Explain the objectives of cash management. 12 Main Objective of Financial Management You Should Know 2022-12-24

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Cash management is a financial practice that involves the effective handling and control of a company's cash flows. It is an important aspect of financial management, as it helps to ensure that a company has sufficient cash on hand to meet its short-term obligations, such as paying bills and salaries, while also maximizing the return on surplus cash.

There are several key objectives of cash management, which include:

  1. Maintaining sufficient cash balances: A company needs to have sufficient cash on hand to meet its short-term obligations, such as paying bills and salaries. Cash management involves forecasting cash flows and maintaining sufficient cash balances to ensure that the company can meet its obligations.

  2. Maximizing the return on surplus cash: Surplus cash is any excess cash that is not needed to meet current obligations. Cash management involves investing surplus cash in low-risk, high-return investments, such as money market accounts or short-term government bonds, in order to maximize the return on this surplus cash.

  3. Managing liquidity: Liquidity refers to a company's ability to meet its short-term obligations as they come due. Cash management involves forecasting cash flows and maintaining sufficient liquidity to ensure that the company can meet its obligations.

  4. Reducing financing costs: Cash management can help a company to reduce its financing costs by optimizing the timing and terms of its borrowing. For example, a company may be able to negotiate lower interest rates by agreeing to borrow for a longer term.

  5. Minimizing risk: Cash management can help to minimize risk by ensuring that a company has sufficient cash on hand to meet its obligations. This can help to reduce the risk of default, which can have serious consequences for a company's reputation and financial stability.

In summary, the objectives of cash management include maintaining sufficient cash balances, maximizing the return on surplus cash, managing liquidity, reducing financing costs, and minimizing risk. By effectively managing its cash flows, a company can ensure that it has the financial resources it needs to meet its short-term obligations and achieve its long-term goals.

Cash Management: Definition, Objectives, Models, Strategies and Limitation

explain the objectives of cash management

Therefore optimum level of cash should be maintain. Cash in a firm can be compared to the blood in a human body. These cheques are deposited directly into the local bank account of the firm. It is an Indian standard similar to SWIFT Society for World-wide Interbank Financial Telecommunications which is the international messaging system used for financial messaging globally. This can be done by increasing the inventory turnover, reducing the production cycle and by increasing the finished goods turnover. Preparation of the Budget: There are 3 methods of preparing the cash budgets: i Receipts and payments Method ii The adjusted profit and loss Account Method and iii The balance sheet Method. However, unlike the previous model, the stone model works on forecasting cash flows when hitting upper or lower limits occurs.


Objectives of Cash Flow Management

explain the objectives of cash management

Minimising Deposit Float: After using cheques by the customers in favour of the firm collections can be quickened. When a business has high amounts of inventory in stock, it means that the business is not generating any cash flows from it. Making this payment to different employees on different days of a week can equalize these reductions. Pricing, terms and conditions, including service options, are subject to change. Liquidity can be managed by ensuring that cash inflows are greater than cash outflows. ADVERTISEMENTS: Following are the main advantages of adequate cash: i It prevents the firm from being insolvent. Financing - Cash managers assist in obtaining both short- and long-term borrowed funds in a timely manner and at an acceptable cost.


Cash Management

explain the objectives of cash management

Inter-Corporate Deposits ICDs : This is a popular short-term investment avenue for companies in India. In nutshell, all receipts whether of capital or revenue nature or belonging to any period has to be taken into account. This period may either be short and temporary or last for a longer duration of time. It also helps a business to figure out its future cash needs and hence plan those needs accordingly. Companies operating with invoice billing can reduce the days payable or offer discounts for quick payments. It increases the transit time. It will take time for the payment to be collected from the firm.


Cash Management in Accounting (Definition, Objectives)

explain the objectives of cash management

There are three important methods available to use in a decentralised collection network, they are — i concentration banking, ii Lock-Box system, and iii Payment by wire. Cash Management — Strategies The fundamental goal in managing cash is to minimise unproductive or idle cash balances. It helps the firm to fulfil its immediate cash requirements. This analysis can help estimate the dollar amount of inventory needed. Some important among them are: a Cash Turnover: This ratio is a measure of the speed of cash and efficiency of management of cash. It is possible through the options of a decentralised collection policy.


The Importance of Cash Management

explain the objectives of cash management

It includes payment for purchase of material, and payment of wages, salary, interest, dividend, taxes and other expenses. The cash turnover is calculated as follows: Cash Management — Formulating Strategy for Economising Cash: Strategy towards Accelerating Cash Inflows and Cash Outflows Once cash flow projections are made and appropriate cash balances are established, finance managers should take steps towards effective utilisation of available cash resources. The fixed cost consists of both explicit cost and implicit cost. The insufficiency of cash can act as a drag on the business operations. The finance manager is entrusted with the responsibility to maintain an optimum level of liquidity.


Explain Objectives And Functions Of Cash Management?

explain the objectives of cash management

First of all, XYZ Co. To ensure that the system of collection works according to plan, it is helpful to periodically audit the actual transfers by the collecting banks and see whether they are in conformity with the instruction given. Therefore, in the long-term, profits are aimed at; but in the short-term, the cash flow is much more important. However, profitability may be higher because of maximum utilisation of funds. Cash Management: Meaning, Objectives, Strategies, Importance, Factors, Motives for Holding Cash, Models, Technique, Cash Flows, Cash Budget, Advantages, Problems, Examples and More… Overview — Cash Management The term cash is a wider concept even though most of the time it is perceived in a narrow sense. The firm must have to maintain sufficient funds cash balance if the payments are more than receipts.


The Concept of Cash Management

explain the objectives of cash management

Cash management is the way toward gathering and overseeing cash streams. Banks are typically a primary financial service provider for the custody of cash assets. There are many roles played by cash management. Sometimes, the cash inflows will be more than outflows because of receipts from debtors, and cash sales in huge amounts. Hence, a business needs to manage cash effectively to avoid excess cash or cash deficits. Obviously, the prospect of such a dire consequence should compel companies to manage their cash with care.


What is Cash Management? Definition, Objectives, Models, Functions, Strategies, Techniques, Limitations

explain the objectives of cash management

The Cash Flow Statement A Statement of Cash Flow is an accounting document that tracks the incoming and outgoing cash and cash equivalents from a business. Cash Management — Money Market Instruments: Units of MFs, Ready Forward, Treasury Bill, Commercial Papers and More… Money Market Instruments Marketable Securities : Money market refers to the market for short-term securities. Cash Management — Motives for Holding Cash: Transaction, Precautionary, Speculative and Compensation Motive Although cash does not generate any profit itself, yet certain firms maintain some amount of cash balance. The balance known as synchronization firm should develop appropriate strategies for resolving the uncertainty involved in cash flow prediction and in balance between cash receipts and payments. Human Resource managers are important to the performance appraisal process, because they make sure that the appraisal is fair, detailed, and the managers are handling the appraisals professionally.


Cash Management: Definition, Objectives, Models, Strategies, Limitations

explain the objectives of cash management

Such a step would involve transaction cost. ADVERTISEMENTS: Cash management is a broad term that refers to the collection, concentration and disbursement of cash. Copyright © 2021 Finance Strategists. Optimum cash level- The firm should decide on the appropriate level of cash balances. In the Structured Financial Messaging System SFMS , IFSC is being used as the addressing code in user- to-user message transmission.


Cash Management Objective

explain the objectives of cash management

Small firms may not prepare cash forecasts due to non-availability of data and less scale of operations. ADVERTISEMENTS: On the other hand, lesser the amount of cash balance, more will be the profitability and lesser will be the liquidity of business. Through cash budget, he can exercise control over cash and maintain the required liquidity for the firm. It is either due to lack of liquid cash or not making a profit out of the money available. . The model can be applied only when the payments position can be reasonably assessed.
