual is faced with the choice of either following orders or authority figures or standing up for their own beliefs and values. This dilemma is particularly relevant in situations where the orders or requests of authority figures may be unethical or immoral, such as in cases of military obedience, corporate loyalty, or obedience to abusive relationships.

One of the most well-known examples of the dilemma of obedience is the Milgram experiment, conducted by psychologist Stanley Milgram in the 1960s. In this experiment, participants were instructed to administer increasingly intense electric shocks to a learner (who was actually an actor) every time they answered a question incorrectly. Despite the learner's cries of pain and protest, the majority of participants continued to follow the experimenter's orders and administer the shocks. This experiment demonstrated the power of authority and the willingness of individuals to obey even when doing so goes against their own moral convictions.

There are several factors that contribute to the dilemma of obedience. One of these is the desire to fit in and be accepted by a group or authority figure. In some cases, individuals may feel pressure to conform to the expectations of those around them and may be afraid of being ostracized or punished if they do not follow orders. Another factor is the belief that the authority figure or group has more knowledge or expertise than the individual, leading them to believe that the orders are justified.

The dilemma of obedience also raises important questions about the nature of morality and personal responsibility. On one hand, there is the argument that individuals should be held accountable for their actions, regardless of whether they were following orders or not. On the other hand, there is the idea that individuals should not be held fully responsible if they were simply following orders and were not aware of the consequences of their actions.

Overall, the dilemma of obedience highlights the complex ethical considerations that arise when an individual is faced with the choice of following orders or standing up for their own beliefs. It is important for individuals to consider their own values and moral convictions when faced with this dilemma, as well as the potential consequences of their actions. Ultimately, it is up to each individual to decide how they will respond to the dilemma of obedience and to take responsibility for their decisions.

The Dilemna Of Obedience

the dilemma of obedience

See this particular boy had a dad up until he was 2 years old and his dad was murdered. We really see to very stark differences in the way the wisemen handled their dilemma and the way Herod handled his. Have you forgotten what He said? Some might even say He was terrified. What if we dont obey this King. The wisemen had confidence because they new Gods word and may we be bold enough to do the same. No one can save him. They for one do not want to start a war, but they know what the old testament says.


The Dilemma Of Obedience

the dilemma of obedience

Never ask the advice of another about anything God makes you decide before Him. I have many stories but can I just tell you one right now. Herods dad Antipater rose in power and even became good friends with Julius Caesar. That is where the dilemma of obedience comes in. Not only that but these highly political and spiritual wisemen bowed down and worshiped a toddler and they showered him with expensive gifts.


The Dilemma of Obedience

the dilemma of obedience

As we listen, our ears become more sensitive, and like Jesus, we will hear God all the time. Each of us must make decisions like this in our lives. So the only thing he could think of to try and protect his rule was to set a decree to kill all of the 2 year old and under males. To show them who God is and what it looks like to follow Him. Now this is crazy.



the dilemma of obedience

But to kill this baby could fix it all. Could he rule so they may all have peace. If you ask advice, you will almost always side with Satan. There may be things about the Bible we may not understand. In 2 Chronicles we see Nebuchadnezzar King of the Babylonian empire, which later became captured by the Persian Empire, take captive Judea and the Jews because of their disobedience to God.


The Dilemma of Obedience

the dilemma of obedience

I did not immediately confer with flesh and blood. He has taken a small part of a generation and destroyed it all. So he ask for them to come back and tell him where to find him. God never speaks to us in dramatic ways, but in ways that are easy to misunderstand. Physical courage is grand, moral courage is grander, but the man who trusts Jesus Christ in the face of the terrific problems of life is worth a whole crowd of heroes. Peter did not pretend to understand everything Jesus said but realized that he needed Him.


The Dilemma of Obedience on JSTOR

the dilemma of obedience

They did and gave him the land of Judea and coined him King of the Jews. Who is this Herod guy anyways. Then our text says that he brought the wisemen in and asked them when the star had appeared. His ministry of teaching and preaching took him for a time to the United States and Japan. So as we have gleaned from so much of the incredible entry of God in the flesh, Emanuel or Saviour and as we go on into the new year let us remember that the same dilemma Herod had and the wisemen had is ours today, who do we listen to. This is where the dilemma of obedience hits us.


the dilemma of obedience

Now it is with all this background and history that we now get to the Dilemma. They have seen the star and they know its Him the King of the Jews, the Saviour to the world. Make a commitment to follow Jesus unconditionally. They had weaknesses and made mistakes. Scripture quotations taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version® NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. But we face the same choice Peter did.


the dilemma of obedience

Herod had for himself status until the one bearing the true name of King of the Jews arrived. Nothing touches our lives but it is God Himself speaking. These two fought 3 major wars but many smaller ones to continue the protection of the border. God did not tell Samuel to tell Eli; he had to decide that for himself. It is at your own peril that you prevent the cutting off of the right hand or the plucking out of the eye. While there he waited a time and then appealed to his good friend Mark Antoni and Cleopatra to ask Julius Caesar to reinstate him as a ruler.


the dilemma of obedience

High School just the 2 or 3 blocks to the PowerHouse on Main St. ® ODB: Algae and Diatoms 3 Ways To Live A Joy-Filled Life. Make Him your Lord. We see Harod take offense to the King and worry that all he had would be stripped away. When his Holy Spirit comes into our hearts to strive with us, we resist him; but he will save us; nay, he himself braved the fire that he might snatch us as brands from eternal burning. And you must gather it to yourself. Was it Luke 11:13, or was it 1 Thess.
