Which rat had the fastest basal metabolic rate bmr. Which Rat Had The Fastest Basal Metabolic Rate 2022-12-10

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Sound is a type of energy that travels through the air as a vibration of air molecules. It is created when an object or substance vibrates, causing the surrounding air molecules to vibrate as well. These vibrating air molecules then transmit the energy through the air to our ears, where it is detected by the ear drum and converted into electrical signals that our brains can interpret as sound.

Sound waves can have different characteristics, including frequency, amplitude, and wavelength. Frequency refers to the number of vibrations or oscillations per second and is measured in hertz (Hz). Amplitude refers to the size or intensity of the vibrations and is measured in decibels (dB). Wavelength is the distance between the crests of consecutive waves and is inversely related to frequency.

Sound waves can also be classified as either longitudinal or transverse waves. Longitudinal waves, also known as compression waves, are waves in which the vibrations are parallel to the direction of the wave's movement. Transverse waves, on the other hand, are waves in which the vibrations are perpendicular to the direction of the wave's movement.

Sound can be described in terms of its pitch, which is related to its frequency, and its volume, which is related to its amplitude. Pitch is the perceived highness or lowness of a sound and is determined by the frequency of the sound waves. Higher frequency sound waves produce higher pitch sounds, while lower frequency sound waves produce lower pitch sounds. Volume, or loudness, is the perceived intensity of a sound and is determined by the amplitude of the sound waves. Higher amplitude sound waves produce louder sounds, while lower amplitude sound waves produce softer sounds.

Sound is an important aspect of our daily lives and has many practical uses. It is used in communication, entertainment, and even in scientific and medical applications. It is also a key element of music, allowing us to experience a wide range of emotions and feelings through the various pitches and volumes of sound waves.

In conclusion, sound is a type of energy that travels through the air as a vibration of air molecules. It has various characteristics, including frequency, amplitude, and wavelength, and can be classified as either longitudinal or transverse waves. It is also described in terms of pitch and volume and has many practical uses in our daily lives.

Which Rat Had The Fastest Basal Metabolic Rate

which rat had the fastest basal metabolic rate bmr

The BMR was just below the normal rat's BMR but still lower. THE EFFECTS OF THE THYROXINE INCREASED THE METABOLIC RATES OF EACH RAT COMPARED TO ACTIVITY 1. For the hypophysectomized rat, the TSH will be missing due to the missing pituitary gland. Changes in metabolism occurred because the negative feedback mechanism could not be followed through due to the missing organs unable to secrete hormones. Your answer:The thyroid produces thyroxine and triidothyronine.


Which Rat Had The Fastest Basal Metabolic Rate (bmr)?

which rat had the fastest basal metabolic rate bmr

The thyroidectomized rat had a lower baseline metabolic rate beause the removal of its thyroid gland prevented it from producing any thyroxine. Your Answer The Normal Rat Had The Fastest Basal Metabolic Rate It Was Not Your answer:The normal rat had the fastest basal metabolic rate. Which patient s had normal glucose reading s? What was the effect of TSH injections on the thyroidectomized rat's BMR? Rats have a higher proportion of fast-twitch muscle fibers which require more energy to maintain than slow-twitch muscle fibers. What was the effect of thyroxine injections on the thyroidectomized rats BMR? The normal rat was hyperthyroidic because the thyroxine increases the metabolic rate but it did not develop goiter. The effect of TSH was to increase the normal rat's BMR 9 What was the effect of TSH injections on the thyroidectomized rats BMR? It can be for any subject or class.


PhysioEx Exercise 4 Activity 1 Flashcards

which rat had the fastest basal metabolic rate bmr

If an animal has been hypophysectomized, what effect would you expect to see in the hormone levels in its body? Compare the baseline metabolic rates for the thyroidectomized rat and the normal rat and explain your results. B Thyroidectomized rat - Since the thyroid was surgically removed, the TSH injections did not affect the thyroidectomized rat's BMR because the thyroid gland was unable to be stimulated. Which rat had the fastest baseline metabolic rate? Hypercortisolism occurs as a result of a tumor in the anterior pituitary gland, and it is characterized by elevated cortisol and adrenocorticotropic hormone levels. The administration of thyroid-stimulating hormone TSH into thenormal rat will also result in the increase of basal me Physiology - Physioex 9. The metabolic rate was increased by thyroxine.


Which rat had the fastest basal metabolic rate bmr Free Essays

which rat had the fastest basal metabolic rate bmr

A goiter did not develop. These results also suggest that there may be some differences in the BMR of different species of rats. There was no effect on the thyroidectomized rat's BMR with the injection of TSH because there was no thyroid gland to stimulate. What are the consequences of a low basal metabolic rate? However the BMR was still on the lower side in comparison tothe basal metabolic rate seen in the case of normal rats withthyroxine. Independent Variable: The variable that was purposely changed was the amount Premium Chemistry Temperature Water Experiment: Which Fruit Decomposes The Fastest quickly. Further research is needed to determine the exact reasons for these differences in BMR between different species of rats. The metabolic rate would go down with no pituitary gland to produce THS What was the effect of thyroxine injections on the normal rat's BMR? This plays an important part in hormone secretion to raise or lower BMR.


Which rat had the fastest basal metabolic rate BMR )?

which rat had the fastest basal metabolic rate bmr

. The thyroidectomized rat will Endocrin Sim Lab Key Activity 1: Metabolism and Thyroid Hormone Normal rat Thyroidectomized Hypophysectomized Weight g Variable, 249251 Variable, 244246 Variable, 244246 ml O2 used in 1 Variable, 7. What was the effect of thyroxine injections on the hypophysectomized rat's BMR? The metabolic rate went up and the baseline was a lot lower. Because it has the glands necessary to stimulate and regulate the release of thyroid hormones, the normal rat has the highest BMR. The BMR increased for the thyroidectomized rat with the thyroxine injections.


which rat had the fastest basal metabolic rate bmr

The effects of PTU injections could not be observed because the hypophysectomized rat's pituitary gland was removed. Your answer:I would expect to see a lack of TSH in the blood and also a lack of thyroxine and triiodothyronine. The hypophysectomized rat's BMR 1549. Why did the BMR's differ between the normal rat and the surgically altered rats? Why didn't any of the rats develop a goiter after thyroxine injection? Why was this effect observed? I am glad I could help you out cause I wish I had someone to help me out when I took this course. In general larger animals have a lower BMR than smaller animals and males have a higher BMR than females. Compare the baseline metabolic rates for the thyroidectomized rat and the normal rat and explain your results. Our prediction was incorrect.


which rat had the fastest basal metabolic rate bmr

What was the effect of thyroxine injections on the thyroidectomized rat's BMR? Because they no longer produce estrogen, they were used, and estrogen therapy or calcitonin therapy was tested in this experiment. Similar to Basal Metabolic Rate now it is also possible to easily calculate body mass index using BMI calculator for men and women. Rats create many problems in the world and I believe we should eliminate all rats. How does the BMR in this casecompare with the normal rat's BMR? Bmr is the main way humans spend energy, and is dependent on thyroid respiration rates of hepatocytes from rats of different thyroid status,. The animal will be missing trioodythronine and thyroxine. Physioex: endocrine system lab quiz part 1 an injection of tsh to an otherw Rats Bmr Custom Paper Service Blassignmentzbhz. Wood mouse Apodemus sylvaticus 4.


which rat had the fastest basal metabolic rate bmr

For example the brown rat and black rat have a higher BMR than the European house rat even though they are all the same size. What was the effect of thyroxine injections on the normal rat's BMR? Cushings disease is most likely to be diagnosed in which patient. Although the BMR decreased it was still lower than the normal rat's BMR. The palpable goiter was due to buildup of the precursors of thyroxine. THE HORMONE OF THE THYROID GLAND HELPS MAINTAIN METABOLISM AND BODY HEAT SINCE THE THYROID GLAND IS REMOVED THE RAT COULDNT DO THAT AND ITS BMR WAS SLOWER. The Hypox rat had is pituitary gland removed, in normal working systems the hypothalamus would secretethyrotropin-releasing hormone that stimulates the pituitary gland to produce a thyroid stimulating hormone. The syringe amount was a little too low.
