Excellent essay examples. 10+ Outstanding Common App Essay Examples 2022-12-20

Excellent essay examples Rating: 7,9/10 1237 reviews

An excellent essay is one that is well-written, organized, and clearly communicates the author's ideas and arguments. It should also be well-researched, using reliable and credible sources to support the author's points.

One excellent essay example is "The Death of Expertise" by Tom Nichols. In this essay, Nichols argues that the rise of the internet and the proliferation of information has led to a decline in the value and importance of expertise. He cites examples such as the proliferation of fake news and conspiracy theories, as well as the public's increasing mistrust of experts and institutions.

Nichols' essay is well-written, with clear and concise language that effectively communicates his ideas. He also uses a variety of examples and anecdotes to illustrate his points, making the essay more engaging and relatable for readers. In addition, he uses credible sources to support his arguments, including research studies and data.

Another excellent essay example is "The Myth of Meritocracy" by Lani Guinier. In this essay, Guinier discusses the concept of meritocracy and how it has been used to justify inequality and discrimination. She argues that meritocracy is a myth and that it often serves as a cover for systems that are inherently biased and unjust.

Guinier's essay is well-organized, with clear and logical transitions between ideas. She also uses a variety of examples to illustrate her points, including personal anecdotes and historical examples. Additionally, she cites a range of credible sources to support her arguments, including research studies and data.

Overall, excellent essay examples share common characteristics such as clear and concise writing, well-organized structure, and the use of credible sources to support their arguments. They also engage the reader and effectively communicate the author's ideas and perspectives.

Academic Excellence, Essay Example

excellent essay examples

In second grade I enrolled in a summer science program and built a solar-powered oven that baked real cookies. I asked them to join me in the technology room at my old school and showed them how to use power tools to create robot parts. They will be reading your essay to see how you view thе college as a whole and hоw you fit in. We were supposed to open the restaurant earlier that day. Or perhaps an engineer? I discovered my first power when I turned 14. For four years, I have been searching for a way to defeat the scourge of child marriage, a leading cause of poverty in rural India.


10+ Outstanding Common App Essay Examples

excellent essay examples

On weekdays, I learned to cook my own meals, wash my own clothes, watch over my two younger sisters, and juggle school work. But that was only me on the surface. So how do you go about writing this mythical Perfect Essay? Era como si al mismo tiempo habíamos ganado nuestra independencia. I even spend my free time doing nonograms, grid-based logic puzzles solved by using clues to fill in seemingly random pixels to create a picture. The cacophony of rowdy crowds, ref whistles, squeaky shoes, and scoreboard buzzers was a familiar sound. Like two sides of a coin, I lived in two worlds. I stumbled upon the movies of Hayao Miyazaki at a young age.


46 Good SPM English Model Essays / Free Essay Samples for O

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I wrote a psychology paper analyzing the polarizing effects of the media and how confirmation bias leads already opinionated viewers to ossify their beliefs. Take the start of paragraph two, for example. I see a reflection of myself in the divide at the 38th parallel because I see one part isolating itself in defense to outside threats, and another part coming out to face the world as one of the fastest- developing nations. The unique positioning of Cornell led to a record-breaking number of applicants this past year: 51,324 students applied for entry into the class of 2022, with an The increasingly difficult nature of the admissions scene necessitates increasingly stronger writing supplements—a strong essay is one of the best ways to stand out among tens of thousands of other applications. Eventually, my creations jumped from their two-dimensional confinement, requiring the solver to dive through holes to the other side, or fold part of the paper over, then right back again. Mi madre vino a los EE.


Cornell Essay Examples, How to Craft An Excellent Essay : Current School News

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Some of my fears have come true: I have been banned from several Chinese robotics forums. Upon formally learning algebra, I was dismayed that "proper math" operated under a different set of assumptions, that two variables can be equal, or be non-integers, and that you always need as many equations as variables. I was surprised when the competition descended into confusion and chaos. Other experiences, such as the mock board meeting of a technology company to which students from different backgrounds brought in divergent business strategies, affirmed my belief in the importance of working toward a more inclusive global community. The more I scratch off from my goals list, the more it brings me back to those days handling spatulas. But ask yourself this question: how do I know basketball was a big part of her life?.


How to Write Dazzlingly Brilliant Essays: Sharp Advice for Ambitious Students

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I stumbled upon the movies of Hayao Miyazaki at a young age. We like to think of your personal statement as the heart of your application. Numerous, though shared laughter is up there. While I never fulfilled my wish to run at lightning speeds or shoot spiderwebs from my fingers, my experiences with art have taught me that the greatest superpowers lie within each of us—the powers to create, express, and connect in meaningful ways. In the morning I got up early for my skincare routine, using brightening skin tone and concealing blemishes, which gave me the energy and confidence throughout the day. Martin Luther King Jr.


Excellent Essay Sample

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My diffidence was frustrating. If you have an application essay to write, but do not know how tо start it, then yоu can use our college application essay example. You probably think I want to be a designer. In particular, I am interested in the North-South Korean tension. As I grew older, my interests expanded to include the delicate systems of biology, the complexity of animation, and the nuances of language. I took my powers overseas, flying 8,535 miles to arrive at a dilapidated school in the bleak slums of Jaipur, India.


15 Excellent Common App Essay Examples from AP Guru

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This writer does this to great effect, using the metaphor of the divide at the 38th parallel to refer to her own development throughout the essay. Application readers are interested in learning about your challenges, but are most interested in how you responded to them. Mom would wonder where I had magically disappeared to after I turned invisible as she forced me to eat that plate of broccoli. I worked to enhance access to my platform. I have used my hands and mind to tear down all barriers that separate people, no matter gender or nationality, from the inspiration and exploration of STEM. What evidence can you point to to prove that love? So, I read his autobiographies, watched anime, and researched ancient texts— Analects, The Way, Art of War. Después de la rebeldía civil de la primavera Árabe muchos países del Medio Oriente se negaron a concederles a las mujeres la igualdad en posiciones en la sociedad, ya que estaría en contradicción con la religión de Islam.


excellent essay examples

We began working at 11pm all the way to 5am. It was surreal: a girl from the ghetto traveling alone around the world with a map in her hands And no man or cultural standards could dictate what I was to do. The college application essay is an essential component of the college application process. However, I began to wonder: was I excusing myself from the responsibility of taking a position on key issues? Read on to get the most out оf your college application essay. This will help you write a professional essay and get a high grade.


excellent essay examples

This writer uses details to successfully do both of those things. Cosmetics led me to dig deeper into scientific inquiry, helped me develop an impassioned voice, and became a tool to connect me with others. Within these moments, I became engulfed in a world of my own creation. In this way, the structure mirrors the content. I found time to analyze Heart of Darkness and used my blog to instruct adult authors on how to become self-published authors. I enjoyed every bit of it, taking pride in challenging myself and helping my father. Someday I hope to solve the unsolvable.
