Why should cellphones be banned while driving essay. Banning phone use while driving will save lives 2023-01-06

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A SWOT analysis is a tool used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of a business or organization. In the newspaper industry, a SWOT analysis can be used to identify the key factors that are affecting the industry and to develop strategies for success.





In conclusion, the newspaper industry is facing a number of challenges, including declining circulation and limited ability to monetize online content. However, there are also opportunities for newspapers to expand their reach through digital platforms and to diversify their revenue streams. By conducting a SWOT analysis, newspapers can identify their strengths and weaknesses, and develop strategies to capitalize on opportunities and mitigate threats.

Cell Phones Should Be Banned While Driving Essay

why should cellphones be banned while driving essay

If both hands is on the wheel you could turn the wheel without that 3-5 second delay of letting go of the phone to grab the phone depending on the person it may take longer. Based on the most recent statistics 2008 , some states like California talking on the phone unless it is on the speaker while driving, and certain groups of people from using the phone. Many are quick to say that will never happen to me, I am a pro at this, however I am sure the people who died from texting and driving said the same thing. Traffic Injury Prevention, 5 1 , 1 — 7. This has lead to the outlaw of cellphone use while driving. They also say that talking on the cell phone while driving is just the same as having a conversation with a passenger in their car and that the government will not ban people from having passengers in their cars so why should they ban talking on cell phones while driving.


Why Banning the Use of Cell Phones While Driving Should be Mandatory Nationwide Essay Example

why should cellphones be banned while driving essay

National data shows that cellphones were involved in 350 fatal accidents nationwide in 2011. So many people have even died from using their cell phones while driving. As of may 2012, 10 states, The district of Columbia DC , Guam, and The Virgin islands have instituted a hand held cell-phone ban for all drivers, with all but two of them making it a primary offense. The road would be a safer place to drive if the use of cell phone while driving is prohibited. A vehicle may also veer of the road and hit some stationary object such as a tree or pole or reaches a rough terrain such as a steep slope.


Why We Should Ban Cell Phones And Driving

why should cellphones be banned while driving essay

Cell Phone Use While Driving and Attributable Crash Risk. Suddenly your phone rings you think no harm can be done if I look at it for a second. It is inevitable to go to a place and not see at least five people out of a crowd holding their cell phones looking up something from the internet or texting someone. Some people continue to use their phones while driving, believing that if it is just for one or two seconds they will be fine. Distracted Drivers There are three main forms of distraction among drivers: visual, manual, and cognitive.


Essay about Cell Phone Use While Driving should be Banned...

why should cellphones be banned while driving essay

. It requires an utmost precaution because it does not only entail the safety of oneself but also of others on the road. The benefits of cell phone use while driving increasingly questionable, because researchers neither were able to quantify their real value, nor did they have a chance to evaluate possible tradeoffs. Years ago schools struggled with pagers or beepers because they had a stigma of being linked to drug activity. Schools have always struggled with the issue of making policies to control the latest and greatest technology used by students. However, banning the use of hand held devices while driving may not be a lasting solution.


Essay On Banning Cell Phones While Driving

why should cellphones be banned while driving essay

The mitigating factor in accidents involving cell phones is distraction. The amount of attention that texting and driving is getting right now, people want to be careful, they want to be safe and this would help them be able to do…. To Ban or Not to Ban? In fact researchers have found that it quadruples the crash risk. Those one or two seconds could be the difference between life or death. Four countries—Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen—have overthrown their governments. A driver being on the phone while driving is one of the biggest distractions drivers today face.


Essay On Why Cell Phones Should Be Banned While Driving

why should cellphones be banned while driving essay

Was it worth receiving a message to kill someone? Everyday you see a driver distracted by phones, electronics, passengers, etc. Instead of banning cell phone use, some factors and considerations should be assessed. Just look at how many commercials there are warning someone against this habit. How are we concentrating on the road if we are using our phone. Those injuries and deaths prove the ignorance of the victims and set an example for others. A spokeswoman for the California Highway Patrol, Anne Da Vigo suggests pulling off of the road for extended phone calls, to tell the person you are talking to on the phone that you are driving, ask any passengers accompanying you to do the talking, keep the call short and only use the phone when you need to. Rules are being enforced on people of today because hey decide to use cellphones while driving.


Why cell phones while driving should be banned Free Essays

why should cellphones be banned while driving essay

I believe making the cause more aware worldwide should give people different perceptive on how serious this problem can be. Is there any reason why my country St. In addition, Johnson et al, 2004 state that the reaction time of a twenty year old driver driving while on the phone is equated to that of a seventy year old driver. The use of a cell phone is not the only distraction while driving but it is known that it could potentially cause disaster like discussed above. The answer to this particular question has been debated on for several years.


Why Banning the Use of Cell Phones While Driving Should...

why should cellphones be banned while driving essay

No, a Nationwide Ban Won't work," distracted drivers are twenty-three times more likely to crash than drivers who are focused. Finally, texting is not a teen-only problem with 47% of adults admitting to texting while driving. The use of cell phones is the most common distraction, but the use of a hand-held cell phone increases the risk by 1. Since the number of states enacting very distracted driving laws is very fluid, be sure to check web resources that follow movement in state safety traffic laws, such as the governors highway traffic safety association, before providing these numbers. Text messaging is banned for all drivers in 38 states, The district of Columbia, and Guam with all but three of them making it a primary offense.


Should Cell Phone Use in Cars be Banned?

why should cellphones be banned while driving essay

Countries such as Japan and some states in the US have banned both handheld and hands-free communication devices. But, a law is a law and it is made for a reason. Surprisingly, cell phones use while driving causes distraction to the young and elderly drivers on the road leading to injuries and accidents. This lack of attention becomes the major cause of injuries, fatalities, and collisions on the road. Proponents of cell phone use while driving are confident that cell phones contribute to their privacy, help them in business, improve their connectedness, and even save them from unnecessary trips.
