They say i say 3rd edition chapter 14 summary. They Say, I Say (Ch.14) Flashcards 2022-12-21

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"They Say / I Say" is a widely-used writing guide that offers templates and strategies for constructing academic arguments. In Chapter 14 of the 3rd edition, entitled "They Say / I Say for Writing about Literature," the authors provide guidance on how to effectively write about literature using the "They Say / I Say" framework.

One key concept discussed in this chapter is the importance of situating your argument within the broader context of existing literary criticism. This means acknowledging and engaging with the ideas and perspectives of other scholars, rather than simply presenting your own views in isolation. The authors suggest using the "they say" template to introduce and summarize the views of other critics, and then using the "I say" template to respond to and build upon those views.

Another key idea emphasized in this chapter is the importance of close reading. Close reading involves carefully examining and interpreting the language and structure of a literary work, rather than relying on preconceptions or generalizations. The authors suggest using specific quotes and examples from the text to support your argument, rather than relying on broad generalizations or summary.

The chapter also discusses the importance of considering the historical and cultural context in which a literary work was produced. This can help to shed light on the themes and issues addressed in the work, and can also help to situate the work within a larger literary tradition.

Overall, Chapter 14 of "They Say / I Say" provides useful guidance for writing about literature in an academic setting. By situating your argument within the broader context of existing criticism, engaging in close reading, and considering the historical and cultural context of a work, you can effectively analyze and interpret literature and present your ideas in a clear and persuasive manner.

WRTG 3011: Summary of "They Say, I Say"

they say i say 3rd edition chapter 14 summary

Although many may think that this would weaken their stance, Graff and Birkenstein feel that anticipating adversarial thoughts in your text can actually strengthen your position and enrich your writing. The arguments that writers respond to do not have to be an eminent writer or the audience. . Specifically, Graff and Birkenstein argue that the types of writing templates they offer takes writing beyond the traditional five-paragraph essay and engage students in writing styles of debate which requires the writer to listen to others and effectively respond in agreeance or disagreeance. Specifically, Graff and Birkenstein argue that the types of writing templates they offer realistically help set up a conversation and argument. The writers specifically designed these templates to make it easier on the write on how to write a professional and well written paper. From the template, we can learn that we do not need to be restricted to agreement and disagreement.


They say i say chapter 14 Free Essays

they say i say 3rd edition chapter 14 summary

Many times there are subtle clues to who is talking. Everyone understands things in different ways, and sometimes the difference between confusion and enlightenment on a topic is a simple rewording of the discussion. The writers specifically designed these templates to make it easier on the write on how to write a professional and well written paper. There are many different templates that give you examples that can be used in your own writing. Indicating early in the conversation the views or the concerns being responded to is critical in maintaining the natural order used by readers to analyze and process material.



they say i say 3rd edition chapter 14 summary

These can help the reader see exactly what you're seeing within the quote. In addition, not only can the templates spark subconscious thoughts and ideas in students, but they can help the more experienced scholars as well. Always remember, every quotation needs an opening, explanation, and closing, just like every sandwich needs meat the quote , a top bun introduction , condiments explanation , and a bottom bun closing. Using a "quotation sandwich" allows the reader to completely understand how the quote relates to the paper and where the quote comes from. Our experiments suggest that there are dangerous levels of chemical X in the Ohio groundwater. Chapter 6: In this chapter the authors point out the advantages of embedding criticisms and counter-arguments within your writing. Chapter 2: Chapter 2 talks about the next logical step in the writing process after acknowledging the arguments that you are responding to: summarizing those arguments.


They Say, I Say (Ch.14) Flashcards

they say i say 3rd edition chapter 14 summary

This method restricts students from using their own experiences and knowledge to form ideas and then express these ideas efficiently. Chapter 5: This chapter addresses the fact that in good academic writing that which is argumentative there will invariably be a discourse between two or more trains of thought. Whereas others regard their own beliefs to be… sugar When analyzing readings and writings of academic discourse, readings and writings found outside the college setting, there are common patterns and disciplines that are evident in these writings. This led to me seriously changing my writing process. The chapter provides myriad techniques and examples for ways to clearly mark who, or whose argument, is doing the talking. I think this chapter of They Say I Say will make my persuasive paper more sensible and less confusing. The beginning of the story is when Karen changes her job as a secretary to work as a laborer at an unclear factory.



they say i say 3rd edition chapter 14 summary

For this reason it is extremely important to build frame work around the selected quotation, both before and after each one. Her name is Karen Silkwood. That helped me because if I ever get stuck when I am writing, I know I can refer back to this book to give me a little boost. In her essay, she discusses six standard moves that she finds while analyzing twenty-four research articles, articles which were randomly selected from peer-reviewed journals. In the chapter they talk about a hit and run quotation.


They Say, I Say Summary and Response Chapters 4,5,6,and 7

they say i say 3rd edition chapter 14 summary

As students, writers can often research and feel strongly about a topic but fail to imply why the topic or argument is important. There are many things in this book that I did not know before I read it. I can use this in my writing and reading because a lot of the time this kind of stuff confuses me. For instance, by using this template, students can easily identify the views being responded to by the texts as well as identify entry points in a conversation. There are many but a few are yes, no, okay, but.


They say/I say: Chapter 3

they say i say 3rd edition chapter 14 summary

Graff and Birkenstein present several techniques for providing reasons why the reader should care what the writer is conveying. The book suggests a technique called a "quotation sandwich". You should enter a conversation with an argument so readers and listeners are more hooked on the discussion. It has helped me make my papers better and has helped me when I get stuck. Canadian Literature Spring 2005: 143-144. A unique feature is the way they Premium Writing They Say I Say Higher Education Is Worth the Price Is getting a higher education worth the price? In chapter 6, it is talking about how not everyone is going to think the same thing that you think.


They Say I Say Summary

they say i say 3rd edition chapter 14 summary

They say that using writing templates are something that will help an introduction; some people think that it takes away from the creativity of a writer, but it helps you get started and lay the ground work of your paper. The main thing about this section is being able to determine who is saying what in the texts that you read. This approach allows a writer to more thoroughly and effectively present his own arguments, thus making a stronger case. You have to be able to say why what you have to say matters. Some might object, of course, on the grounds that our creativity when using templates would be greatly diminished. After pointing out the views of others, the speaker or writer must indicate briefly his position on the various concerns of others. Instead of sharing opinion and making vague statements, I must learn to state specific facts substantiated by credible sources.


they say i say 3rd edition chapter 14 summary

A proper framework around a quote not only explains the quotes relevance, but also allows an author to meld the ways in which that quote supports his argument. According to the author's story , she died in a car accident in 1974. Overall, then, I believe the templates simply help us practice to become better writers much like practicing sports when you first begin playing, to become the best we can be. By saying this, she believes that showing these conventions to undergrad students, it will prepare them to read and write academic texts. The basic procedures of academic writing can be found in the templates which would help students to be familiar with conventional writing patterns and to make more sounded arguments. You have to be able to represent the objections and then answer them at the end.


they say i say 3rd edition chapter 14 summary

The second use is transitive: something was hurtled—in this case, a stone. Would it make since to ban them now in certain areas? Too often, and I think this stems from more traditional use of the language, academic writing is assumed to be technical, staid, and rather boring. Graff and Birkenstein also said that stating your own position as quickly as possible is also a key tool; this will give the reader a quick preview about what is motivating your argument. Things cannot be left unanswered. Not doing so can make writing seem too narrowly focused and rather circumspect. I think it is.
