The primary motive for european exploration during the renaissance was. European Exploration 2022-12-17

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Bad manners in school can have a negative impact on both individual students and the school community as a whole. These behaviors can range from disrupting class, talking back to teachers, or ignoring school rules.

One of the most common and disruptive forms of bad manners in school is disrupting class. This can include talking out of turn, being disrespectful to the teacher or other students, or engaging in other distracting behaviors. These actions not only disrupt the flow of the lesson, but they also make it difficult for other students to concentrate and learn.

Another form of bad manners in school is talking back to teachers or ignoring school rules. Disrespecting authority or disregarding school rules can create a negative and chaotic classroom environment. It can also set a poor example for other students and make it difficult for teachers to maintain order and control in the classroom.

Bad manners in school can also lead to conflicts with peers and contribute to a negative school culture. Students who engage in disrespectful or aggressive behavior towards their classmates may create a hostile or unwelcoming environment for others. This can lead to feelings of discomfort, fear, or anxiety among students, which can negatively impact their academic performance and overall well-being.

Overall, bad manners in school can have serious consequences for both individual students and the school community as a whole. It is important for students to be mindful of their behavior and to treat their teachers and classmates with respect and kindness. By demonstrating good manners and following school rules, students can contribute to a positive and welcoming school culture that fosters learning and personal growth.

The motives for European exploration, Sample of Essays

the primary motive for european exploration during the renaissance was

The North Atlantic between England and France. Taking in mind the medieval attitudes of people at the time, religion can be taken as a very important motive. Millions of years ago there was little contact between the Old World known as Europe, and the New World known as the Americas, which consisted of North and South America and the Caribbean. At the time of exploration, Western Europe was enthralled with the wealth of the Far East brought home by European soldiers returning from the Crusades. The primary motive for European exploration during the Renaissance was A.


AP Euro: Chapter 14 Flashcards

the primary motive for european exploration during the renaissance was

People were led by strong motives, and even if not all were exactly quite as important to European expansion, all of them played a part in it. Otherwise, click the red Don't know box. Augustine, Florida, then British in 1587 when the Plymouth Company established a settlement that they dubbed Roanoke in present-day Virginia. Lope de Vega wrote plays that he knew would please the public D. The societies of the Americas were seriously distressed and altered forever by diseases which claimed the lives of millions of Natives American Indians. . Yet another is colonization, making a fresh start in a new, hopefully fertile land.


European Exploration

the primary motive for european exploration during the renaissance was

The Treaty of Tordesillas mitigated potential conflicts with Spain and Portugal by dividing the southern latitudes, especially the waterways. These monarchs supported the middle class with the intention of expanding trade through the use of expensive voyages funded by wealthy patrons. In their minds, the spices which Europe used to cure meats and the luxury of silk flowed like milk and honey in the lands of the East. What were europeans main motives for making voyages of exploration? Chapter14 Exploratio Question Answer The primary motive for European exploration during the Renaissance was economic, the desire for precious metals and new areas for trade When he began to envision his voyage across the Atlantic, Columbus had a copy of Marco Polo's travels The religious crusading motive for exploration was strongest in Spain and Portugal The POle Star as a navigational device was usless south of the equator During the lifetime of Prince Henry the Navigator, Portuguese sailors began to explore the west African coast In the 1440s among the first profits the POrtuguese derived from their maritime exploration and returning ships came from the sale of African slaves Spanish expansion and exploration of the New World was best characterized by the conquest of the Aztec Empire by Cortez John Cabot, a Venetian, sailed for England The Treaty of Tordesillas divided The New World between Spain and Portugal The major European disease that resulted in high rates of mortality among the natives of the New World was smallpox The capital of the Aztec empire was Tenochtitlan IN reality, the encomienda made the natives of the new world slaves of the Spanish The triangular trade connected Americas, Europe, and Africa India's Mughal Dynasty was Mongal in origin The British east India Company official who fought off the French threat in India was Sir Robert Clive The European nation that had the first direct contact with China since Marco Polo Portugal The Chinese dynasty which replaced the Ming in the 17th century and which came from Manchuria was the Qing The most valuable product from the West Indies wasq sugar One of the major economic problems of the 16th century in Europe was inflation The financial center of Europe in the 17th century was Amsterdam Mercantilism includes all the following: The prosperity of a nation depended upon its gold and silver reserves, raw materials and natural resources, high tariffs Before the 19th century, which nations or continent was least affected by European power and influence India An extensive multiracial societ appeared first in Latin America When Vasco de Gama he announced he was searching for Christians and Spices THe Mesoamerica civilization existed at the time of European exploration was the Aztec Use these flashcards to help memorize information. People saw new possibilities in the new lands, new ways to make profits, new untouched lands to settle and escape from their former lives and a new area to gain raw materials from. Another reason is just pure curiosity; humans have the urge to explore the unknown. When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug.


The primary motive for European exploration during the Renaissance was a social

the primary motive for european exploration during the renaissance was

What motivated European explorers to explore the world? England John Cabot 1497 Credited with the earliest exploration of North America, in three voyages, in present-day Newfoundland. The search of spices very precious at the time, and very expensive was also very important, as well as the search for gold. What were European motives for exploration quizlet? Muslims — people who controlled the land routes between Europe and Asia. By the 1400s, merchants and crusaders had brought many goods to Europe from Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. What were four major factors that encouraged European exploration in the 1400s and 1500s? Hernan Cortez 1519 Spanish conquistador credited with conquering the Aztec empire in present-day Mexico and claiming the territory for Spain.


Free Flashcards about Chapter14 Exploratio

the primary motive for european exploration during the renaissance was

Bossuet thought that kings had obligations that came with this authority, along with restrictions. Demand for these goods increased the desire for trade. Reasons for European Exploration Resources and Fertile Land Beginning with the Portuguese in the 1200s, the search for new resources to exploit and lands to cultivate commenced. Racine used classical themes for his contemporary plays E. Due to the expansion of the Ottoman Turks, Europe was cut off from Asia. Even if these were important, and did play a major role in European exploration without the openness of mind from the Renaissance it would have been more difficult for people to dare cross the Atlantic , it is quite obvious that the major motive was material wealth. Primary motives for European exploration of the Americas- to spread Christianity, to increase wealth, and to expand their empires; Columbus came to the New World to expand the power of the Spanish empire.


Motives for Renaissance Exploration

the primary motive for european exploration during the renaissance was

Source: Map Created By Author. They initially sought fish, seals, whales, timber, and lands where they could grow wheat. What were the characteristics of exploration? The effect of the exchange has impacted the civilization and the economies of the Old and New Worlds, fostering a continued and lasting effect on the Americas and Europe. Technological innovations made the lives of peasants improve dramatically D. The South Pacific between Spain and the Dutch Republic.


The primary motive for European exploration during the Renaissance was?

the primary motive for european exploration during the renaissance was

Smallpox decimated the Aztec people, and the Spaniards destroyed temples, pyramids, and palaces to build their own buildings. By a second century CE astronomer, the geography was first known by Arab geographers, spreading throughout Europe when a Latin translation became available and 1477. Government should stimulate trade through high tariffs and subsidizing industry The mainland states of SE Asia had better success in resisting European encroachment than did the Spice Islands and Malay states bc: A. Religion took on an important role as several monarchs encouraged and sponsored exploration, many maintaining they did so for Christianity, even if wealth was their number one goal. And what ere the effects of the European exploration? The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo, Sistine Chapel. While Europeans returned home with new crops, like maize, potatoes, and tomatoes, they introduced horses, pigs, and other domesticated livestock to the New World.


Question 9 1 The primary motive for European exploration during the Renaissance

the primary motive for european exploration during the renaissance was

It is clear that the desire to grow rich was what moved most of the people into the new lands… Not the desire to spread religion like a good selfless Christian would have done. According to this theory, God established kings and used them as mechanisms to reign over people on Earth. The phrase New World was first used by vespucci. To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity. Material profit was clearly what moved most people and made them want to explore, for this in turn led to rivalry between countries, as exploring countries gained wealth in the New World. By 1650, however, England had established a dominant presence on the Atlantic coast.


Western Civ .Midterm for Ch. 11

the primary motive for european exploration during the renaissance was

Age of European Exploration the 1400s to 1600s With these motivations, the Age of Exploration begins in Portugal. . What major events happened in Europe? What were the motives for European exploration in the 1400s? These motives for exploration mixed and reinforced each other. READ: Can I learn keyboard at the age of 40? The most important of these motives was the search for essential resources and land suitable for cultivating cash crops, the desire to establish new trade routes to Asian markets, and the aspiration to expand the influence of Christianity. However with common political interest comes the possibility of conflict. When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.
