Essay on dowry system in pakistan. Dowry System Essay for Students in English 2022-12-13

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The dowry system in Pakistan refers to the practice of a bride's family providing a sum of money, property, or other material possessions to the groom or his family in connection with a marriage. This practice is prevalent in many parts of Pakistan, particularly in rural areas, and is deeply rooted in traditional cultural and societal norms.

The origins of the dowry system in Pakistan can be traced back to ancient times, when it was considered a way for a bride's family to demonstrate their wealth and status. In the past, the dowry was typically given in the form of land, livestock, or other valuable items that could be used to support the newly married couple. However, with the passage of time, the dowry has evolved to include cash, jewelry, and other material possessions.

The dowry system in Pakistan has been the subject of much controversy and criticism in recent years. Many people argue that it promotes gender inequality and places an unfair burden on the bride's family. In some cases, the dowry demands can be so exorbitant that they lead to financial ruin for the bride's family, or even result in violence and abuse if the dowry is not paid.

One of the most significant problems with the dowry system in Pakistan is that it reinforces traditional gender roles and reinforces the notion that women are inferior to men. The dowry is often seen as a way for the groom's family to financially benefit from the marriage, and it can create a sense of entitlement on the part of the groom and his family. This can lead to a lack of respect and mistreatment of the bride, as she is viewed as a financial asset rather than an equal partner in the marriage.

The dowry system in Pakistan also has serious economic consequences. It can lead to financial strain and even bankruptcy for the bride's family, as they may feel pressure to meet the dowry demands of the groom's family. This can result in the sale of valuable assets or the borrowing of large sums of money, which can have long-term negative consequences for the bride's family.

In recent years, there have been efforts to address and eliminate the dowry system in Pakistan. The government has enacted laws that criminalize the demand for dowries, and there have been efforts to educate the public about the negative consequences of this practice. However, the dowry system remains deeply entrenched in Pakistani society, and it will likely take time and sustained efforts to bring about meaningful change.

Overall, the dowry system in Pakistan is a complex and controversial issue that has serious consequences for both men and women. It is a practice that reinforces traditional gender roles and can lead to financial strain, abuse, and violence. While progress has been made in addressing this issue, there is still much work to be done to eliminate the dowry system and promote gender equality in Pakistani society.

Dowry System Essay For Students In English

essay on dowry system in pakistan

Even very highly educated and well-off parents do not hesitate to turn beggars and demand huge dowries. But still happens all over India. With the development of science femaleinfenticides began. Women that are treated poorly must suppress their feelings in order to keep their husbands happy, or to avoid being disowned by their very own families. Violence against women also impoverishes women, their families, communities and nations. We try to cover all aspects of Dowry System in this essay in English, hope so one can get answer that its it good or bad in Pakistan.


Essay on Dowry System in Pakistan in English Urdu Is it Good or Bad

essay on dowry system in pakistan

In India, every 5 out of 10 families face the dowry system. The dowry has been done by many ordinary families in the North India. The main objectives of this paper were to find why people give dowry even though most of the people are against this evil system and how the concept of dowry has changed over the years. They demand more and more dowry even after marriage. They should know their rights, privileges and strengths. Only education will allow her to be financially secure and a valuable family member, earning her respect and suitable family standing. The more educated the boyis the more the dowry is demanded.


Dowry System in Pakistani Society

essay on dowry system in pakistan

The women themselves should come forward and fight against the practice of dowry. Women 's mental health in Pakistan. Disputes related to dowry sometimes result in acts of violence against the women including killing and acid attacks. At least one out of every three women worldwide has been beaten, coerced into sex, or otherwise abused in her lifetime, with rates of domestic violence reaching 70% in some countries. It was only after British Colonial rule that this standard within Hinduism mutated into what it is today.


Dowry System

essay on dowry system in pakistan

Different communities have different marriage customs, but the custom of giving dowry is shared by all the communities. In many families, the birth of a daughter was regarded as a curse and there was a case when daughters born in the family were put to death. They speak and preach against dowry but in practice, they make huge demands at the time of their in marriage. This social crime has recently made footings in some countries, which were traditionally free of this evil like Afghanistan and Bangladesh, but our focus here remains Pakistan. Hence, it is imperative to determine where Pakistan's youth stands in terms of development characteristics and indicators.


Essay On Dowry System

essay on dowry system in pakistan

Besides laws, we need more social awareness and effective social measures. It can be simply stated that if you can arrange a huge dowry you can get any groom for your daughter which is ethically and morally wrong. Comparison Of Women In Mesopotamian Society 1261 Words 6 Pages For example in the laws 138, 139 and 140, the procedures to divorce a woman are clearly laid out. It is the money that is given during marriage to the boy or their family, even property can also be included in dowry. Major objectives of the research were to know about socio economic problems faced by rural women in higher education, to know about higher education as an unfocused issue in respect of rural women, and to know about gender discrimination in rural areas in getting higher education.


(DOC) Dowry Systen In Pakistan

essay on dowry system in pakistan

This idea is based on custom and therefore is a rule of interaction that must be learned by the couple getting married so that they can follow the expected way of interacting for their Domestic Violence In Sociology 1232 Words 5 Pages Domestic violence has attracted much attention of the sociologists in India since the decades of 1980s. Dowry is an anti-Islamic tradition and we should discourage this practice. Many young women commit suicide because their parents cannot afford to give dowry. Some types of violence, such as trafficking, cross national boundaries. The "hantaran belanja" or the main dowry is magnificiently presented at this ceremony. In some families, dowry is used as a threat or as a means to extract money from the bride's family irrespective of their financial condition. .


Dowry System Essay for Students in English

essay on dowry system in pakistan

Thus, bridegrooms are bought and sold like commodities and the girls are sacrificed on the altar of marriage. The movement should be taken to villages and every nook and corner of the country. There is no limit to the greed of the in-laws of the bride. Every year, violence in the home and the community devastates the lives of millions of women. Although it was an important part of marriage, the size of the qalin was different.



essay on dowry system in pakistan

It highlights on the issues such as domestic violence and INTRODUCTION A dowry can be defined as everything a girl brings with her in a Dowry system is extremely common in most of the South Asian countries including Pakistan , India, Nepal , Bangladesh , Afghanistan and Vietnam. In due course dowry became an integral part of the marriage Premium Marriage India Writing Dowry System Get Access to StudyMode. As a result, we all must begin taking action to combat it. The Dowry system varies from state to state and also on the job profile of the groom. The poorer sectors of society send their daughters out to work to help them save money for their dowry.


Essay on dowry system Free Essays

essay on dowry system in pakistan

Education and freedom are the two most powerful and valuable gifts that parents can give to their daughters. Penalty for giving or taking dowry. The cases in Pakistan are high due to the concept of dowry. According to an idea that should amount to 40 million Honni around six million. While most middle and upper-class families send their girls to school, they do not prioritize job opportunities. How to tackle the Social Evil of Dowry? DOWRY SYSTEM ABSTRACT This research paper focuses on the dowry system of pakistan. They are frequently subjected to subordination and second-class treatment in terms of education and other amenities.


Essay on the Evils of Dowry

essay on dowry system in pakistan

BE it enacted by Parliament in the Twelfth Year of the Republic of India as follows. Please help improve this article if you can. Dowry system is as old as man is. The young men should frankly reject the demand for dowry from their parents. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. We should educate both of them and give them freedom to be fully independent. If the boys a doctor or engineer, the demand may be anything between 5 to 10 lakh.
