This essay will discuss. IELTS Discussion Essays [Discuss Both Views/Sides] 2023-01-04

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the importance of education in shaping the future of an individual and society as a whole.

Education is a crucial element in the development of an individual and the society they live in. It is the foundation upon which personal and professional growth is built, and it plays a vital role in shaping the future of both the individual and society.

At the individual level, education helps individuals acquire the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to navigate the complexities of the modern world. It provides individuals with the tools they need to pursue their passions, achieve their goals, and realize their full potential. Education also plays a critical role in developing critical thinking skills and fostering a love of learning, both of which are essential for personal growth and success.

At the societal level, education is just as important. It helps to create a knowledgeable and informed citizenry, which is essential for the smooth functioning of a democracy. An educated population is better equipped to make informed decisions about the issues that affect their lives and the lives of those around them. Education also plays a key role in the economic development of a society, as it helps to create a skilled workforce that is able to drive innovation and productivity.

Furthermore, education has the power to promote social cohesion and reduce inequality. By providing equal access to quality education, societies can help to level the playing field and give individuals from all backgrounds the opportunity to succeed. This not only benefits the individual, but it also benefits society as a whole, as it helps to create a more diverse and inclusive community.

In conclusion, the importance of education cannot be overstated. It is the foundation upon which personal and societal growth is built, and it plays a vital role in shaping the future of both the individual and society. By investing in education, we invest in the future and ensure a brighter, more prosperous world for all.

How to Answer a Discuss Essay

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Celebrating this day, all government, private, non-governmental organizations and civil organizations take a pledge to fight unitedly against corruption. In my opinion, education and experience together makes a person successful for earning perspective. Read more to improve your writing skills Peruse discussion paper models regularly to gain proficiency with the composing styles, words utilized, and some other indispensable factors. I consider that having university education and having soft skills both plays very important role in getting job. In other words, the essay is not starting from one perspective and aiming to confirm this.


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If you don't know much about the topic, do some reading to understand it better, starting with your textbook if it has information on the topic. If you do feel very strongly about one side, you might want to present your discussion of the other side as quite negative. As discussed above, you are required to do two things: 1 Discuss both views, and 2 Give your own opinion. On the other hand, universities offer many practical classes which allow students gain experience, students also have plenty opportunities to discuss in their groups and cooperate with other students from other majors which also cultivate their social skills. It has over 300 words but all sentences are relevant, focused and well written. To give an example, the employer is more interested to hire a university graduate scholar with the computer, analytical, and organizing skills than the one having either of them.


IELTS Discussion Essay Model Answer

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Kind regards, Wiebke Dear Liz. The benefits of both shopping online and shopping in real stores are countless. Your advanced lessons are so helpful and clear. I am following only you for my IELTS GT preparation. This improves their chances to get a good job once they get graduated. Consequently, I do agree that certificates or degrees are not the only paths to success, but it is not like everyone is Steve Jobs or Bill Gates, it is just like they were lucky enough to get opportunities which they were able to capitalize. Hi Liz, Your website is very helpful and I love all the lessons you provide.


IELTS Discussion Essays [Discuss Both Views/Sides]

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Secondly, proponents of this theory believe that academics are important to carry out certain types of jobs which on the other hand cannot be done alone with gaining experience. Educators evaluate your mindfulness about a subject and your critical thinking capacities by means of your assessment. Thank you so much Yourui Hi Liz, I have been posting many essays to get your feedback …Can you please give me your feedback. I believe that completing university education is essential for academic positions while experience and soft skills are good for non academic ones. That is why university education is suitable for those who seek careers that require strong academic backgrounds, such as doctor, lawyer, judge, and teacher.


How to Write a Discussion Essay

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Your example is not written in a way that I can understand. Dear Liz, Thank you for the amazing model answers you provide, your website is really helpful! Establish what the issue at hand is. For instance, in the introduction, quickly notice the setting of given statements and afterward uphold or repudiate it. It is considred by some that the best approach to obtain a decent job is through completion of university education, while there are others who thick that achieving the required experience and building up soft skills is more essential. It is important, though, according to Your answer of course should be structured carefully so as to present your ideas in a thoroughly logical way that is easy for your reader to interpret.


Corruption essay for students of class 5 to 9 in English

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Conversely, some assume that it is more advantageous to get hands dirty while working and gaining knowledge. Experience is needed especially in the work fields that produce utilized products such as business, manufacture, and software industry. We provide the easy to follow models, not IELTS. Like every single beneficial thing, the discussion essay will likewise end. Hi Liz, I had Ielts computer based based exam today, in the writing 2 task I had written nearly about 270 words, but in conclusion part when I was writing my last sentences, time is up and the computer shuted down. On the one hand, taking tertiary education has been the most classical method to prepare for entering the labor market.


How to Write a Discussion Essay (with Pictures)

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I have one doubt, I am aiming to score 7. For a successful future, it is combination of both necessities University degree and relevant experiences. Find credible resources that you can use to establish your argument. As you read from relevant sources, take notes as you go along. You absolutely must do both of those.


this essay will discuss

Stage 2 The layout of the conversation exposition should be made utilizing a pen and paper. In other words, having tertiary education puts people one step ahead of others who do not and this can be the deciding factor in getting a good job. It is considered by some people that traditional shopping is the only way for making purchasing properly while there are others who prefer online shopping. The remainder of the introduction should give a brief indication of the subject being covered, the key points that will be discussed, and if you wish, anticipated conclusions. Therefore I bought your advanced writing lessons to spot some of my possible mistakes. Some jobs like marketing do not require any professional degree because in colleges you gain theoretical knowledge rather practical.


this essay will discuss

For example, many project has to be done in specific date and students has to complete their homework before the deadline. Both sides are clearly discussed and the opinion is also clearly given. If you choose to introduce a supporting contention, at that point stick to it. In my opinion, the leading indicators to be successful in earnings one shall possess higher education studies as well experiences. This is due to the nature of their job since it just needs knowledge in the basics and then adding the skills to it. Although it may vary in different companies and fields, illustrating an outstanding and comprehensive background can be significantly advantageous in impressing the recruiters. Governments give a lot of support to artists, even though some people think it is a waste of money that could have been used elsewhere.
