Violent media is good. Gerald Jones's Violent Media Is Good For Kids 2022-12-20

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It is a controversial topic whether violent media is good or not. Some argue that it can have negative effects on individuals, such as desensitization to violence and aggression, while others claim that it can have positive effects, such as providing an outlet for aggression and serving as a means of entertainment. In this essay, I will argue that violent media can be good when it is consumed in moderation and with an understanding of its potential consequences.

One of the main arguments against violent media is that it can lead to desensitization to violence and aggression. Studies have shown that exposure to violent media can reduce the physiological arousal and emotional response to real-life violence, leading individuals to be less affected by it. This can lead to a lack of empathy and a decrease in prosocial behaviors, such as helping others in need or standing up against injustice.

However, it is important to note that the impact of violent media on individuals can vary greatly based on factors such as age, personality, and the context in which it is consumed. For example, children and adolescents may be more susceptible to the negative effects of violent media due to their still-developing brains and lack of life experience. On the other hand, adults who have a better understanding of the consequences of violence and aggression may be less affected by violent media.

Additionally, it is important to consider the role of moderation in consuming violent media. While excessive consumption of violent media can have negative effects, consuming it in moderation may not necessarily be harmful. In fact, some research suggests that consuming violent media in moderation can serve as a means of catharsis, providing an outlet for aggression and reducing the likelihood of aggressive behavior in real life.

Furthermore, violent media can serve as a form of entertainment, providing a sense of excitement and enjoyment for individuals. Many people enjoy watching action movies or playing violent video games as a means of escapism and relaxation. However, it is important to recognize that violent media is not for everyone and that it is important to consider one's own personal values and beliefs when consuming it.

In conclusion, while violent media can have negative effects, it can also have positive effects when consumed in moderation and with an understanding of its potential consequences. It is important to consider the context in which it is consumed and to be aware of one's own personal values and beliefs when consuming it. Ultimately, the decision to consume violent media is a personal one and should be made with caution and consideration.

It is a controversial topic whether or not violent media is good. Some people argue that it can have negative effects on individuals and society, while others argue that it can have positive effects or even no effect at all.

One argument for the positive effects of violent media is that it can serve as a form of entertainment and release for aggression. People may watch violent movies or play violent video games as a way to relax and de-stress after a long day, or as a way to escape from the real world for a while. In this way, violent media can act as a form of catharsis, allowing people to vicariously experience and release pent-up emotions through fictional characters and situations.

Another argument is that violent media can serve as a form of education or social commentary. Many works of violent media, such as war movies or crime dramas, depict real-world issues and events, and can provide insight into different perspectives and historical events. In this way, violent media can broaden our understanding and empathy for others, and can even inspire social change.

However, there are also valid arguments against the positive effects of violent media. Some research has shown that exposure to violent media can desensitize individuals to real-world violence and aggression, and can even increase aggressive behavior in some cases. Children and adolescents, in particular, may be more susceptible to the negative effects of violent media, as their brains are still developing and may be more easily influenced.

Additionally, violent media can perpetuate harmful stereotypes and normalize violence as a solution to problems. This can have negative consequences on both an individual and societal level, as it can contribute to a culture of violence and aggression.

In conclusion, the question of whether or not violent media is good is complex and multifaceted. While it can have positive effects such as providing entertainment and education, it can also have negative effects such as desensitization to violence and perpetuation of harmful stereotypes. It is important to consider the potential impacts of violent media on both the individual and society, and to use media responsibly and critically.

It is a common belief that media, especially media that portrays violence, can have negative effects on individuals and society. However, there is also a perspective that violent media can be beneficial in certain contexts. In this essay, we will explore the potential benefits of violent media and consider the arguments for and against the idea that violent media is good.

One argument in favor of violent media is that it can serve as a form of catharsis, or a way to release pent-up emotions and tension. Some people may find that watching or playing games that involve violence allows them to vent their frustrations and aggressive tendencies in a safe and controlled environment. This can potentially reduce the likelihood of real-world violence and aggression.

Another argument is that violent media can serve as a form of entertainment. Many people enjoy action movies, video games, and other forms of media that involve violence as a form of leisure and escape from the stresses of daily life. While these forms of media may not always be realistic or accurate representations of violence, they can provide a sense of excitement and entertainment for those who choose to consume them.

However, there are also valid concerns about the effects of violent media on individuals and society. Some research suggests that exposure to violent media can desensitize people to real-world violence and aggression, leading to a decrease in empathy and an increase in aggressive behavior. Additionally, violent media can glorify or normalize violence, leading to a cultural acceptance of aggression and conflict as a means of solving problems.

In conclusion, while there may be some potential benefits to violent media in certain contexts, it is important to consider the potential negative effects on individuals and society. It is ultimately up to each individual to decide whether or not they want to consume violent media and to consider the impact it may have on their own behavior and attitudes towards violence.

Is violence media good?

violent media is good

Some people believe that media violence increases the possibility of actual violence in society while other people might say that media has little impact on our lives. Despite the fact that he does not mention this thesis out rightly, he talks about how a violent comic book transformed him from a state of loneliness and being passive to being a conqueror of his fears. It is considered difficult to understand why violent video games and online computer games may lead to such serious violence. Is viewing mass media violence leads to increases in aggressive attitudes, values. They take media violence as pleasure and end up mimicking the actions learned through media to the point they cannot separate reality versus fiction. Jones argument goes against the majority of societies opinions. As some researchers demonstrate, the main cause of youths attaching themselves to baby gangs and violent peers is to substitute a missing parental role.


Violent Media Is Good for Kids: An Analysis of Gerald...

violent media is good

He also speaks of his son who had fears of climbing a tree. This is brought out clearly when the author begins by talking about his childhood experiences in the first paragraph. Censorship helps kids be kids so they do not have to worry about how cruel the world actually is. And he climbed the tree. Violence in games is often heavily associated with other game mechanics and themes that can lead to harmful effects. If there is a lot of violence in the area.


Violent Media Is Good For Kids, By Gerard Jones

violent media is good

There are numerous others, which have exceptionally negative impacts; the small enlivening angle ought not befuddle anybody to hold such a solid battle to support them. The test to see if violent video games made youths violent was not as accurate as it should have been. He states his opinions without any actual facts and support which makes his arguments ineffective. Today, Americans own at least one television in their household. The most important way to keep children from watching, playing, and listening to violence is to stop it where it usually starts: in the home. . In addition, his way of presenting violent media tells us that violent video games and other media sources make children think it is okay to be violent and ruthless just like the way video games present a character.


Violent Media Is Good For Kids By Gerard Jones Analysis

violent media is good

This essay logically flowed with a tone that had characteristics of a casual setting. In fact, many people blame on violent video games being the solely cause of teenager mass shooting events. In the article "Screen Violence and Youth Behavior" the authors reviewed numerous meta-analyses and other experimental studies that emphasized on video games and its relation to increased aggressive behavior and thoughts. A study was done by Journal of American Medical Association where they saw decrease in student engagement. .


Gerald Jones's Violent Media Is Good For Kids

violent media is good

Some media critics believe that violent cartoons, video games, movies etc. The author uses the rhetorical strategies almost perfectly. Discuss the three dimensions associated with HR management as a strategic business contributor. By reaching… Violent Media Is Good For Kids Essay Hermes backs up her argument that violent television has negative effects on children by including the opinions of the Kaiser Family Foundation, Media Awareness Network, American Psychological Association, and American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. While some bullies are arrogant and narcissistic, they can also use bullying as a tool to conceal shame or anxiety or to boost self-esteem: by demeaning others, the abuser feels empowered. He uses these scenarios in order to express his point of view of the influences media has on aggressiveness and violent behavior. Its not like most where he has a thesis statement, rather he is telling a story.


Analysis Of Violent Media Is Good For Kids

violent media is good

That adolescents would want to follow up in their steps because of all the media violence that can be found about their actions. However, he was afraid: of falling, of the centipedes crawling on the trunk, of sharp branches, of his friends' derision. A game that rewards players for helping others or building a town tend to change the way kids think about lifeAllowing children play violent games for a long period is one cause of the increase in aggressive behaviors. Parents of teens need to become more educated while being more involved with the consumption of violent of media so they can help cease the issues they are dealing with before they even present… Video Games Should Be Banned Essay Introduction: "They are melting your brain. More and more kids are playing video and computer games — especially ultra-violent ones that are top sellers. Jones never matured past that lonely and passive nature his parents allowed to flourish until he got to meet others who shared his passion for comic books.


Summary Of Violent Media Is Good For Kids

violent media is good

Studies focusing on the effects of video games, movies and television, and music are some of the most popular Hatch. Similarly many young kids feel powerless in a world they feel tiny in. In addition, this shows that by watching media violence at a young age can have a huge impact on them, because it can ruin the minds of the adolescent which can lead to violent action in the future. The paper "How violent media Hurts Kids" discusses that violent media can hurt kids more than teaching them something. Positive And Negative Effects Of Video Games Essay 1031 Words 5 Pages Some researches admit that violent games may cause adolescents to become tremendous.


Gerard Jones Violent Media Is Good For Kids

violent media is good

Therefore, parents should be careful what their kids are watching now a day because cartoons that have violence in it can sometimes persuade the child to do something awful. However, some kids with intention to do the violent and critical crime should be treated as an adult. With the youth being revealed to such things at this young age, they have already made up their minds that it is a common trend of society to praise violent media. Teenagers often have a rebellious mindset which makes it easier for them to connect with the violent media content and their lack of judgment leads to poor decision-making. These benefits are not worth the risk of being influenced by violent video games. Even though he expresses his point of view through personal connection and emotional aspect he fails to use logical reasoning.


Violent Media is Good for Kids Essay Example

violent media is good

. Thus, when comparing the two for who had the better argument when I ignore fallacies, I believe, in all actuality, it is Leonard who wins this point. When Leo states an opinion he does not support it with facts. . On their game they will be doing the violence and harm, and then they are rewarded for their actions. I suggest we should not allow to children play violent video games. He also claims undoubtedly that violent media impairs children, rather it helps them express their emotions in non-destructive ways.
