Transformational leadership literature review. Transformational Leadership 2022-12-29

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Transformational leadership is a leadership style that focuses on inspiring and motivating followers to achieve their full potential. This approach has gained popularity in recent years, as it has been shown to be effective in increasing employee satisfaction and organizational performance. In this literature review, we will examine the key characteristics of transformational leadership, its benefits and drawbacks, and how it compares to other leadership styles.

One key characteristic of transformational leadership is the leader's ability to articulate a clear vision and inspire followers to work towards it. Transformational leaders are able to inspire and motivate their followers by setting high expectations and challenging them to think creatively and critically. They also provide support and guidance to help followers achieve their goals and develop their skills.

Another characteristic of transformational leadership is the leader's ability to empower followers and encourage them to take on leadership roles. Transformational leaders foster an environment of trust, respect, and collaboration, which allows followers to feel comfortable expressing their ideas and taking on new responsibilities. They also encourage followers to take risks and learn from their mistakes, which helps to foster personal and professional growth.

There are several benefits to transformational leadership. Research has shown that transformational leaders are able to improve employee satisfaction and motivation, leading to increased productivity and performance. Transformational leadership has also been linked to higher levels of innovation and creativity within organizations. Additionally, transformational leadership can help to build strong, committed teams that are able to adapt to change and overcome challenges.

However, transformational leadership is not without its drawbacks. Some research suggests that transformational leaders may be more effective in certain situations, such as in high-stress or high-risk environments, where the need for clear direction and motivation is greater. In other situations, such as those that are more routine or stable, transformational leadership may be less effective. Additionally, transformational leadership requires a high level of emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills, which may not be present in all leaders.

Transformational leadership can be contrasted with other leadership styles, such as transactional leadership and authoritarian leadership. Transactional leadership focuses on rewarding and punishing followers for meeting or not meeting specific goals and expectations. This approach can be effective in certain situations, but may not be as effective at inspiring and motivating followers in the long-term. Authoritarian leadership involves a leader issuing orders and expecting them to be followed without question. This approach can be effective in certain situations, but may not foster an environment of trust and collaboration, and may not be as effective at inspiring followers to think creatively and critically.

In conclusion, transformational leadership is a leadership style that focuses on inspiring and motivating followers to achieve their full potential. It has been shown to be effective in increasing employee satisfaction and organizational performance, but may not be as effective in certain situations. Transformational leadership requires a high level of emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills, and can be contrasted with other leadership styles such as transactional leadership and authoritarian leadership.

Mohamed, Draft 1, Lit Review, with AH

transformational leadership literature review

As noted by Deluga 1990 transformational leaders give a lot of importance to power and influence processes. According to Burns 1978 , leadership emerges when individuals use resources such as institutions, politics and psychology in order to satisfy the motives of their followers. They are confident, self-determined, competent, articulate and possess strong ideals. Transformational leaders motivate people by looking out for followers best interest in creating change, while at the same time; followers are moved by transformational leaders to address higher-level needs Bass, 1985. In this way organizations were able to trust them even in worse and uncertain conditions.


Book Review: Literature Review Of Transformational Leadership

transformational leadership literature review

His leadership and transformation of Eckerd from a small regional family firm to a national entity is described including strategies utilized to address resistance to change. So the chapter explains the reasons behind the use of selected research method and the advantages by using the specified research approach. Act 1 involves the recognizing of the needs to bring change. Studies have also been conducted in non-Western societies, hence suggesting that transformational leadership is effective in various settings Den Hartog et al. This study reviews nine qualitative works on the use of transformational leadership theory in education and identifies three major themes: 1. Thus transformational leadership brings higher level of commitments from the employee towards the organisation.


A Literature Review of Transformational Leadership...

transformational leadership literature review

The Laissez-Fair Leadership Style 1085 Words 5 Pages They are engaging elements of transformational leadership in which leaders get great illustrations who increased in value, respected, replicated and trusted by subordinates ;. In this theory a lot of importance is given to the leader. This type of leadership supports the sub-ordinates who come with new ideas. Context is about the conditions and solutions at the time of the problem. .


(DOC) Transformational Leadership: A Literature Review

transformational leadership literature review

They act as social architects who can understand the norms and moral values required by their followers. The leader exercises bureaucratic authority. They possess a common vision, which emerges from the collective thinking of the followers. The enhanced motivation of each individual in a team would result in an improved motivation of the team overall, and thus, inspire them to think and perform outside the norms. Further, it talks about an example of each transformational and transactional leadership in real-world. Bass Bass, 1999; Hautala, 2006.


A Review of the Literature on Transformational Leadership

transformational leadership literature review

According to him leadership gives multidirectional influence but management goes only in one direction under some authority. Kruse, 2013 is of the view that leadership is a process through which individuals maximize the efforts of others to achieve a common goal. This is supported by Gumusluoglu and Ilsev 2009 who discovered that transformational leadership is positively related to individual creativity and organizational innovation. Each form has its own characteristics which can be advantages in some situations but can be disadvantages under other cases. This style of leadership is intended to create significant changes in the life of people and organizations. .


Literature Review on Transformational Leadership

transformational leadership literature review

They were able to satisfy their followers about the positivity or negativity of the change. Chapter 2: the second chapter is the literature review of this dissertation concerned about the works of various authors and scholars who have highlighted and discussed about the impact on brand value in laptop computer market. Thus, transactional leaders clarify to their followers about what must be done in order to receive those rewards either explicit or implicit. Transformational leaders have charisma, but this is not the only factor needed to bring about change. French and Raven 1959 gave five important types of power, which are as follows: Reward, coercive, legitimate, referent and expert. Leadership and power are also related to each other because leaders cannot influence their followers without power.


Transformational Leadership Literature Review

transformational leadership literature review

When used with an experienced high performing staff, the constant supervision and punitive nature of the transactional leadership style can be counterproductive, causing a decrease in production and satisfaction among some groups. Interwoven leadership: The missing link in multi-agency major incident response. In this approach people are normally motivated by the key figure like the example of Martin Luther King. In this type of organizations, leaders break down the old structures and establish new ones. In order for such change to take place, retail leaders must proactively and consistently raise consciousness of the importance of customer service through charismatic motivation Bass, 1985; Bryman, 1992. Operational management emphasizes more on transactional leadership style, as it believes in punishment and reward in order to get better results. As described by Handy 1999 , leadership is about guiding a group of people to achieve a task.


(PDF) Transformational Leadership Background Literature Review

transformational leadership literature review

However, in a laboratory study conducted by Kelloway, Barling, Kelley, Comtois, and Gatien 2003 , it was revealed that remote transformational leadership still affects performance and attitudes positively. Transactional leadership style may be considered a common management style that involves a chain of command and defined structure where subordinates are expected to do what their supervisor tells them to do. The history of transformational As the topic of leadership begins with many studies and opinions on what type of leadership motivates and inspires an organization and its employees working towards a common goal for the betterment of each other which generally points to transformational leadership. Social systems work best with a clear chain of command. . It has also been suggested by Dionne et al. Business Bliss Consultants FZE.
