Hr is not a profession. Human Resources Management Is Hr A Profession Management Essay 2023-01-05

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Human resources (HR) is often viewed as a profession, but it is important to consider whether this designation is truly deserved. While HR professionals may possess specialized knowledge and skills, the role of HR is often limited to administrative tasks and does not necessarily require the same level of expertise as other professions such as medicine, law, or engineering.

One argument against HR being considered a profession is the lack of consistent standards and regulations. Unlike professions such as law or medicine, which require individuals to pass rigorous licensing exams and meet strict continuing education requirements, the requirements for HR professionals vary greatly depending on the country, state, and even the organization they work for. Additionally, HR professionals do not have a governing body or professional association that sets and enforces standards of conduct. This lack of oversight and regulation can lead to a lack of consistency in the knowledge and skills of HR professionals, as well as a lack of accountability for their actions.

Another reason that HR may not be considered a profession is the lack of autonomy and decision-making power often associated with the role. HR professionals are typically responsible for implementing policies and procedures set by upper management, rather than having the ability to make independent decisions or use their professional judgement. While HR professionals may provide guidance and support to employees, they do not have the same level of authority as professionals in other fields who are able to make decisions that can significantly impact the lives of others.

In addition, HR is often seen as a support function rather than a profession in its own right. While HR professionals may play a vital role in the success of an organization by handling tasks such as recruiting, training, and employee relations, they do not typically contribute to the organization's core business functions. This lack of direct impact on the organization's bottom line can lead to HR being viewed as less valuable or important than other functions within the organization.

Overall, while HR professionals may possess specialized knowledge and skills, the role of HR is often limited to administrative tasks and does not necessarily require the same level of expertise or autonomy as other professions. While HR can play a crucial role in the success of an organization, it may not be fair to classify it as a profession in the same way as fields such as medicine or law.

Is HR a profession or a job?

hr is not a profession

Until it does, it will take a while. Some of our content is attributed to "Personnel Today" for a number of reasons, including: when numerous authors are associated with writing or editing a piece; or when the author is unknown particularly for older articles. During my younger years HR has been a profession based on HUMAN attitude towards people. . Although this seems like a positive respond, the comments by the participants have shown a conflict of how people defined HR as a profession. Author: 06 Nov 2019 Member Level: An excellent article. In a way, the marketing department also deals with humans only.


Human Resources Management Is Hr A Profession Management Essay

hr is not a profession

There also are the manager and supervisors of an organization that may take on few HR functions such as hiring employees, mentoring and monitoring progress. It also indicates that female HR managers have the capability of implementing organizational changes for job advancement that their male colleagues might not possess. Ensure your employees and clients feel at home, even if the environment seems inhospitable. Being in HR, one question will continue to dominate: how does my role add value? The company has always operated remotely. Skilled influencer According to the CIPD 2016 profession map, being a skilled influencer is simply having the ability to influence across a comprehensive environment to gain the necessary commitment. This study has notable positive prospect of HR as profession.


Understanding why HR is still not a profession like Marketing or Finance

hr is not a profession

Leadership is about leading by example and that means examining what you do and making sure that your staff are effective…and flexible…. Our client experience suggests that there is still a perception gap with regard to what HR wants to do and what it is asked to do. Manufacturing, as it then existed, was under the firm grip of what was then called the 'license-raj, permit raj". So why is HR different? This is a sponsored post. Nothing else is significant. It clicked, I got in, and did the two year programme.


The Pros And Cons Of A Career In Human Resources

hr is not a profession

It would have re-discovered it vision! In many organisations when it comes to making that transition, all that commitment and all those skills of the HR professionals are at worst simply not counted, or at best treated as if they are some advisory service — an adjunct to the process rather than the key driver. I think we transformed the organization. I have become more crisp in my presentations and I encourage everybody to follow this way of thinking and working. We knew our clients for decades. Most often, these respondents felt HR was simply another business function, such as sales or marketing, but not a true profession. A freelancer works for several different companies rather than being employed by one organization.


HR thinks it’s a profession, but not sure others do (Analysis)

hr is not a profession

This results that HR is viewed as an occupation that requires extensive knowledge regarding the job and the organization, and that it takes years to accumulate such knowledge. This intellectual base is the first requirement and is assessed through the National Knowledge Examination NKE. Collaborative Collaboration is the central pillar in behaviour for any HR professional, especially given the fact that they are working with people all day long and need to communicate across functions and across the organisation. I have enjoyed reading biographies ofShivaji, Alexander, Ramases II of Egypt,Bodhidharma…the list is long I find these biographies giving a very realistic picture of our history unlike the history textbooks of school. Now the department is managing the system and formalities to do the Job of outsourcing efficiently and playing a vital role in active Managerial activities along with their existing works for the Industry. Human Resources Management Is Hr A Profession Management Essay. It views the employees as a long term investment that should be maintained and developed.


The Eight Behaviours of HR Professionals

hr is not a profession

At the same time, it is also why flexibility is such a required trait for any successful HR professional. Coming to the finance department, they will manage on paper and about papers Currency Papers only. After all it is not the machines, the IT, the nice offices or the solid wood desks that drive a business forward…it is the people. The COVID-19 pandemic pushed human resource professional Brittanie Young, SHRM-SCP, into stress eating. My mother was born in the 30s. HR must stop certain activities and one of them acting as victims. One's contribution is always easy to measure in IT.


Human Resources Management Is Hr A Profession Management Essay

hr is not a profession

Accordingly, works or jobs outsourcing systems have become the key element of the sectors. It is noted that no definitions were provided of what HR is, that part was left out intentionally to be filled by the participants. But they are supported by a well-made item in their hands. However, the overall picture was good. A surprising result was that HR executives in 2009 are older than the average age of 50 in 1999. We got listed on the London Stock Exchange. But as soon as I have presented one to her, she started enthusiastically investigating its options and has now become an active user of messengers too active, I would say , internet news resources and is asking for a smart watch for her next birthday.


Telecommuting Is Not a Profession

hr is not a profession

But one thing is certain. Telecommuting is NOT the job, but is simply a means of getting the job done. So why is it that so often when decisions are made about what direction a company should take in meeting demand or changing its performance profile is the HR Director is usually the last to be consulted? Flexibility People have to become the centre of the process, the key driver in success. Human Resources Manager — a person who is the one to offer you a job, who takes care of you further on as of an employee, who helps you to improve and develop your professional skills, a person to talk to, to share everything connected to your job issues and sometimes even more. Who do you consider an inspiration? Some event stated that it was preposterous to state otherwise.



hr is not a profession

The survey intentionally did not provide a definition of a true profession. My first posting after the initial exposure in the corporate office was in a remote place, called Munger in Bihar. Not all of it was easy, but most of it was quite good and I got a chance to test my entrepreneurial and business development skills, which according to common perception does not come easily to HR folks! Finally, it is the courage to challenge the status quo, especially when the office or work culture is toxic and disruptive to the people that you look after. I had my fair bit of challenges too. It was either engineering or medicine or chartered accountancy. The first thought is that HR jobs are being eliminated or deskilled.
