Was the us justified in dropping the atomic bomb. The United States’ Use Of The Atomic Bomb: Was It Justified? 2022-12-24

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Creativity is a crucial aspect of human life that allows us to generate new and innovative ideas, solve problems, and express ourselves in unique ways. It is a valuable skill that has the potential to benefit individuals, communities, and society as a whole. Therefore, it is important to nurture and encourage creativity in all aspects of life, including education.

However, there is a widespread belief that schools often kill creativity. Many people argue that the traditional education system, with its emphasis on memorization, standardized testing, and conformity, stifles creativity and discourages students from thinking outside the box. In this essay, we will explore this claim and consider whether schools really do kill creativity.

One reason why some people believe that schools kill creativity is that they place a strong emphasis on conformity and the correct answers. Students are often expected to follow rules and procedures, and deviations from the norm are not always encouraged or rewarded. This can create a culture of fear and conformity, where students are afraid to take risks or express themselves in unique ways.

Another reason why some people believe that schools kill creativity is that they focus primarily on academic subjects, such as math, science, and language arts. While these subjects are important, they do not always provide opportunities for students to engage in creative activities. For example, a student may be asked to solve a math problem or write an essay, but they may not have the opportunity to design a product, create a piece of art, or engage in other forms of creative expression.

Additionally, the pressure to perform well on standardized tests can also limit creativity. Schools often place a great deal of emphasis on test scores, and students may feel pressure to focus on preparing for these tests rather than exploring their own interests and passions. This can lead to a narrow focus on academic subjects and a lack of time for creative pursuits.

However, it is important to note that not all schools kill creativity. Some schools, particularly those that adopt a more progressive approach to education, actively encourage creativity and allow students to explore their own interests and passions. These schools may use project-based learning, inquiry-based learning, and other pedagogical approaches that give students the opportunity to engage in creative activities and express themselves in unique ways.

In conclusion, while it is true that some schools may discourage creativity, it is important to recognize that not all schools are the same. Some schools actively encourage creativity and provide students with the opportunity to explore their own interests and passions. Therefore, it is important for educators, parents, and policy makers to consider ways to nurture and encourage creativity in all aspects of education.

Was The United States Justified In Dropping The Atomic Bomb On Hiroshima?

was the us justified in dropping the atomic bomb

Why all this concern about a country that attacked us? The baby will be unjustly killed anyway. In the days after the bombing, President Obama made history on Friday when he became the first sitting president to visit Hiroshima. There is also the point that the Americans were looking for revenge against the Japanese, as they had injured and killed many American soldiers, and even more to come, had the Americans not taken quick action. For centuries there have been generally agreed principles on when a war is just and how that war can be fought. The US government realized that Japan was not going to surrender without serious convincing.


Free Essay: Was Us Justified in Using the Atomic Bomb in Japan?

was the us justified in dropping the atomic bomb

I believe that the bombings were necessary in order to make Japan surrender because Harry Truman, the President of the United States of America, knew that the Japanese military were not going to slow down on its war effort unless the United States military reacted in an extreme manner to cripple the Japanese war effort enough where Japan had no choice but to… Why the United States Should Have Dropped the Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima Despite its destructive consequences, the American bombing of Hiroshima was necessary to put an end to the war in the Pacific. From what the US could tell at the time the Japanese were preparing to defend the home islands with every available resource, up to and including civilians wielding spears. It had been a war of many atrocities and reprisals, from the Rape of Nanking onwards. Fish, It might seem horrifying to you but the reality is that, in modern warfare, there are no non combatants. American and Filipino prisoners of war during the 1942 Bataan Death march on the Philippines.


The US Truman Was Justified In Dropping The Atomic Bomb

was the us justified in dropping the atomic bomb

Instead, they ask, Why is it necessary? So you want others to THINK , neither of the 2 cities had any military importance? The avoidance of this ensuing confrontation and the war-weariness of the American public is the common justifications for dropping the bombs. Truman faced many pros and cons of his decision, however, the pros outweighed the cons. You know, you really need to learn context. This resulted in the deaths of around 135,000 people, most of whom were civilians. The cabinet was at an impasse. Was The Atomic Bomb Morally Justified The atomic bomb was a devastating weapon that killed thousands of people in an instant. While the battles for the Philippines and Okinawa were taking place, President Truman, who had become president following the death of Roosevelt, was considering an invasion of the Japanese mainland.


WW2 Debate: Was The US Right To Drop Atomic Bombs On Hiroshima & Nagasaki?

was the us justified in dropping the atomic bomb

Otherwise, it could be argued that we should have put all members of at least the Nazi party "to the sword" after conquering that country--which killed far more of our soldiers than Japan. If the Germans made old men and children fight do you really think the Japanese wouldn't have done the same? Why did America drop bomb on Japan? I don't know which would be worse to charge you with: your being completely ignorant of what a sacrifice of lives and bodies that invasion cost or complete callous disregard of it. The drop of the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki killed hundreds of thousands of people. Therefore the destruction of hospitals and schools etc was acceptable to them. The President then decided to drop the atomic bomb to end this war and quickly. With this in mind, they would have continued to drag out the war, which shows that dropping the bombs sped up the war which lessened the casualties.


Was the Atomic Bomb Dropped on Hiroshima Justified

was the us justified in dropping the atomic bomb

S soldiers and it ended World War II. During World War II, the United States bombed both Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The US was obligated to use the atomic bomb, because, after the Potsdam Conference in July, US asked the Japanese to surrender in early August. Arguments Against The Use Of The Atomic Bomb 169 Words 1 Pages There were three arguments that usually marshalled against the use of the atomic bomb. Robert Oppenheimer was a key figure in this effort. As commander in chief of the US forces, Truman had a duty to end the war as soon as possible and to use any legitimate weapon at his disposal.


Terrible But Justified: The U.S. A

was the us justified in dropping the atomic bomb

In a word that comment was simply "Amazing! It had taken both Truman and Hirohito to end the war. Within a short time, it would have conquered enough Korean territory to be able to claim a negotiating position at the post-war peace talks. During WWII, a politician named Jame F. True the US killed innocent people, but if they didn't, more would have died at the hands of the Japanese and of the Americans. The German Army was even able to launch the nearly successful surprise counter-attack that became the Battle of the Bulge in the Winter of 1945. Perhaps more telling is the suggestion that the United States could have given Japan more time between the two atomic bomb attacks.


Was America justified in dropping A

was the us justified in dropping the atomic bomb

As for the second bomb on Nagasaki, that was just as unnecessary as the first one. Hirohito and some of his advisers knew Japan had to surrender but were not in a position to get the government to accept that conclusion. The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the previous carpet bombing of 66 other Japanese cities, were not the reason Japan surrendered. The US had no idea what the bomb could do before they dropped it. He believed that an economic blockade and conventional bombing would convince Japan to surrender.


Dropping The Atomic Bomb: Necessary Or Justified?

was the us justified in dropping the atomic bomb

If anyone had the budget and the motives to make this weapon besides us, it was Germany. Eisenhower was of the same opinion as to these other prominent commanders and vocally joined his colleges citing morality-based objections. In fact, I can't figure out what the hell you're talking about in that comment. One major event that has long been debated was the use of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. If saving American lives was the justification for using the bomb in Japan the case for using it on Germany would have been vastly stronger. By the beginning of 1945 Japan had really lost its war-making capability and was being forced to retreat on all its fronts.
