The sound and the fury character analysis. The Sound And The Fury By Faulkner 2023-01-02

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The Sound and the Fury, written by William Faulkner, is a complex and enigmatic novel that tells the story of the decline of the Compson family, a once-prominent Southern family. One of the most interesting and complex characters in the novel is Benjy Compson, the intellectually disabled son of the Compson family.

At the beginning of the novel, Benjy is described as a "idiot," and he is often ignored or mistreated by the other members of his family. Despite his intellectual limitations, Benjy is a deeply sensitive and compassionate character, and his role in the novel is to provide a glimpse into the past and to serve as a foil for the other characters.

One of the most striking aspects of Benjy's character is his extraordinary ability to remember and hold onto the past. While the other characters in the novel are constantly moving forward and trying to forget their past mistakes, Benjy is able to remember and hold onto the smallest details of his past experiences. This ability serves as a contrast to the other characters, who are unable to come to terms with their own pasts and are unable to find meaning or redemption in their lives.

Another important aspect of Benjy's character is his role as a foil for the other characters. His innocence and simplicity serve to highlight the flaws and complexities of the other characters, particularly his brother Quentin and his sister Caddy. Both Quentin and Caddy are struggling to come to terms with their own personal issues, and Benjy's presence serves as a reminder of their own failures and shortcomings.

In conclusion, Benjy Compson is a complex and multi-faceted character in The Sound and the Fury. His extraordinary ability to remember and hold onto the past, as well as his role as a foil for the other characters, serve to highlight the flaws and complexities of the other members of the Compson family. Benjy's sensitivity and compassion also make him one of the most sympathetic and likable characters in the novel.

The Sound And The Fury Caaddy Character Analysis

the sound and the fury character analysis

Quentin intrigues them because he actually is a member of the Southern aristocracy into which they are trying to insinuate themselves. Compson is that she prefers Jason to her other children, and Jason is the most perverse of them all. Her section is the fourth and final one and takes place on Easter Sunday, a time of resurrection. By the time the novel ends she is very old and arthritic, and seems to think she is about to die. Alexie began to see his world as in relation to paragraphs. Compson dies of alcoholism shortly thereafter.


The Sound and the Fury Characters

the sound and the fury character analysis

You might not believe that from my offspring, but I am. Benjy and Quentin love her in two distinct ways. Probably the most horrifying comment that can be made about Mrs. They are all involved with her, but each in a different way. Herbert later divorces Caddy because of her pregnancy. Jason Compson III The head of the Compson household until his death from alcoholism in 1912. She even treats the mentally disabled Benjy cruelly and selfishly.


The Sound and the Fury Themes and Analysis

the sound and the fury character analysis

Out, out, brief candle. However, there are moments when the past signifies something to him. The watch ticked on. Patterson intercepts a note that Uncle Maury had given to Mrs. Caddy is the most normal of the Compson children. Convinced that she is "bad," Quentin is rebellious and promiscuous.


Character Analysis Mrs. Caroline Compson

the sound and the fury character analysis

Benjy, Quentin and Jason are the Compson brothers and Dilsey is their black servant. In the long run, with the new generation, they have been following the same pattern to get revenge, without knowing the reasons why. On the other hand, in the last section time is linear with focus mainly on the present of the story that is April 1928. F Benjamin Compson Benjy is the youngest of the Compson brothers. On the other hand, she does not seem to understand Quentin's despair over her conduct.


The Sound and the Fury

the sound and the fury character analysis

She ceased and tilted her head upward, listening. Although Travis and General Zaroff are both great, experienced hunters, they differ in the game they hunt, their attitudes towards others, and their motivation for shooting people. Miss Quentin repeats Caddy's early sexual awakening and promiscuity, but, unlike Caddy, she does not feel guilty about her actions. Jason is an extremely cynical, mean-spirited, and petty third child who is tormented by financial debt and sexual frustration and is bitter and openly bigoted. Jason rejects not only familial love, but romantic love as well. Act Of Vengeance Analysis 2126 Words 9 Pages Vengeance has been an ongoing problem for many centuries.


The Sound And The Fury Analysis

the sound and the fury character analysis

Quentin Compson II Caddy's illegitimate daughter, who may or may not be Dalton Ames's child. Slowly throughout Brother Doodle Character Analysis 575 Words 3 Pages Character Analysis: The character that I have chosen to analyze is Brother. Spoade A Harvard senior from South Carolina. A moaning, speechless idiot, Benjy is utterly dependent upon Caddy, his only real source of affection. Compson is shown as cynical. In the first three sections the stream of consciousness is employed and the story is told in flashbacks. It is as though Benjy instinctively knows that Mrs.


The Sound and the Fury Character List

the sound and the fury character analysis

When his brother, Doodle, is born though he becomes selfish and ashamed of his brother. His wife Caroline is an ineffectual mother, and he does most of the parenting of the children when they are small. Candace Compson Caddy the only daughter of Jason and Caroline. She is the only stable force in the lives of the Compson children, and raises them despite Mrs. Compson changes his name to Benjamin when she learns he is retarded. Charlie is obviously trying to make out with Caddy and she is pushing him away because Benjy is with her. She is the only character detached enough from the Compsons' downfall to witness both the beginning and the end of this final chapter of the family history.


Benjamin (Benjy) Compson Character Analysis in The Sound and the Fury

the sound and the fury character analysis

For instance, Luster takes care of Benjy in April 1928. He is attached to Caddy, who acts as his mother, and her sexuality and marriage shatter his life. Some topics that I could identify in the text are: poverty, teenage pregnancy and child rights. For Quentin the past is very important and he puts the present on a second plan. Uncle Maury Bascomb Caroline's brother, he shares an unnaturally close relationship with her. Compson is a retired lawyer and has become an alcoholic. These literary devices, specifically similes and personification, help the reader get a better idea of the exact sounds and feelings which will allow them to know what it feels like to be there in that moment.
