Why medical marijuanas should not be legal. Pros and Cons of Medical Marijuana 2022-12-18

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There are several reasons why medical marijuana should not be legal.

First, there is a lack of scientific evidence to support the use of marijuana as a medicine. While some studies have suggested that marijuana may have potential therapeutic benefits, the quality of the evidence is often poor, and more robust research is needed to confirm these findings. Additionally, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved marijuana as a safe and effective treatment for any medical condition.

Second, marijuana can have significant negative effects on health. It is well-known that marijuana can impair cognitive function, including memory, attention, and decision-making. It can also increase the risk of mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and psychosis. In addition, marijuana smoke contains many of the same harmful toxins as tobacco smoke, which can increase the risk of respiratory problems.

Third, the legal status of marijuana can create additional risks and complications. For example, the production and distribution of marijuana are often controlled by organized crime, which can lead to violence and other criminal activity. Additionally, the legal status of marijuana can create confusion for law enforcement and the justice system, as well as create difficulties for employers who have to navigate drug testing policies.

In conclusion, while there may be some potential therapeutic benefits of marijuana, the lack of scientific evidence, potential negative health effects, and legal complications make it clear that medical marijuana should not be legal.

Why Medical Marijuana in the United States Should Be Legal

why medical marijuanas should not be legal

There is not enough support to use marijuana or cannabis medically in in the America and across the globe. Bottom line Now you know why medical marijuana should be legalized. You may not use it if legalized, but remember you can still be affected: either as a second-hand smoker or a fatal accident from a reckless pothead. And that's the limitations that other states have set if we don't have our own full program. There are many pros and cons to legalizing drugs.


Why We Should Not Legalized Marijuana?

why medical marijuanas should not be legal

It slows the ability of the driver to track moving objects thus leading to fatal accidents. Patients claim that marijuana allows them to resume their previous activities without feeling completely out of it and disengaged. While acknowledging the order's imperfections, he said he hopes it will provide the pressure needed to convince lawmakers to legalize sale a possession in the state this year. In the early 1900s, city and state regulations developed far before federal laws developed against this drug. For more information click Healing benefits of Medical Marijuana People all over the world have been using Fast forward to the 21st century, we are beginning to revisit the medicinal powers of the cannabis plant. Medical Cannabis and Cannabinoids, 4 1 , 13-20.


Why Should Marijuana Be Legalized for Medicinal Purposes?

why medical marijuanas should not be legal

PRO: Drug legalization would allow for more research into the effects of drugs. And it's why it's so important that the legislature go ahead and and pass medical marijuana. Let's be careful, thoughtful, and keep our children in mind. Summary Medical marijuana is increasingly available in the U. That makes nothing but sense. Do we really want to endorse the loss of millions more potentially productive Americans via Marijuana? However, there are several reasons why marijuana should not be legalized.


Medical marijuana

why medical marijuanas should not be legal

Marijuana has been in the news these days, with more and more states legalizing its use for medical reasons, and some making it legal to use it for any reason. According to surveys, about 1 in 5 high school students has used it in the past month. Legalization of marijuana may seem to be harmless but it has many more negative effects on people and society. In its own report arguing against marijuana legalization, the American Medical Association said: "Heavy cannabis use in adolescence causes persistent impairments in neurocognitive performance and IQ, and use is associated with increased rates of anxiety, mood and psychotic thought disorders. With medical cannabis, overdose is almost non-existent making it a safe alternative to prescriptions drugs. This has been proven untrue. Since legalizing marijuana for medical or general use would increase rather than reduce marijuana use and lead to higher rates of marijuana addiction among young people and adults, legalizing marijuana is not a smart public health or public safety strategy for any state or for our nation.


Why should medical marijuanas not be legalized?

why medical marijuanas should not be legal

The amount purchased and used must not exceed 8 ounces, which is the difference between a misdemeanor and a felony in Kentucky. Explore funny T-Shirt ideas on Amazon. Much like the claims that big tobacco companies once had, there are fears that these big conglomerates are trying to market their product to younger generations to increase sales and profit and create lifetime cliental, a devious tactic indeed. Why should medical marijuanas not be legalized? Endanger Public Safety Marijuana use, like the use of alcohol, can cause impairment in the user. It is extremely addictive. This is particularly the case among those ages 75 and older, just three-in-ten of whom say marijuana should be legal for both medical and recreational use.


5 Reasons Marijuana Should Remain Illegal — CALM USA

why medical marijuanas should not be legal

Data that has tracked adolescent perception of risk and marijuana use for decades clearly show an inverse relationship; as adolescent risk perception decreases, marijuana use increases. However, there are several important reasons why cannabis should not be legalized. But it has also had the unwanted side effect that Dutch children are frequently exposed to the drug in public areas. As the use of cannabis and marijuana has grown, so too has its potential for both medicinal benefits as well as recreational use. One estimate claims that 30% of Mexican cartel revenue is derived from marijuana trafficking. Do not drive after using marijuana. It is also unclear what will happen to those who have been convicted of marijuana-related offenses in the past.


Pros and Cons of Medical Marijuana

why medical marijuanas should not be legal

Ninth, marijuana is a gateway drug. But the addiction between these two and cannabis is different. But the open-minded instincts that helped foster the policies are also being questioned. They simply do not have the same abilities to remember and organize information compared to those who do not use these substances. One of these is that it could lead to an increase in drug addiction rates.


Legal highs: The legal intoxication claims its first victims

why medical marijuanas should not be legal

Even the ones that get somewhere in life, like Barack Obama, usually turn out to be mediocrities. More research on the benefits of marijuana for your health is needed for both sides of the debate to come to an agreement on its use in medical and recreational settings. Uses of medical marijuana The most common use for In particular, marijuana appears to ease the pain of multiple sclerosis, and nerve pain in general. In the United States, marijuana is illegal under federal law, but is legal for medical use in some states. Here are the exact conditions of the order:The cannabis must be lawfully purchased in the U. The numbers are starkest in states like Kentucky and Iowa, but the greater likelihood of minority cannabis arrests is even seen in West Coast states where weed is legal.
