Example of quantitative research paper. Example of a Quantitative Research Paper for Researchers 2023-01-02

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Quantitative research is a type of empirical investigation that involves collecting and analyzing numerical data in order to test hypotheses and answer research questions. This approach is typically used in social and behavioral sciences, as well as in some natural and physical sciences, to examine relationships between variables and to understand patterns and trends in data. In this essay, I will provide an example of a quantitative research paper and discuss some of the key features and characteristics of this type of research.

One example of a quantitative research paper is a study published in the Journal of Educational Psychology in 2010, titled "The Effects of Classroom Management on Student Achievement." The researchers in this study sought to examine the relationship between classroom management practices and student achievement in elementary school classrooms.

To conduct this study, the researchers collected data from a sample of 4th and 5th grade classrooms in a large urban school district. The data included information on various classroom management practices, such as teacher behavior, student behavior, and the physical environment of the classroom. The researchers also collected data on student achievement, including scores on standardized tests and grades on assignments and exams.

To analyze the data, the researchers used statistical techniques such as regression analysis and ANOVA (analysis of variance). They found that certain classroom management practices, such as positive reinforcement and clear rules and consequences, were significantly related to higher levels of student achievement. They also found that the relationship between classroom management practices and student achievement was stronger for students who were at risk of academic failure.

One of the key strengths of this study is that it used a large, representative sample of classrooms and students, which allows the results to be more generalizable to other similar contexts. Additionally, the researchers used rigorous statistical techniques to analyze the data and control for potential confounds, which increases the validity and reliability of the results.

Overall, this example of a quantitative research paper illustrates some of the key characteristics of this type of research, including the use of numerical data, statistical analysis, and the examination of relationships between variables. While quantitative research can be an effective way to understand patterns and trends in data, it is important to recognize that it has limitations, such as the inability to capture the complexity and nuance of social and behavioral phenomena.

Qualitative and Quantitative Research, Research Paper Example

example of quantitative research paper

The latter being much more rigid and requiring different skill sets from the researcher. The structure of the example and the nature of its contents follow the recommendations of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Qualitative research methods are fairly flexible and use such items as interviews, surveys, questionnaires etc. Mention the tools and methods that were used to collect the relevant information. Creswell 2003 argues that the three mixed methodologies are used to bring out the effectiveness of incorporating qualitative aspects into the quantitative aspect of the study.


Quantitative Research Examples (Step by Step Examples)

example of quantitative research paper

This helps to show the validity and strengths of the ideas as well as the credibility of data to be used by the audience or users of the research. Below is the result of the poll that was taken for a sample size of 50 people from different areas and age groups: Since there is a different count of respondents for each of the ratings, hence we need to calculate the result by using the Weighted Average Mean method. In the Field: Routledge, London. The meaning of triangulation may be obtained from the concepts of social sciences as being a means towards combining results from different methods of analysis. By experimentation underlying theories can either be validated or dismissed. Probability Sampling Many extant quantitative techniques particularly inductive statistics can only be used on data collected with a rigorous and sufficiently large probability sample, generally a random sample of some sort. Event History Analysis: Regression for Longitudinal Event Data.


Quantitative Research Methodology

example of quantitative research paper

Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. While Durkheim was a proponent of quantification, Weber was less enthusiastic. Experiments tend to be around a fairly fixed or standard format approach. The interviews were conducted from a telephone interviewing center which is on-site and computer-assisted from the organization. There are different types of sampling techniques but these include: purposive sampling, quota sampling and snowball sampling.


Quantitative Research Example

example of quantitative research paper

However, one of the problems with mathematical models in sociology and a problem that is easily glossed over is that they are sometimes very difficult to apply and test empirically. . Article Link to be Hyperlinked For eg: Source: Top 4 Examples of Quantitative Research Example 1 — Using Mean for Opinion Poll There is a new marketing campaign for the launch of your product, which is a smartphone with some added camera benefits. Logistic regression includes nominal variables aggressively, thus making it more compatible with theory that is replete with such nominal variables and providing a welcome means of bridging the theory-method gap. Quantitative Data Collection Specific quantitative techniques make rigorous assumptions about the kind of data that is suitable for analysis with that technique. It is important that we pay more attention to this problem and that we focus on R 2 values, not just on p That is, it is likely that there is actually more variance that can be explained empirically, but the techniques in use are not picking it all up.


Quantitative Research Essay Examples

example of quantitative research paper

It has become an efficient way of analyzing and interpreting information or results using non-metric forms. The limitations of this model are that little variance exists to be explained and the predictors are inadequate. History of Sociological Quantification Quantitative reasoning is widely applied in the discipline of sociology and quantification aids sociologists in at least seven main research areas: quantitative modeling, measurement, sampling, computerization, data analysis, hypothesis testing, and data storage and retrieval. Data collection procedures and the cost of carrying out the research normally differ with any change in location. It should also give a glance at the comprehensive discussion. The observations should also be taken from a study group that is highly participative. It is used by criminologists when computing causal statements about computed research variables.


9 Quantitative Research Methods With Real Client Examples

example of quantitative research paper

Many of the most theoretically important and frequently used sociological variables lie at this level of measurement, including religion, sex, political affiliation, region, and so on. Authors are encouraged to observe a traditional structure for organising quantitative research papers, to formulate research que stions, working hypotheses and investigative tools, to report results accurately and thor oughly, and to present thoughtful interpretation and logical discussion of evidence. Perhaps sociology has lost sight of whether sociological models fit the data well, which is the primary point of prediction. Taken together, these results show that Korean food entrepreneurs apply different strategies in order to enhance their strengths and ameliorate their weaknesses. It helps in the data analysis and then compared it with other similar study cases.


Quantitative Paper Example

example of quantitative research paper

The views of the interviewees are therefore very important in this kind of methodology McNabb 2002. There are too many tasks and too little time. In fact, it would influence customers of the Jobseekers Allowance in volunteering for the training and recruitment in this project. Population: This means the entire group from which a sample is taken for the research process. Quantitative research performs a noble role in the research continuum.


100 Original Quantitative Research Paper Topics 2022

example of quantitative research paper

Which statistical technique is appropriate for a given analysis can depend on a number of factors, one of which is the so-called level of measurement of the quantitative data involved. When logistic regression occurs in 29 out of 35 83 percent of quantitative articles and 29 out of 37 total articles 78 percent , it obviously has an amazing degree of dominance for a single technique. These include, among others, advances in longitudinal analysis, in multilevel analysis, in the use of pooled data, in the presentation of more comparative models in each analysis, and in the presentation of more interaction analyses. It gives information about where the research is to be carried out. This survey sample includes youths and teenagers of 15-30 years age groups.


Example of a Quantitative Research Paper

example of quantitative research paper

Quantified data portrays images and pictures that bring about credibility and quality to its users. It is conclusive in its purpose. Literature Review A literature review is one of the essential steps in the process of writing a quantitative research paper. Structural equation methods can be used in the following study designs: cross-sectional designs; longitudinal design; measurement studies; experimental studies; and other types of studies. To recognize and reproduce authentic cuisine, food entrepreneurs demand inside knowledge. They can provide background information and key terms that might help you write up a topic list.
