Investigatory project banana peel turn into shoe polish. Shoe Polish Out of Banana Peel Extract 2023-01-01

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An investigatory project is a scientific method used to solve a problem or answer a question. It is a way for individuals to explore a topic of interest and gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter. One such investigatory project is the transformation of banana peels into shoe polish.

Banana peels are often discarded as waste, but they contain a number of useful substances that can be extracted and used in various ways. One such substance is wax, which is present in the peel in small amounts. When extracted and processed, this wax can be used to polish shoes and other leather items.

To extract the wax from banana peels, the first step is to gather a sufficient quantity of peels. These peels should be fresh, as older peels will contain less wax. Once the peels have been collected, they should be dried in the sun or in a dehydrator to remove any moisture.

Once the peels are dry, they can be ground into a fine powder using a blender or food processor. The powder can then be mixed with a solvent, such as acetone or ethanol, to dissolve the wax. The solution can be filtered to separate the wax from the other substances present in the peel.

The wax can then be purified by heating it and allowing the impurities to evaporate. Once the wax has been purified, it can be mixed with other ingredients, such as oils and fragrances, to create a shoe polish. The polish can then be applied to shoes using a cloth or brush, and buffed to a shine.

The use of banana peels to create shoe polish has a number of potential benefits. Firstly, it helps to reduce waste by finding a use for a material that is often discarded. Secondly, it is a cost-effective way to produce shoe polish, as banana peels are readily available and inexpensive. Finally, the use of natural ingredients, such as those found in banana peels, may be more environmentally friendly than the use of synthetic materials.

In conclusion, the transformation of banana peels into shoe polish is a viable investigatory project that has the potential to provide a number of benefits. By extracting and processing the wax present in the peels, it is possible to create a natural and cost-effective shoe polish that helps to reduce waste and protect the environment.

Free Essay: Only Chapter 1 For Banana Shoe Polish

investigatory project banana peel turn into shoe polish

. . That was the ground why we want to establish this survey. . Proper care and maintenance is an essential part of shoe ownership. It must be disposed of as a hazardous material, because it often contains materials like naphtha and turpentine. .


Banana peels as shoe polisher Free Essays

investigatory project banana peel turn into shoe polish

. Another is that,In Los Angeles and most other places, shoe polish is disallowed in the regular trash. Don't discard banana peels; they are valuable as plant fertilizer. Next, I would like to acknowledge the help of our fellow classmates. Pour in the salt and mix it with the peelings. Review of Related Literature and Studies: Since medieval times, dubbin, a waxy product, was used to soften and waterproof leather; however, it did not impart shine.


Banana peel and ipil

investigatory project banana peel turn into shoe polish

Management Aspects a What is the name of the company? Today, nail polish now comes in an insane amount of colors and textures to choose from. When cleaning the shoes, you will need a shoe polisher. Operates on plastic squeezer equipment to pack the finished products. . In the nineteenth century, many forms of shoe polish became available, yet were rarely referred to as shoe polish or boot polish.


The Science Investigatory Project, Sample of Essays

investigatory project banana peel turn into shoe polish

The online study guide offers students further resources when working on the tasks, while encouraging lively and proactive learning. . . Foot Protection: Appropriate foot protection shall be required for employees who are exposed to foot injuries from hot, corrosive, poisonous substances, falling objects, crushing or penetrating actions, which may cause injuries. Review of related Literature -------------------------------- Pages 2-4 VI. .


Banana Peel as Shoe Polish

investigatory project banana peel turn into shoe polish

. Lastly, to our parents for the financial assistance and guidance to the researchers to make this project successful. Sandoval Chapter I INTRODUCTION A. The major of this findings of this study were summarized below: 1. Chapter IV: Summary and Conclusion From all the research and information we have gathered for this thesis, we are down to summarizing and concluding our findings. .



investigatory project banana peel turn into shoe polish

. In Babylonia, men used to wear nail polish made of kohl to show what class they were in. It is most commonly used as a container to hold liquids. Another is that, because of the inherent power of the state, the company are required to pay taxes to the government that are used for the government to defray their necessary expenses. Banana peels are used as feedstock for cattle, goats, pigs, poultry, rabbits, fish and several other species. . Shinana can help the society, particularly by meeting the needs for a chemical-free shoe polish as replacement to the traditional shoe polish which is full of dangerous chemicals.



investigatory project banana peel turn into shoe polish

. Another thing that can be improved is the packaging. Management Aspects a What is the name of the company? The leaflets are 20-30 linear oblong and 7-12 centimeter in diameter,with many flower. Statement of the Problem: The research workers would wish to cognize if the desquamations of the banana can be made as a shoe gloss and have the same consequence as the man-made shoe gloss. . The development of the present work.


Banana Peeling as an Alternative Shoe Polish Free Essay Example

investigatory project banana peel turn into shoe polish

The researchers used 50% of the total population. Put the finished product in its packaging. Petal peels her bananas from the end without the stem. Statement of the Problem: The researchers would like to know if the peelings of the banana can be made as a shoe polish and have the same result as the synthetic shoe polish. Words: 180635 - Pages: 723 Free Essay Mikki. . Peel — rind or skin Floor wax — used to polish and preserve the finish of floors.


Banana Peeling as an Alternative Shoe Polish Essay

investigatory project banana peel turn into shoe polish

Firstly, I would like to acknowledge my parents. . By satisfying the needs and wants people cannot satisfy themselves, businesses improve the quality of life for people and create a higher standard of living. Penguin China, B7 Jiaming Center, 27 East Third Ring Road North, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, China. . . Work up memory tricks to help yourself remember them.
