What does paraphrase mean. Paraphrase Examples & Purpose 2022-12-11

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Competition can be a double-edged sword. On one hand, it can drive individuals and organizations to strive for excellence and push the limits of what is possible. On the other hand, it can also foster negative attitudes and behaviors, leading to unhealthy rivalry and even harm to oneself or others. Ultimately, whether competition is good or bad depends on how it is approached and managed.

In a positive light, competition can serve as a powerful motivator. It encourages people to set goals, work hard, and take risks in order to outperform their peers or rivals. This drive to succeed can lead to personal growth, increased productivity, and innovation. For example, in a business setting, competition among companies can lead to the development of new products and services, which ultimately benefits consumers. Similarly, in the education system, competition among students can motivate them to study harder and achieve higher grades.

However, there are also potential downsides to competition. It can create pressure and stress, leading to a focus on winning at all costs rather than on personal or collective growth. This can result in unhealthy behaviors such as cheating, sabotage, or even physical harm. Competition can also foster a sense of individualism, leading people to prioritize their own success over the well-being of others or the common good. This can create a cutthroat environment that is detrimental to both individuals and organizations.

Furthermore, competition can have negative impacts on those who are not as successful. Those who consistently come in second place or do not perform as well as their peers may feel discouraged or demotivated. This can lead to a lack of confidence and self-esteem, which can have lasting effects on an individual's well-being and future opportunities.

In conclusion, competition can be both good and bad, depending on how it is approached and managed. While it can serve as a powerful motivator and drive innovation and excellence, it can also have negative consequences if it is not approached in a healthy and balanced manner. It is important to recognize the potential downsides of competition and to strive for a more collaborative and inclusive approach to achieving success.


what does paraphrase mean

And now here's our acceptable paraphrase: Noman went to the pine forests to whisper her name Rushdie 46. The English scholar F. What is the main point of it? Just to be sure you are not accidentally plagiarizing, be sure to check all of your paraphrases as well. This doesn't help the reader understand the passage better. Therefore, it is imperative to be careful and gentle while dealing with clients and the information they provide. Now let's try something longer. People paraphrase the sayings of others in their own words to create a great impact on a listener.


Paraphrasing In Counseling (A Comprehensive Review)

what does paraphrase mean

But sometimes you need to explain a specific point from a source to demonstrate its meaning and connection to your own ideas. Because our AI is generalized, it serves a story generator, an essay generator, a poem generator, and much more. Did you use paraphrase correctly? How to Paraphrase An effective paraphrase may be written by following a few basic steps. . In a paraphrase, the ideas and meaning of the original source must be maintained; the main ideas need to come through, but the wording has to be your own. Here's our second example, from Peter Bowerman: Nevertheless, we keep jamming our round-peg selves into square-hole careers, pump ourselves up with the latest pop platitudes and then wonder why the good positive feelings last about as long as the happy gas after you leave the dentist's office Bowerman 212.


Paraphrase Examples & Purpose

what does paraphrase mean

Here's our unacceptable paraphrase: Banking education serves the interests of the oppressors, and is capable of minimizing or decreasing the students' creative power and stimulating their credulity. When paraphrasing, remember to keep the ideas and meaning of the original source and avoid plagiarism by putting the main ideas into your own words. We are put to construe and paraphrase our own words, to free ourselves from the ignorance and malice of our adversaries. If the wording of the paraphrase is too close to the wording of the original, then it is plagiarism. Summarizing involves putting the main idea s into your own words, including only the main point s. We recounted the storyline, the main characters, the events, and important points using our own words.


Definition of Paraphrase

what does paraphrase mean

Using the following activities, see if you can apply what you've learned to your own writing. Understanding how to effectively paraphrase will also ensure that sources are used appropriately and without plagiarism. And when writing a paper on a short story, you might start off your essay with a paraphrase of the plot. Okay, now you try it. The ability to paraphrase well hinges on a complete understanding of the material presented.


What is metaphrase paraphrase? Explained by FAQ Blog

what does paraphrase mean

Furthermore, he defined that translation is the replacement of textual material in source language by equivalent textual material in target language. All the laws of nations were but a paraphrase upon this standing rectitude of nature, that was ready to enlarge itself into suitable determinations, upon all emergent objects and occasions. Paraphrase may attempt to preserve the essential meaning of the material being paraphrased. Paraphrased sentence: On a daily basis, a grass and leaves eating animal like a Giraffe can eat upto 75 pounds of food. Thus, the difference between a paraphrase and translation must be understood. Transposition is a term from the European tradition of linguistics for the change of category without any change in meaning.


Reflecting and Paraphrasing • Counselling Tutor

what does paraphrase mean

Unconditional positive regard: the counselor must be non-judgemental and completely accepting of the client as a person, without any expectation of personal gain or rewards. Explain the gist of the source. Often source summaries are used by writers to draw conceptual frameworks or broad thematic trends from a variety of sources into a current project. Yet, such concealment is actually uncommon. First of all, it helps the client to feel both heard and understood.


Paraphrase: Meaning & Examples

what does paraphrase mean

Paraphrase Template:Pron-en is restatement of a text or passages, using other words. They can help explain difficult words or phrases that sound strange to the modern reader. Paraphrasing is repeating back your understanding of the material that has been brought by the client, using your own words. Here's our unacceptable paraphrase: We keep jamming our round-peg selves into square-hole careers and then wonder why the good positive feelings don't last longer than happy gas at the dentist's office. As a result, your text is reworded by decision-making software. The difference is less in the process than it is in the complexity of the steps. Reflection is an extremely useful and comprehensive skill use by counselors in the process of counseling.


What is Paraphrasing?

what does paraphrase mean

Advantages of paraphrasing: You will save a lot of time if you use paraphrasing services. When using a direct quote, be sure to also explain that quote to the reader so they can see how it fits into your ideas. By engaging in paraphrasing, you are letting the client know that you are understanding what they are trying to convey and you are ready to be corrected in case of any misunderstanding. Beyond providing insurance coverage for a substantial, uninsured, and largely unhealthy segment of society—and thereby reducing disparities and unequal access to care among all segments of the population—there is great potential for universal healthcare models to embrace value-based care. Here's a whole paragraph: In The Sopranos , the mob is besieged as much by inner infidelity as it is by the federal government.
