Use variety in a sentence. Use vanity in a sentence 2022-12-10

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Variety is an essential element of language and can add depth and interest to our communication. It can be achieved through the use of different words, structures, and styles.

One way to use variety in a sentence is by incorporating a range of vocabulary. For example, instead of repeating the same word or phrase, we can use synonyms or related terms to convey the same idea. This not only adds interest and nuance to our language, but it also helps to expand our own vocabulary and deepen our understanding of a concept.

Variety can also be achieved through the use of different sentence structures. For example, we can use short, simple sentences to convey a straightforward idea, while longer, more complex sentences can be used to convey more detailed or nuanced information. By using a range of sentence structures, we can create a more engaging and varied reading or listening experience.

In addition to vocabulary and sentence structure, we can also use variety in our writing and speaking styles. This can involve using different tones, such as formal or informal, or using different writing techniques, such as using rhetorical devices or figurative language. By using a range of styles, we can effectively communicate our ideas and emotions to our audience.

Overall, the use of variety in language is an important aspect of effective communication. It allows us to convey our ideas and emotions in a more engaging and dynamic way, and it can also help to deepen our understanding and appreciation of the language itself.

How to Use Variety with Example Sentences

use variety in a sentence

You can add an — ing modifier to the beginning or the end of a sentence, depending on which fits best. This will profit both the banks and the government itself. The Fifties polka dot is also resurrected in a variety of vibrant pinks and purples. Grammar 75 More on Sentence Variety Sometimes writers have a tendency to reuse the same sentence pattern throughout their writing. Some economists, who favored the bailout, argued that the banks were too big to fail.


How to use "variety" in a sentence

use variety in a sentence

Show More Sentences This variety of riverine habitat supports a different range of species, which greatly add to the value of the adjoining meadows. The bluesmen named King have all been very talented and good guitar players. The colorful, long-lasting blossoms of this wide variety of mums range from one to six inches across. Another useful technique is to connect two sentences using a modifier, a relative clause, or an appositive. English Sentences with Audio Using the Word "variety".



use variety in a sentence

Nielsen Bainbridge offers a wide variety of silvers, from a raw aluminum look to a steel gray to brushed tones in its German silver. The drawing was removed, and a variety of modeling tools were used to tool the foil in relief. Simple Sentences with "variety" A simple sentence with "variety"contains a subject and a verb, and it may also have an object and modifiers. He started several airfields in the Los Angeles area and operated a variety of aircraft. By chemical warnings the defensive processes seem to be awakened, or summoned; and when we think of the infinite variety of such possible phases, and of the multitude of corresponding defensive agents, we may form some dim notion of the complexity of the animal blood and tissues, and within them of the organic molecules.


Sentence Variety Examples: Different Types & Structures

use variety in a sentence

He satirizes a variety of targets and yet none more than himself. CM 1040743 Variety is the spice of life. In this sentence, without whipped cream is the prepositional phrase. Try to use a series of three when providing examples, grouping adjectives, or generating a list. The company offered rectangular versions of the scarves for use as sarongs, as well as fringed piece goods in a variety of fibers. Using too many modifiers in a paragraph may create an unintentionally comical effect as the following example shows: The treasure lay buried under the old oak tree, behind the crumbling fifteenth-century wall, near the schoolyard, where children played merrily during their lunch hour, unaware of the riches that remained hidden beneath their feet.


More on Sentence Variety

use variety in a sentence

Summary: This resource presents methods for adding sentence variety and complexity to writing that may sound repetitive or boring. Plasma is sometimes considered a green variety of jasper, and sometimes considered as a green and translucent variety of chalcedony. CK 41970 They are made in a variety of sizes. Notice how they add additional information to the text and provide a sense of flow to the essay, making it less choppy and more pleasurable to read. In the millennia since early Mesopotamians first converted the fierce, ancestral aurochs into the contented cow, a wide variety of specialized breeds have been developed.


Variety in a sentence (esp. good sentence like quote, proverb...)

use variety in a sentence

A variety of shanties and shelters can be attached to these houses as households engage in petty commerce and services. Show More Sentences Considering how tight most engine bays are after a few accessories are added, this venting addition can reduce heat stress on a variety of products under the bonnet. Notice that different beginnings can alter not only the structure but also the emphasis of the sentence. Children are able to take on the roles of evacuees, undertaking a variety of war-time tasks such as darning socks or making rag rugs. THN in BC infograph.


Sentence variety

use variety in a sentence

Snow covered taxiways and runways present a variety of problems while taxiing. Take another look at the paragraph on the government bailout. You're not slaving week in week out in a hot kitchen, like me. Safes designed for home use come in a variety of shapes, sizes and designs, and there's sure to be one out there that's perfect for your needs. Still, they were disappointed to learn that wall hangings, which they had especially wanted, were difficult to find. Hence perhaps why much is made of the variety of subject matter in Sebald's novels, like a lumber room in a rundown mansion ready for an enthusiast's rummage. Patients with giant cell arteritis often have a variety of other symptoms, such as malaise, fatigue, low-grade fever, anorexia, weight loss, myalgias or arthralgias.


Use vary in a sentence

use variety in a sentence

It is increasingly the case that Web content and services are developed using a variety of more or less sophisticated authoring tools, packages etc. The kitchen garden includes fruits such as strawberries as well as plum and apples trees plus a variety of vegetables. CM 681085 The company manufactures a variety of paper goods. Show More Sentences Aristotle was an industrious collector who amassed a prodigious quantity of information on a vast variety of topics. Since the subject-verb-object pattern is the simplest sentence structure, many writers tend to overuse this technique, which can result in repetitive paragraphs with little sentence variety. It is important to make sure that the main idea in your revised sentence is contained in the main clause, not in the modifier.


The Word "Variety" in Example Sentences

use variety in a sentence

CK 2721772 We all need variety in our diet. I won't bore you with these. Today, I can say that my wardrobe consists of a variety of tab, spread, point, and button-down collars. He needs a variety of power tools, drills, routers, circular saws, jigsaws and packets of blades. Notice that when the prepositional phrase is moved to the beginning of the sentence, the emphasis shifts from the subject—the terrified cat—to the location in which the cat is hiding.
