Three types of communication theories. Three theories of visual communication 2022-12-17

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Communication theories are frameworks that attempt to explain how and why people communicate the way they do. There are many different types of communication theories, but in this essay, we will focus on three particularly influential ones: social learning theory, social exchange theory, and uncertainty reduction theory.

  1. Social learning theory is a perspective that emphasizes the role of socialization in shaping an individual's communication behaviors. According to this theory, people learn how to communicate through observing and imitating others, particularly those who are important or influential in their lives. For example, a child may learn how to use polite language by observing and mimicking their parents, or a young adult may learn how to make small talk by watching their peers interact at a party. Social learning theory suggests that our communication behaviors are not innate, but rather they are shaped by the people and environments around us.

  2. Social exchange theory is another influential communication theory that focuses on the reciprocity and mutual benefit that often underlie interpersonal relationships. According to this theory, people engage in communication with others in order to achieve some sort of reward or benefit, whether it be emotional, social, or material. Social exchange theory suggests that people are rational actors who weigh the costs and benefits of their interactions, and will only continue to communicate with someone if they believe the benefits outweigh the costs. This theory has been applied to a wide range of communication contexts, including friendships, romantic relationships, and even communication in the workplace.

  3. Uncertainty reduction theory is a communication theory that focuses on how people seek to reduce uncertainty and increase predictability in their interactions with others. According to this theory, people are motivated to communicate with others in order to gather information about them and reduce uncertainty about their intentions, behaviors, and beliefs. This theory has been applied to a wide range of communication contexts, including initial encounters, online communication, and communication in teams and organizations.

In conclusion, these three communication theories – social learning theory, social exchange theory, and uncertainty reduction theory – offer different perspectives on the role of communication in shaping our relationships and interactions with others. While each of these theories has its own unique focus and implications, they all highlight the importance of understanding how and why people communicate the way they do in order to effectively navigate and build relationships with others.

24 Top Mass Communications Theories (A to Z List) (2023)

three types of communication theories

Both the sender and the receiver are composed of a complex mix of hopes, biases, prejudices, expectations, values and pre-occupations. In fact, in Aristotle's short work On Rhetoric, he uses the word persuasion over 25 times. Classical Rhetorical Theory Classical rhetorical theory stares that communication consists of 3 elements: the speaker, the message, and the audience. However, the theory now stands discredited as it is now widely accepted that audiences interact with information in a much more complex manner. There are three relationship possibilities between behavior and beliefs. Accommodation in a group occurs when one has a sense of belonging to a group. Handbook of journalism and mass communication.


Types of Communication Theories

three types of communication theories

An individual has to communicate to express his feelings, pass on information to the other human beings and share his thoughts and feelings. Here, efforts were made to understand the distortions and gaps that frequently existed between the messages sent and those received. Provide at least one piece of evidence to support your decision. Education was considered to be the primary and the only purpose of Mass media. The electronic media include television and radios. These models also introduced the roles of social, relational, and cultural context.


Communication Theory and Models of Communication

three types of communication theories

What are the benefits of using visual communication for marketing? For example, say a person thinks that Highway X is under construction. Because she believes that construction will cause her serious delays and because she values her time, she won't take Highway X. Inductive logic does not lead to unequivocal truths. Cultivation Theory The cultivation theory of mass communication states that the more time people spend consuming media, the more strongly their perception of the world around them is going to align with what is portrayed in the media. In-store signage and packaging can also be designed to make products more appealing. So, you have witnessed the accident and feel the urge to call your best friend.


3 Main Types of Communication

three types of communication theories

This theory said that the doctrines of the aristocratic class or the ruling class are the ruling ideas. For example, some studies show that fish oil supplements help prevent heart disease, and other studies show that they don't help. A dependency model of mass-media effects. Calling someone stupid isn't very persuasive. Intercultural communication essentially means communication across different cultural boundaries. The social responsibility theory was initiated in America in 1949. Our interactions with other people on social media lead us to develop this identity, just as our interactions with people in the real world help us to develop an identity we present in front of them.


Communication Theory

three types of communication theories

The source The source or the sender carefully puts their thoughts into words and transfers the message to the receiver. Some models are more detailed than others, but even the most elaborate ones cannot perfectly represent what goes on in a communication encounter. Strangely enough, Shannon and Weaver were mathematicians, who developed their work during the Second World War in the Bell Telephone Laboratories. It also includes the reactions, feelings of the receiver after he decodes the information. Our sense of hearing lets us know that someone is speaking to us. Multicultural communication Multicultural refers to how a group or team is composed, in particular a group that is made up of people with different nationalities. Prior to this, she wrote curriculum and business papers in four different languages.


8 Communication models explained

three types of communication theories

Cognitive Dissonance Theory When a person holds two conflicting beliefs or behaves in a manner inconsistent with their beliefs the resulting tension or discomfort is cognitive dissonance. More advanced theories -- such as Uses and Gratifications -- investigate specific applications of communication to business and government, and many of these theories have to do with the effects and application of television and other media on our lives. Also, in between the images of heartbroken animals are facts about animal abuse. The theory states that every person will look for balanced beliefs. We can help your staff communicate effectively with other employees internationally, or we can prepare executives for overseas deployments or for high-level business negotiations as an alternative to relying on interpretation services. A The gatekeeping theory of mass communication holds that communication needs a gatekeeper to filter out irrelevant content, and only pass on that which serves the purpose of communication. The changes in communication may be in verbal or non-verbal forms.


Communication Theories

three types of communication theories

Look into the cultural norms and social customs of the location. People who consume enough media notice that there is a specific format in which stories are narrated. Thus the universal law of communication theory says that all living beings whether they are plants, animals, human beings communicate through sound, speech, visible changes, body movements, gestures or in the best possible way to make the others aware of their thoughts, feelings, problems, happiness or any other information. When two or more people with different cultural backgrounds interact and communicate with each other or one another, we can say that intercultural communication is taking place. Because she believes that construction will cause her serious delays and because she values her time, she won't take Highway X. The group-think idea was designed to examine and predict how a certain group makes poor decisions.


ACT Theory of Communication

three types of communication theories

The theory arose in the first half of the 20th century, in response to the use of media as a propaganda tool in Europe, the Soviet Union, and to a lesser extent in the United States. Another barrier is assuming that other cultures are similar rather than different to your own. Cross-cultural communication Cross-cultural means comparing two or more different cultures; so cross-cultural communication examines the varying communication styles of different cultural groups. Identify and define the components of the transaction model of communication. What are the disadvantages of visual communication branding? The rise of newspapers therefore gave people a sense that they were all united under the one society and culture.
