What are the four main phases of the menstrual cycle. The Four Phases of Your Menstrual Cycle 2022-12-30

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The menstrual cycle is the natural monthly process that occurs in a woman's reproductive system. It is responsible for preparing the body for pregnancy, and if pregnancy does not occur, the uterus sheds its lining, leading to the menstrual period. The menstrual cycle is typically divided into four main phases: the menstrual phase, the follicular phase, the ovulatory phase, and the luteal phase.

  1. The menstrual phase, also known as the menstrual period or menses, is the first phase of the menstrual cycle. It begins on the first day of bleeding and lasts for about 3 to 7 days. During this phase, the uterus sheds its inner lining, called the endometrium, which is expelled from the body through the vagina. This shedding of the endometrium is what causes the bleeding that is characteristic of the menstrual period.

  2. The follicular phase is the second phase of the menstrual cycle and begins after the menstrual period. It is named after the follicles in the ovaries, which are small sacs that contain the eggs. During this phase, the follicles in the ovaries begin to mature, and the levels of estrogen in the body increase. The increased estrogen levels stimulate the growth of the endometrium, which thickens and becomes more vascular in preparation for pregnancy.

  3. The ovulatory phase is the third phase of the menstrual cycle and is characterized by the release of an egg from the ovary. This phase is typically triggered by a surge in luteinizing hormone (LH), which causes the mature follicle to rupture and release the egg. The egg then travels down the fallopian tube, where it may be fertilized by sperm. If fertilization does not occur, the egg will break down and be absorbed by the body.

  4. The luteal phase is the final phase of the menstrual cycle and begins after ovulation. It is named after the corpus luteum, which is a temporary endocrine gland that forms in the ovary after ovulation. The corpus luteum produces progesterone, which helps to maintain the thickened endometrium in preparation for pregnancy. If pregnancy does not occur, the corpus luteum will break down and the levels of progesterone and estrogen will decrease, leading to the shedding of the endometrium and the start of the next menstrual period.

In summary, the menstrual cycle is divided into four main phases: the menstrual phase, the follicular phase, the ovulatory phase, and the luteal phase. Each of these phases plays a crucial role in preparing the body for pregnancy and maintaining the menstrual cycle. Understanding the menstrual cycle is important for understanding reproductive health and fertility, and can also be helpful in tracking and predicting menstrual periods.

The Four Phases of the Menstrual Cycle

what are the four main phases of the menstrual cycle

After the peak in your hormones, they will begin to drop, reaching a low before your bleed begins. Visioning and goal setting will come much easier during this time. Second Phase: Follicular The second phase of your cycle is the follicular phase. The follicular phase usually lasts between 7 and 10 days. This is what our patriarchal society has reduced the menstrual cycle to.


What Are the 4 Stages of the Menstrual Cycle?

what are the four main phases of the menstrual cycle

As women, we never stop cycling. This is also a great time to take action with your body, doing more high intensity workouts during this time will be the best option as your energy continues building and you will burn more calories. The uterine lining will shed during your period. Several potential causes include excessive exercise, malnourishment, or too low or high body weight. Estrogen promotes proliferation of the endometrium the lining of your uterus. Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to this. You want to be a part of your community, nurture others, and love up on your partner.


The Four Seasons of the Menstrual Cycle

what are the four main phases of the menstrual cycle

Women have about 450 menstrual cycles in their lifetime. The two phases that happen between these are days of transition. Summer is associated with the Fire element, and as a thermogenic or heat-producing hormone, progesterone quite literally warms you up like summer sunshine. After the egg is released from your ovaries, the luteal phase continues until your next period starts. This will look like blood leaving your vagina, but the color and texture may be slightly different than the blood you are used to seeing from cuts or scrapes. During this part of the cycle you may notice that you will start with no vaginal discharge, and will slowly work your way to white or slightly yellow, sticky discharge right before ovulation. Yes, that corpus luteum is only 2-5cm long and it starts producing progesterone almost immediately after it is created.


Menstrual Cycle: the 4 Phases and What Happens During Each

what are the four main phases of the menstrual cycle

As our estrogen and progesterone levels start to drop this week, we may notice the desire to be more introverted, take on fewer tasks, and find more stillness in our everyday lives. Think about this question for a second. You will want to focus on eating warm foods at this time due to your body temp. During menstruation, your body sheds the endometrial lining and estrogen and progesterone are at their lowest point. This phase can last anywhere between 10 to 16 days.


The Four Phases of Your Menstrual Cycle Explained

what are the four main phases of the menstrual cycle

The menstrual cycle is the process of ovulation and menstruation. Does the menstrual cycle happen in the uterus? Maybe my hormones that I suspect to be very sensitive little people haha are just jumping around, partying like lawless rascals? Your hormones, particularly estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, are meant to ebb and flow throughout the four phases of your menstrual cycle. Phase 1: The Bleeding Phase Menstruation You may have been taught that your menstrual cycle ends with your period, but actually, day 1 of your menstrual cycle is the first day of bleeding. And these symptoms are not all in your head! The rest of the follicles will be reabsorbed into your body. Your energy is at its highest during this phase, so make the most of it! Strenuous exercise will feel increasingly good during this time too, so get out and enjoy physical activities that you love.


The Four Phases of Your Menstrual Cycle

what are the four main phases of the menstrual cycle

If you choose to exercise, sticking to simple workouts like walks and yoga will be best. Give yourself alone time, eat a healthy balanced diet, enjoy soothing exercises like yin yoga or swimming, and take more rest. Ovulation Ovulation happens around day 14 of your cycle, or about a week after the last day of your period, says Yen. Avoid stress on the ligaments that are attached to your uterus — this is basically any exercise that feels extremely strenuous like cross fit, boot camps, spinning and running. Come hang out with Nicole in her. You're officially in the ovulatory phase for 24 hours.


The Four Phases of Your Menstrual Cycle

what are the four main phases of the menstrual cycle

The maturing follicles produce estradiol in increasing amounts. However, the 4 phases also only occur if you are not on a hormonal birth control. Just a couple of months ago, my period was again about a week late. Do not disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking professional advice because of something you have read on this web site. It starts when the hypothalamus sends a signal to your pituitary gland to release Only the healthiest egg will eventually mature.


The 4 phases of the menstrual cycle and why your cycle could be irregular

what are the four main phases of the menstrual cycle

If both are fertilized, this can result in fraternal twins. Day one of your menstrual cycle is the first day that you see blood — the first day of your period. While progesterone is rising, estrogen has dropped but is slowly rising again for a second, smaller peak around the end of this week. Twitter Snapchat icon A ghost. Carbs promote serotonin production, making up for the lack of estrogen-associated serotonin. Other factors can also affect your cycle. The cycle then begins again.


Phases of the Menstrual Cycle

what are the four main phases of the menstrual cycle

Menstrual What is happening in your body Your menstrual phase is when your hormones will hit a low, along with your body temperature. The egg will either be fertilized on its journey through the fallopian tube by a sperm cell or it will disintegrate. Tiny, hair-like projections will assist the egg on its journey. Ovulation typically occurs on the full moon in cycles that begin on the new moon. Due to the higher estrogen, you may notice an increase in cervical fluid resembling that seen in the lead-up to ovulation. My question to you would be, are you on any kind of birth control i.


Phases of the menstrual cycle: the 4 seasons — Lucy Fitzgibbons Naturopath

what are the four main phases of the menstrual cycle

You will likely want to rest as much as possible. Last medically reviewed on August 17, 2018 Healthline has strict sourcing guidelines and relies on peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical associations. Welcome to your menstrual cycle The beginning of your menstrual cycle is the first day you start bleeding each month. Did you know your menstrual cycle phases mirror the moon phases? This phase begins the day after your final day of bleeding. Nourish it with soups and stews made with real bone broth and choose more root vegetables over processed carbs and sugars. During the second week of the luteal phase, estrogen makes one more appearance, in a last-ditch effort to further prep your body for pregnancy.
