Wordsworth the solitary reaper analysis. "The Solitary Reaper" by William Wordsworth. Poem analysis. 2022-12-31

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"The Solitary Reaper" is a poem written by William Wordsworth in 1805. The poem describes a young woman who is singing as she works alone in a field, and the narrator reflects on the beauty and mystery of her song.

One of the most striking features of the poem is its focus on the solitary reaper's song. The narrator describes the song as being "so sweet" and "full of soul," and he is struck by the fact that he cannot understand the words of the song. This sense of mystery and otherness adds to the beauty and appeal of the reaper's song, as it becomes a symbol of the unknown and the unknowable.

Another important aspect of the poem is its focus on the natural world. The reaper is depicted as being surrounded by the beauty of nature, with the fields and mountains serving as a backdrop to her song. This connection to the natural world adds to the sense of solitude and isolation that the reaper experiences, as she is alone in the midst of this vast and beautiful landscape.

Finally, the poem also explores themes of time and mortality. The reaper is described as being "young," and the narrator reflects on the fleeting nature of youth and beauty. This adds a sense of sadness to the poem, as the reaper's youth and beauty will inevitably fade.

Overall, "The Solitary Reaper" is a beautiful and evocative poem that explores themes of solitude, mystery, nature, and mortality. Wordsworth's use of language and imagery brings the solitary reaper to life, and the poem continues to resonate with readers today.

The Solitary Reaper Analysis By William Wordsworth

wordsworth the solitary reaper analysis

In spite of the song's dramatic quality its final effect is one of serenity. Not only this; it would seem that if the song arouses a present joy, it does so paradoxically by perpetuating the memory of past unhappiness. However, he admires the beauty of her song, comparing it favourably with the cuckoo singing in spring or a nightingale delighting weary travellers in Arabia. It has an archaic biblical ring about it, and as such adds dignity and weight to the command. Will no one tell me what she sings? They belong to a world which the poet can contemplate and even briefly enter, but never finally possess, yet it is only because of this that the song, and consequently Wordsworth's poem, can achieve the profoundly moving, yet fundamentally impersonal quality of all creative art. The poet also says that he will always remember her singing and will keep it in his heart though he could no longer hear it.


The Solitary Reaper Poem Summary and Analysis

wordsworth the solitary reaper analysis

In the days that seem to blend in, that is where we do not advance in our life. In a rural Scotland, a lone reaper in a field is not odd, yet the narrator can not help but be allured by the sight of her. Sadness in Wordsworth's childhood would set him up for this style of writing, as his mother died when he was 7 years old and his father died when he was 13 years old. . One may find a connection with this poem to the poet's loss of his parents in childhood; the poem may be representative of sad feelings that lingered with him into adulthood.


The Solitary Reaper By Wordsworth: Summary And Analysis

wordsworth the solitary reaper analysis

Overall, Wordsworth keys in literary devices and diction for an important reason as all tremendous authors know that their words can have such an effect on their works. Imagery in the Poem The poem is full of imagery like all other poems of the William Wordsworth. The Solitary Reaper hints as it being another poem written under the veil of the literary period of Romanticism at this stage of history. During the aftermath of the industrial revolution, people lost communal life, as a result, they were alienated. She is fundamentally a creator and as such deserves the awe with which Wordsworth contemplates her. It is those days that become numerous where we allow ourselves to place our hopes and dreams on hold.


William Wordsworth's The Solitary Reaper: Summary & Analysis

wordsworth the solitary reaper analysis

This beautiful song is like a malencholy but the poet is unable to understand it clearly. She is singing a sad and melodious song. Stanza Wise Summary of Solitary Reaper by William Wordsworth Summary of First Stanza The poem opens with beautiful scene with full of imagery. In the next two lines Poe reveals his purpose for writing the poem, which is that him and Annabel Lee were deeply and passionately in love, so much so that all they could think about day to day was each other. Wordsworth's method has the indirect quality of the meditative mode similar to that attributed by Conrad to Marlow's tale in The Heart of Darkness: "The yarns of seamen have a direct simplicity, the whole meaning of which lies within the shell of a cracked nut.


A Short Analysis of William Wordsworth’s ‘The Solitary Reaper’

wordsworth the solitary reaper analysis

For the poet, nature is a true source of peace and happiness. But Marlow was not typical if his propensity to spin yarns be excepted , and to him the meaning of an episode was not inside like a kernel 94 GEOFFREY J. He is utterly enchanted, although as we see in the next stanza, he cannot understand the language of the song and so cannot say what the song is about. He also emphasized on soothing effects of nature in the poem. The poet reflected his belief in the importance of the natural beauty of the universe. He was contemplating not simply another song, but what he considered to be true art, and his poem is surely the best vindication of the human importance of such singing.


The Solitary Reaper Summary And Analysis Essay

wordsworth the solitary reaper analysis

The poet watches her singing and using the sickle to do her work at the same time in the field. No Nightingale did ever chaunt More welcome notes to weary bands Of travellers in some shady haunt, Among Arabian sands: A voice so thrilling ne'er was heard In spring-time from the Cuckoo-bird, Breaking the silence of the seas Among the farthest Hebrides. The poem contains both static sentences and repetitions. In this way Wordsworth implicitly suggests to the reader the synthesizing quality of the aesthetic response, in which opposites are held together. In other words Wordsworth is to the Scottish lass, as we are to him. Wordsworth chose Scotland because of the emphasis he placed on the loneliness of the female.


Analysis of "The Solitary Reaper"

wordsworth the solitary reaper analysis

More important than this, however, is the paradoxical nature of the ong, which in substance is sad, but which does not produce sadness in the poet. In the might of the ocean, such trivial things as a Cuckoo-bird does not seem to be of any importance, yet it remains to be as the effect it can have on the perspective. The song the girl sings is a sad song, and anyone passing by, the speaker says, should either stop and listen or 'gently pass' so as not to disturb her. The feelings excited by improper art are kinetic, desire or loathing. WORDSWORTH'S SOLITARY SONG 97 Stanza three explores yet another dimension of the girl's song.


Summary & Analysis

wordsworth the solitary reaper analysis

The subject of "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" is seclusion. Hence I think in Wordsworth's case his wistful fascination with the solitary girl and her song. Also herself is crucial to the song as she is alone in the field and she does not have to work since no one is there to hold her accountable, yet she continues to reap because she herself is aware of what is considered as minor work can amount to. The poet cannot understand her words, but he can feel the tone and mood of it. These days appear to be every once in a while or of no importance, but these days soon combine and become numerous and we never realizes its effect on us until it is too late. She is a type of the artist forging from humble material a sweet sound, a preserver of joy, and it is in this that her "apartness" lies.


The Solitary Reaper by William Wordsworth

wordsworth the solitary reaper analysis

This follows along the guidelines of the literature period this time, Romanticism, as it invokes the sense of nature and the power of the individual. Her music never fails to bring happiness. He is the author of, among others, and. He describes the valley as being "profound" and "overflowing with the sound. Read more: The poem makes extensive use of the apostrophe.


A Poetry Analysis: The Solitary Reaper

wordsworth the solitary reaper analysis

A good relationship with nature helps individuals connect to both the spiritual and the social worlds. William Wordsworth is a well-known poet whose works aim to get young people outside and in touch with nature. The girl's song suggest to Wordsworth the grand scale of time. As Faulkner addresses the idea of closeness he tests the constraints of emotional connection. He portrayed the speaker as an emerging voice which responds to several dynamic situations that occurred in the poem.
