William carlos williams the use of force analysis. "The Use of Force" by William Carlos Analysis Essay Example 2023-01-07

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In his short story "The Use of Force," William Carlos Williams explores the complex relationship between a doctor and his young patient, as well as the ethical dilemmas that can arise in the medical profession. The story begins with the narrator, a doctor, being called to a house to examine a sick child, who is described as being "cross and obstinate." From the beginning, there is a sense of tension between the doctor and the child, as the doctor becomes increasingly frustrated with the child's refusal to open her mouth and allow him to examine her throat.

As the story progresses, the doctor becomes more and more determined to examine the child, and he eventually resorts to using physical force to open her mouth. Despite the child's cries and protests, the doctor persists, ultimately revealing that she has diphtheria, a potentially deadly illness.

One of the key themes of the story is the use of power and authority. The doctor, as an authority figure, is used to being obeyed, and he becomes increasingly frustrated when the child refuses to comply with his requests. The doctor's use of physical force can be seen as a manifestation of his desire to exert control over the situation, and it is clear that he sees the child's refusal to cooperate as a personal affront.

Another important theme is the tension between personal feelings and professional obligations. The doctor is clearly upset by the child's stubbornness, and he becomes emotionally involved in the situation. However, as a medical professional, he is also bound by a code of ethics that requires him to do everything in his power to protect the health and well-being of his patients. The doctor ultimately must choose between his own emotions and his professional duty, and he ultimately decides to prioritize the child's health over his own feelings.

In conclusion, "The Use of Force" is a thought-provoking exploration of the complex dynamics that can arise in the medical profession. Williams effectively portrays the tension between personal feelings and professional obligations, as well as the power dynamics that can exist between doctors and their patients. Through the character of the doctor, Williams raises important questions about the ethical implications of using force in the pursuit of medical treatment.

William Carlos Williams 'The Use Of Force'

william carlos williams the use of force analysis

Born: Rutherford, New Jersey, 17 September 1883. Does his shameful sense of triumph negate the good he is doing by treating her? The girl does not want to be examined even after coaxing from her parents and the doctor. The doctor only wants to help the little girl. Her parents call in a doctor to their house to check her out. The story is set in the Depression era. This tells readers that this girl was beyond anger because her behavior got even worse. Ironically enough, doctors are supposed to be nice to their patients and the parents of the patients, at least the professional ones.


The Use of Force by William Carlos Williams Analysis

william carlos williams the use of force analysis

Cite this page as follows: "The Use of Force - Analysis" eNotes Publishing Ed. There are three means by which the police can be brutal: verbal abuse, physical abuse and police brutality. While helping this child the doctor seems to be over aggressive with the child. Chen, this story talk about how difficult to make a medical decision between doctor and their patients. The Use of Force Characters The characters in "The Use of Force" are the doctor, Mathilda Olson, and Mr.


The Use of Force

william carlos williams the use of force analysis

S policing force using excessive force. Nearly all doctors will agree that children, and the mentally incompetent, are the most difficult patients to deal with. In the story the doctor goes over with very professional means but later on gets frustrated with the little girl. The medical profession is one such section of society on which such a duty has been imposed in the strictest sense. He illuminated… Phil 235 Paternalism Essay The issue of doctor patient relationships has become more and more prevalent in our world today. One such instance of this, was when upon his arrival, the parents of the patient almost immediately delegates their power over the situation to him. One of the elements which make Hemingway a writer whose works pretty much define the American literary canon is so-called economy of words.


William Carlos Williams The Use Of Force

william carlos williams the use of force analysis

New theories and ideas emerge every day in medicine, but they must be proven by thorough clinical research. Simply put, evidence and science must guide the care that patients receive in any area of medicine. In this story, many issues which are debated are social issues. If the doctor is ignored then the patient runs the risk of dying from a disease they could have prevented and that in itself is very powerful. Some stories cry out for what may be considered by minimalists as extraneous padding.


Analysis Of “The Use Of Force” By William Carlos Williams Essay Example (600 Words)

william carlos williams the use of force analysis

The second date is today's date — the date you are citing the material. Consequently, our organizations, the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and Physicians for Reproductive Health, are speaking out against this reckless and dangerous intrusion into the practice of medicine. It sometimes involves quick scenarios, unexpected patients, and a special sense of urgency to most of the cases. Factors such as the type of neighborhood, race, and the behavior of the suspect all play a role in the decision making process to use deadly force. It is government-mandated experimentation on women and it is unethical. His experience as a physician frequently informed his writing, and it offered him a unique perspective on the relationship between doctor and patient.


Story Analysis: The Use Of Force By William Carlos Williams

william carlos williams the use of force analysis

An editor will review the submission and either publish your submission or providefeedback. I have always looked at my doctor as a person who assists me with health issues. As the child became disturbed on letting the doctor see what was wrong with her, she reached towards him to attack him. The short story is about a doctor who arrives at patients house who he had never met before, the only info he got was their daughter was sick. The Doctor The unnamed doctor arrives at the Olson house in order to examine Mathilda.


The Use of Force Analysis

william carlos williams the use of force analysis

This legislature-supported treatment has not met these standards, so to be governmentally mandated to recommend it is deeply disturbing. These laws are based on an untested theory, put forth by a single anti-choice doctor, without legitimate evidence of its efficacy. Using Force In The Use Of Force Patients are forced to do what the doctor says because they are in fear of their illness and the help of someone specialized in the field will soothe them. Kaeli Burkett Composition II Instr. Carley Petersen 21 February, 2016 Analysis We all have to call the doctor every now and again.


The Use of Force by William Carlos Williams, 1938

william carlos williams the use of force analysis

He grasped the child's head with his left hand and tried to get the wooden tongue depressor between her teeth. Reasons Why Doctors Make Mistakes 2183 Words 9 Pages dr. As a practicing physician himself, his life experience informs so many of his stories that Update this section! The second is the date of publication online or last modification online. He shows the doctor as a man of passion, determined to win over the young patient even though he admires her equally passionate will to resist his examination. The use of force by the doctor was justified.
