Factors that influence interpersonal attraction. Interpersonal Attraction: Definition & Types 2022-12-17

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Interpersonal attraction is the force that draws people together and creates positive feelings towards one another. It is an important aspect of social interaction and can lead to the development of relationships, both romantic and platonic. There are many factors that influence interpersonal attraction, including physical attractiveness, proximity, similarity, and complementarity.

Physical attractiveness is a factor that plays a role in interpersonal attraction. People are often attracted to others who are physically attractive, as they perceive them to be healthy and genetically fit. Physical attractiveness can be influenced by factors such as facial symmetry, facial structure, and body type. People who are physically attractive are often perceived as more confident and successful, which can also contribute to their appeal.

Proximity, or the physical closeness between people, can also influence interpersonal attraction. People who are in close proximity to one another, such as coworkers or classmates, are more likely to form relationships with each other. This is because frequent exposure to someone can lead to increased familiarity and positive feelings towards that person.

Similarity is another factor that can influence interpersonal attraction. People are often drawn to others who are similar to them in terms of interests, values, beliefs, and personality traits. This is because similarity creates a sense of familiarity and understanding, which can lead to positive feelings and a sense of belonging.

Complementarity is the final factor that can influence interpersonal attraction. This refers to the idea that people are attracted to those who possess qualities that they themselves lack. For example, someone who is outgoing may be attracted to someone who is more introverted, as they complement each other's personalities.

In conclusion, there are many factors that influence interpersonal attraction. Physical attractiveness, proximity, similarity, and complementarity are all important considerations when it comes to forming positive feelings towards others. Understanding these factors can help us better understand why we are attracted to certain people and how we can improve our own interpersonal relationships.

Module 12: Attraction

factors that influence interpersonal attraction

Thus, we tend to choose people who are similar to us in attitudes and interests as this leads to a more positive evaluation of them. Half of the women in the photographs had a desirable first name while the other half did not. This leads to what are called intimate or romantic relationships in which you feel a very strong sense of attraction to another person in terms of their personality and physical features. The effect of mere exposure is powerful and occurs in a wide variety of situations. Studies suggest that all factors involve social reinforcement. Definition of Interpersonal Attraction All these questions are answered by studying interpersonal attraction. It was found that those students who had more interactions due to their living arrangements, for example, sharing facilities like the kitchen, toilet and others, had a higher chance of forming friendships with other people in the same residence Yinon et al.


What Factors Influence In Interpersonal Attraction? « Global Health Facts

factors that influence interpersonal attraction

We see beauty as a valuable asset and one that can be exchanged for other things during our social interactions. Attraction towards a person is based on the perceived suitability of the person for a close relationship which can be explained in terms of the following factors of interpersonal attraction. Many factors influence whom people are attracted to. Physically attractiveness, in particular leads to positive stereotypes, which is defined as the halo effect. As vision improves and they get better at figuring people out, social referencing emerges around 8-9 months. Proximity increases liking, especially in friendship development.


What are the factors of interpersonal attraction?

factors that influence interpersonal attraction

Likewise, supportive and caring people are liked more than others Rubin, 1973. Outside of dealing with strangers, infants will also social reference a parent if they are given an unusual toy to play with. Thus, physical attractiveness is seen as an important interceding factor in the beginnings of a relationship formation. For instance, men may be attracted to women that have big eyes, fair complexion, thin eyebrows, prominent cheekbones and so on. This familiarity causes you to be comfortable and feels favorable emotions towards them, leading to a friendship. Are the swimmers only friends with other swimmers because they spend all their time together? An interpretation of this finding could that familiarity leads to friendships and bonds since people like predictability.


What are the factors that contribute to interpersonal attraction?

factors that influence interpersonal attraction

Can we please talk about my day? According to the meta-analysis of 70 studies published from 1980 to 2014, social isolation increases mortality by 29%, loneliness does so by 26%, and living alone by 32%; but being socially connected leads to higher survival rates Holt-Lunstad et al. . Disliking could increase due to proximity because neighbours might likely irritate their neighbours and vice versa. Smiles directed at other people are called social smiles. They may act more likable, show greater conformity, and comply with the requests of others.


What situational factors affect attraction?

factors that influence interpersonal attraction

When we find out that we share some similarities with someone, we like them more. Of course, some relationships form asa consequence of quite different factors. Are they always responsive to your motives? Third, individuals in inequitable relationships will experience distress proportional to the inequity. More hormones Norepinephrine is also released during attraction, and the combination makes you feel giddy. Overall, Peskin and Newell 2004 state that their findings show that increasing the familiarity of faces by increasing exposure led to increased attractiveness ratings. I will explain each of the five factors of this attraction.


Social factors that influence interpersonal attraction

factors that influence interpersonal attraction

Their agreement with our choices and beliefs helps to reduce any uncertainty we face regarding social situations and improves our understanding of the situation. If you want to get the most out of your vacation, you should carefully consider your itinerary. Mate Selection As you will see in a bit, men and women have vastly different strategies when it comes to selecting a mate. From simple essay plans, through to full dissertations, you can guarantee we have a service perfectly matched to your needs. Further research on interpersonal attraction would be able to help dating agencies to work out what is the most successful criteria to match partners and to prevent divorce, and keep a long-term relationship. The middle level is emotional which includes what makes us unique, trust and comfort, our emotional intelligence, and how mysterious we appear to a potential suitor.


Factors Influencing Attraction

factors that influence interpersonal attraction

What situational factors influence attraction? One person may view someone as beautiful who may not be viewed as beautiful by another person. We might think that self-disclosure is difficult online but a study of 243 Facebook users shows that we tell our personal secrets on Facebook to those we like and that we feel we can disclose such personal details to people with whom we talk often and come to trust Sheldon, 2009. This sample can be utilized as a research and reference resource to aid in the writing of your own work. This happens because when people come to know that they are loved by someone, they feel of themselves as valued and respected by the person which may naturally trigger their feeling of liking towards that person. The avoidant respondents were also four times as likely to have experienced a sudden religious conversion.


SOLVED: What factors influence interpersonal attraction?

factors that influence interpersonal attraction

However, this cultural understanding may not be due to qualities which signal fertility. Stewart 1980 has displayed that attractive people receive lighter sentences in court and receive better grades Landy and Sigall 1974 , and viewed as kinder and joyful by others Hunsberger and Canvanagh,1988. The first is a secure attachment and results in the use of a mother as a home base to explore the world. Situational factors, which include physical and social environments. Physically attractiveness, in particular leads to positive stereotypes, which is defined as the halo effect.


Social factors that influence interpersonal attraction

factors that influence interpersonal attraction

Any use of the work that does not include an appropriate citation is banned. Proximity has its effect on liking through the principle of mere exposure, which is the tendency to prefer stimuli including, but not limited to people that we have seen more frequently. Though play develops across time, or becomes more complex, solitary play and onlooker play do remain options children reserve for themselves. Mate selection occurs universally in all human cultures. Equity Theory Equity theory Walster et al. It is important to point out that we affiliate with people who accept us though are generally indifferent while we tend to belong to individuals who truly care about us and for whom we have an attachment. What are examples of situational attribution? We end the module, and book, with coverage of the beneficial effects of forgiveness.
