The pearl chapter 6 quiz. The Pearl Chapter 6 Summary & Analysis 2022-12-23

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In Chapter 6 of "The Pearl," Kino and Juana are on the run from the trackers who are searching for them in order to reclaim the pearl that Kino has found. The couple is desperate to find a way to sell the pearl and use the money to better their lives, but they are constantly thwarted by the greed and corruption that surrounds them.

As they try to find a way to sell the pearl, Kino and Juana face numerous challenges and dangers. They are pursued by the trackers, who will stop at nothing to get the pearl back. They are also constantly threatened by the other pearl buyers, who are willing to do whatever it takes to get their hands on the valuable pearl.

Despite the many obstacles they face, Kino and Juana remain determined to sell the pearl and use the money to improve their lives. They are driven by their hope for a better future, and their love for each other and their son.

As they travel through the wilderness, Kino and Juana are forced to rely on their wits and resourcefulness to evade their pursuers and find a way to sell the pearl. They are helped along the way by the support and guidance of the other members of their community, who understand the importance of the pearl and the potential it holds for improving their lives.

Ultimately, Kino and Juana's journey to sell the pearl is a tale of perseverance and determination in the face of great adversity. It is a story of hope, love, and the power of the human spirit to overcome even the most difficult of circumstances.

The Pearl by John Steinbeck Chapter 6 Quiz with Answer Key

the pearl chapter 6 quiz

Tes paid licence 4. Exposed to the elements and the cries of coyotes, owls, and other animals, Kino thinks of himself as someone who has been taken over by some animal force. Kino deceives the trackers by creating a false trail up the cliff and descending again to take refuge with Juana and Coyotito in a nearby cave. From the lookout, Kino spies the trackers at a distance below, hurrying up the slope. Whereas earlier he is a detached observer, he now attempts to carve his own fate and rule in the natural world. His peaceful, domestic life is a thing of the past. Juana also hears the approaching trackers and does her best to quiet Coyotito.


The Pearl Chapters 5 and 6 Flashcards

the pearl chapter 6 quiz

In the cave, Coyotito grows restless, and Juana quiets him. Her initial wish to secure a great pearl brings only grief to her family. His muscles cramp and tremble, but he knows he must act quickly before the moon rises. . When Juana rises, she asks Kino if he thinks they will be pursued.


The Pearl Chapter 6 Summary & Analysis

the pearl chapter 6 quiz

When Juana takes a rest with Coyotito, Kino proposes that she hide while he moves on ahead. Easier said than done. They walk all night and make camp in a roadside shelter at sunrise. Like him, she allows her dreams for her family to lead her to ignore the reality of her situation and to attempt to overcome her fate. Like animals, the pair attempts to escape their pursuers by seeking out a higher elevation. Yet, when Kino considers giving up, Juana chastises him for his weakness. My available resources constitute this, that, and the other to get students to inspect text more closely, to think more deeply, and to express that thinking more clearly and thoroughly.


The Pearl Chapters 5

the pearl chapter 6 quiz

As the watchman shoots, Kino springs upon the trackers, stabbing the watchman and seizing the rifle. Knocking one of the other men out with a fierce blow, he watches as the last man attempts to flee up the cliff. Kino strips naked to avoid being seen by the watchman, and, after crouching at the cave entrance for a moment to survey his route, he springs forward. . Kino announces to Juana that he envisions a grand wedding, but what the pearl reflects to him is the reality that he beats his wife. As the sun begins to set, Kino and Juana reach a nearby cleft and replenish their water supply at a pool and stream, where they drink to contentment, and Juana rinses Coyotito.


The Pearl: Full Book Quiz Quiz: Quick Quiz

the pearl chapter 6 quiz

Twenty feet from the trackers, he crouches behind a palm tree to ponder his next move. My available resources constitute this, that, and the other to get students to inspect text more closely, to think more deeply, and to express that thinking more clearly and thoroughly. On a clear, windy night, Kino, Juana, and Coyotito begin their long march north, avoiding the sleeping town. Juana went to the fireplace to retrieve the pearl and ran to the shore to throw the pearl back into the water. By evening, the trackers arrive at the pool, where they make camp and eat. As their ascent grows steeper, Kino attempts to vary and double back on their route to mislead the trackers.


The Pearl Chapter 6 Flashcards

the pearl chapter 6 quiz

Kino holds the pearl out in front of him, and then flings it out into the ocean. The watchman decides to silence the wailer by shooting in the direction of the cry. Finally, Kino suggests that they might be able to lose the trackers up in the mountains. Steinbeck explicitly compares Kino and Juana to animals being chased by hunters. They walk dazedly through the city, with unmoving eyes, speaking to no one. This is a great open-book reading quiz that assesses and reinforces comprehension, and can be graded quickly. The family retreats farther into the shade for another rest.


the pearl chapter 6 quiz

. Suddenly, Coyotito lets out a cry that wakes one of the sleeping trackers. As Juana prays for him, Kino slowly moves down the slope toward the pool. As she plays with Coyotito, Kino wakes from a dream and demands that they keep quiet. The quiz with answer key comes as both a Microsoft Word document and a PDF.


the pearl chapter 6 quiz

. . After eating a small breakfast, Juana rests until midday. Just as he is poised to spring, the moon appears, and he realizes that his opportunity has been lost. He lies to Juana, telling her that he sees a rifle, a marriage in a church, and an education for Coyotito. The legend is based on a poor young man who encounters the psychological and social consequences of sudden fame and fortune, after discovering an extraordinarily valuable pearl.


the pearl chapter 6 quiz

The pearl had destroyed life as he knew it; it wasn't a gift. He unsheathes his knife and prepares to attack. Kino spots a cluster of ants and lays down his foot as an obstacle. As he does in Chapter 1, Kino here observes a cluster of ants. Onlookers stare wordlessly, and even Juan Tomás can only raise a hand in greeting. She does this as she believes that the pearl is evil and will damage their lives. While Kino sleeps soundly, Juana is restless.
