Govt of india act 1935. Difference Between Govt Of Indian Act 1919 And 1935 [jlk9pzqvg845] 2022-12-13

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The Government of India Act 1935 was a major reform of the administrative and constitutional structure of British India. It was passed by the British Parliament in 1935 and came into effect in 1937, after being delayed by the outbreak of World War II. The Act was the longest and most detailed of all the constitutional acts passed by the British Parliament for the governance of India. It was also the last major constitutional reform before India gained independence in 1947.

The Act was intended to provide a new constitutional framework for India that would give greater autonomy to the provinces and reduce the central government's control over them. It also introduced a system of government that was based on a federal structure, with a weak central government and strong provincial governments.

One of the major provisions of the Act was the establishment of a bicameral central legislature, consisting of the Council of States and the Federal Assembly. The Council of States was composed of 260 members, with representation from the provinces, the princely states, and the British Indian territories. The Federal Assembly was composed of 375 elected members and 125 nominated members, with representation based on population.

The Act also introduced a system of dyarchy, which divided the powers and responsibilities of the provinces between the governor and the ministers. The governor was appointed by the British Crown and had the power to veto legislation passed by the provincial legislature. The ministers, on the other hand, were responsible for the administration of the provinces and were elected by the provincial legislature.

In addition to these changes, the Act also introduced a number of other reforms, including the establishment of a public service commission, the introduction of separate electorates for Muslims, the establishment of a federal court, and the introduction of a system of indirect elections for the selection of the members of the federal legislature.

Overall, the Government of India Act 1935 was a significant step towards the decentralization of the Indian administration and the devolution of power to the provinces. It also laid the foundations for the development of a federal system of government in India, which was eventually realized after independence in 1947.

(PDF) Government of India Act 1935

govt of india act 1935

This may be true, but the analogy itself is false. The Council had to act in confidence with the legislature. Govt of India Act 1919 focussed on British Provinces. It meant separate electorates were to be made for the scheduled castes, workers and women. .


File:Government of India Act

govt of india act 1935

No Bicameralism in provinces No bill of the legislature could be deemed to have been passed unless assented to by the governor general. Also, the viceroy is vested with certain overriding and certifying powers in this under the Secretary of State for India. This destroyed the morale of the bureaucracy. It worked great for women as they got a separate electorate and hence a major role in the decision-making powers. Legislature, whether with respect to a Bill then pending in the Legislature or otherwise, and a Chamber to whom any message is so sent shall with all convenient dispatch consider any matter which they are required by the message to take into consideration. The Council of States was the upper house with directly elected members from the provinces and members nominated by the princes in a ratio of 60:40. Gandhi was not over-worried, said Birla, by the reservation of defence and external affairs to the centre, but was concentrating on the method of choosing the States' representatives.


Constitution of India

govt of india act 1935

One was termed the Upper house, and the other the Lower house. Govt of India Act 1935 was more Decentralized. The 1935 Act was one such step. The federal Legislature was to consist of members elected from British provinces and Members nominated by the princely states. The lower house was the Legislative Assembly, with 145 members serving three year terms the model for today's Lok Sabha ; the upper house was the Council of States with 60 members serving five year terms The Act of 1919 although did not confer full autonomy on the Provinces, certainly took the first step in that direction.


Government of India Act of 1935

govt of india act 1935

When the Simon Commission Report came out it was seen that the report was not satisfactory which would lead to the consultation with the then Indian Community Representatives at the Round Table conference, held in London. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN GOVERNMENT OF INDIA ACT 1919 AND 1935 The Government of India Act, 1919 was an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. Introduction: The Government Act of 1919 and 1935 were brought in to bring in "responsible government" for Indians and increasing their participation. The Government of India Act 1935 was the last constitution of British India It lasted until 1947. The British came to India in the 1600s primarily for trade. File usage This file contains additional information, probably added from the digital camera or scanner used to create or digitize it. In the United Kingdom, both departments are subject to the same legislative control, whereas in India one is responsible to the federal legislature and the other to the Imperial Parliament".


Modern History Simplified: Government of India Act of 1935

govt of india act 1935

Churchill: A Study in Failure 1900—1939. They were also given autonomy in financial matters related to borrowing and expenditure. The Constitution resurrected the senate, transforming Kenya into a bicameral system for the first time since the 1960s. They were freed from the directions and control of the Governor-General and the Secretary of State of India. What was the All India Federation? The provisions of the act were not enough to fulfill the National Aspirations that the people of the country aspected. It was the longest act enacted by the British Parliament at that time.


Government of India Act, 1935

govt of india act 1935

In fact, the Congress High Command was able to control the provincial ministries and to force their resignation in 1939. This led directly to the resignation of the Congress provincial ministries. Also, voting rights were limited to only 10% of the population, not making the government democratic. The unfairness of this arrangement is clear when one considers the dominant position of British capital in much of the Indian modern sector and the complete dominance, maintained through unfair commercial practices, of UK shipping interests in India's international and coastal shipping traffic and the utter insignificance of Indian capital in Britain and the non-existence of Indian involvement in shipping to or within the UK. It was hoped that the gerrymandered federation, encompassing units of such hugely different sizes, sophistication and varying forms of government from the autocratic Princely States to democratic provinces, could provide the basis for a viable state. But is not every power here vested in the King? The ministers were responsible to the provincial legislatures who controlled them.


Government of India Act 1935: Features, Analysis & More for UPSC!

govt of india act 1935

This is broadly explained within two categories. The Act provided a dual form of government a "diarchy" for the major provinces. In all likelihood, these representatives would be largely Congressmen. The Act waswritten in a legal style, organised around 11 'Parts' and 10 'Schedules'. Autocratic rule, "informed by wisdom, exercised in moderation and vitalized by a spirit of service to the interests of the subject, may well prove that it can make an appeal in India as strong as that of representative and responsible institutions.


Government Of India Act 1935

govt of india act 1935

The legislature could also remove the ministers. The Act showed the strength and cohesion of Congress and probably strengthened it. Grove Press Books, distributed by Publishers Group West. However Federation never came into being as the princely states did not join it. The authority of Federal Railways lay under the Governor General of India and was not answerable to any other power. HOW DID THE ACT COME INTO FORCE? Henceforth, they derived their legal authority directly from the British crown.


Government of India Act 1935

govt of india act 1935

The East India Company came by with a special right to trade in India, which was granted to the company by Queen Elizabeth I. Bharatmata ki jai — is the mantra for milking and worshiping, both. Govt of India Act 1919 was more centralized. Every minister, every counsellor and the Rights of Advocate-General shall have the right to speak in, and otherwise to take part in the proceedings of, either Chamber, any joint sitting of the Chambers, and any committee of the Legislature of which he may be named a member, but shall not by virtue of this section be entitled to vote. Since the one common concern of the 600 or so Princes was their desire to continue to rule their states without interference, this was indeed a mortal threat. The Congress demanded, instead, convening of a Constituent Assembly elected on the basis of adult franchise to frame a constitution for independent India.


Difference Between Govt Of Indian Act 1919 And 1935 [jlk9pzqvg845]

govt of india act 1935

Even though the Constitution is anchored on inter alia constitutional principles of separation of powers, public participation, democracy, social justice, equality as the minimum essential values of good governance. However, this was not a realistic possibility see e. The All India Federation was meant to consist of British India and the princely states. Bicameralism introduced in some states The later could however enact a Bill without the assent of the legislature. It was also the last constitution of British India, before the country was divided, in 1947, into two parts-India and Pakistan.
