Discuss the nature nurture debate. Discuss the nature v nurture debate in gender development 2022-12-24

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The nature versus nurture debate is a long-standing controversy in the field of psychology that seeks to understand the relative influence of genetics and environment on an individual's behavior, traits, and characteristics. The nature side of the debate argues that genetics are the main determinants of an individual's characteristics and behaviors, while the nurture side argues that an individual's experiences and environment shape their traits and behaviors.

One of the main arguments for the nature side of the debate is that genetics play a significant role in determining an individual's characteristics and behaviors. For example, research has shown that genetics can influence things like intelligence, personality, and even mental health disorders. Twin studies, in particular, have been instrumental in demonstrating the role of genetics in determining an individual's traits. For instance, studies have shown that identical twins, who share the same genetic makeup, are more similar in terms of intelligence, personality, and other characteristics compared to fraternal twins or non-twin siblings.

On the other hand, the nurture side of the debate argues that an individual's experiences and environment play a significant role in shaping their characteristics and behaviors. This includes things like the quality of parenting, the type of education an individual receives, and even the culture in which they are raised. For example, research has shown that children who grow up in supportive and nurturing environments are more likely to be successful and well-adjusted compared to those who grow up in neglectful or abusive environments.

Despite the long-standing nature versus nurture debate, it is now generally accepted that both genetics and environment play a role in shaping an individual's characteristics and behaviors. Rather than seeing these two factors as competing, it is now understood that they interact and influence one another in complex ways. For example, an individual's genetic makeup may make them more prone to developing certain mental health disorders, but the presence or absence of supportive environments and experiences can also play a role in whether or not the disorder develops.

In conclusion, the nature versus nurture debate is a complex and multifaceted issue that continues to be studied by psychologists and researchers. While it is now generally accepted that both genetics and environment play a role in shaping an individual's characteristics and behaviors, the specific ways in which they interact and influence one another are still not fully understood. Further research is needed to fully understand the nature of this relationship and how it impacts the development of an individual's traits and behaviors.

Nature nurture sample essay

discuss the nature nurture debate

F argued that if the mother or the father behaved in an unappropriate for their gender model the child respectively would not acquire appropriate gender role According to social learning theory children learn gender appropriate behaviour trough observation and modeling imitation of others in their society e. Adoption acts as a natural experiment which allows researchers to do this. Thus, when someone has brain damage, that can influence the person's behavior and personality. By using such parental measurements as height and weight, these scientists were able to predict quite accurately the approximate height and weight of their subjects at the age of thirty. For example intellectual stimulation and health and therefore they were disatvantiged even before they started school.


Discuss the Nature Nurture Debate in Relation to the Development of an Individual Essay Example

discuss the nature nurture debate

In 2019, a study of how stable personality traits are from age 16 to 66 found that people's Big 5 traits are both stable and malleable able to be molded. Genetic inheritance can determine our eye colour, whether we have straight or curly hair or how tall we will be. Black Operations Management Alistair Brandon-Jones, Nigel Slack Research Methods for Business Uma Sekaran, Roger J. The masculine and feminine behaviours may also be instinctive. In other words, both nature and nurture are extremely important to development. The heritability coefficient is a statistic which tells us how much variation in a trait can be attributed to genes on a population level.


Nature and Nurture Debate

discuss the nature nurture debate

There are problems with the nature argument. The psychoanalytical theory of Sigmund Freud indicated biological factors and the social environment as determining influences on the child gender-role development. It can be difficult to separate nature and nurture influences in research, as genes can influence our behaviour indirectly by affecting our nurture. Food UCS is associated with a previously neutral stimulus, the mother who then after many pairings with the UCS, becomes the CS and the CR becomes the attachment formed. Nature refers to the way a person was born, and nurture refers to their parent and environment. This suggests that musical talent is highly heritable, at least in the population studied. Epigenetic effects can sometimes be passed from one generation to the next, although the effects only seem to last for a few generations.


Nature Vs Nurture Debate: Definition & Importance

discuss the nature nurture debate

If a person has one or more parents who have a medical condition that causes obesity, will the child naturally be obese? The nurture side of the debate states that gender which is the way that sex is shown in the outside world, is socially manufactured. In most societies, women are the careers and the men breadwinners but this is not the case all over the world. Nature vs Nurture Debate Definition The nature vs nurture debate in psychology is concerned with the formation of a person's characteristics and behaviour. The desire to reproduce and pass on genes is one of the basic instincts of any animal including humans. Introverts can be drawn to quiet settings or activities that don't require too many social interactions, while people that have an innate tendency to be aggressive might look for environments where conflict is likely to occur. For example, Applied Behaviour Analysis therapy has been used to forcefully teach autistic children how to behave in a neurotypical way, disregarding the biological differences that make them behave the way they do. Identical twins share the same genes, whereas fraternal twins share half of their genes, like other siblings.


Nature vs. Nurture in Psychology

discuss the nature nurture debate

The learning approach argues that behaviour actively evolves throughout our lives, either through direct interactions with the environment or by observing others that modelled certain behaviours for us. The nurture argument also explains cultural variations in gender related behaviour. In a nutshell, the environmental consequences of our behaviour will either weaken or strengthen our behaviours in the future. Galton also felt that intelligent individuals should be encouraged to marry and have many children, while less intelligent individuals should be discouraged from reproducing. On the other side of the debate is nurture. Discuss the nature-nurture debate, refer to psychological examples in your answer marks The nature-nurture debate centres on the relative contributions of genetic inheritance nature and environmental influences nurture to human behaviour.


Discuss the nature v nurture debate in gender development

discuss the nature nurture debate

Also that gender is fixed and not much changing across cultures and time periods. For instance, the diathesis-stress model can be used to explain the causes of certain psychological disorders such as depression and schizophrenia. According to John Watson, one of the strongest psychologists who propose environmental learning as a dominating side in the nature vs nurture debate, once said that he can be able to train a baby randomly chosen in a group of 12 infants, to become any type of specialist Watson wants. Seeing loved ones suffer consequences associated with criminal behavior can cause someone to vow never to commit a crime, which would impact that nurture has an impact on such behaviors. Developmental Science, 10, 1—11.


[Solved] There is a debate over criminality being of nature or nurture....

discuss the nature nurture debate

He thought that Behavioral Genetics Behavioral Genetics Researchers in the field of behavioral genetics study variation in behavior as it is affected by genes, which are the units of heredity passed down from parents to offspring. There are problems with the nature argument. In psychology, the empiricist perspective is taken by the learning approach to understanding behaviour. New York: Basic Books. People with good musical ears might seek environments where they can learn more about music.


Nature vs. Nurture: Meaning, Examples, and Debate

discuss the nature nurture debate

Erikson also believed nature plays a bigger part than nature. Moreover, your personality, intelligence, and mental health can also be attributed, at least in part, to your genetic makeup. Nature versus nurture aside, you decide the course of your professional journey. Furthermore, genes may exert an indirect influence in a number of ways. On the other hand, empiricists think that experience and nurture is the more important factor.


discuss nature

discuss the nature nurture debate

Since the biblical era to now the issue is still widely debated and even more so relevant right now than it ever has been. Other examples include environmental stress and its effect on depression. Thus, psychological traits follow a polygenic mode of inheritance as opposed to being determined by a single gene. More information about epigenetics can be found Philosophical Considerations of the Nature vs. A Word From Verywell In a perfect world, every baby would grow up in a loving and nurturing home. Witht he example of a diathesis stress model, an individual is genetically predisposed to a behaviour, but the behaviour wont arise unless it is triggered by a stressor.


Essay on Nature vs Nurture Debate

discuss the nature nurture debate

The nature-versus-nurture debate is wrongly framed — biology matters, and so does experience. Instead of defending extreme nativist or nurturist views, most psychological researchers are now interested in investigating how nature and nurture interact. A study carried by Money and Ehrhardt 1972 on females who were exposed to high levels of male sex hormones prenatally, noted that they were acting more like a boys rather than girls. To understand how much genes contribute to a specific characteristic, we calculate heritability coefficients based on the data collected from family studies. Thus any gender differences are assumed to be innate.
