Juror 8. Juror 8 2023-01-05

Juror 8 Rating: 7,2/10 1982 reviews

Juror 8 is a character in the play "Twelve Angry Men" by Reginald Rose. In the play, Juror 8 is the only juror who initially votes "not guilty" in the trial of a young man accused of murder. He is the catalyst for the discussion and debate that takes place among the other jurors as they try to reach a unanimous verdict.

Juror 8 is a thoughtful and rational man who is willing to consider all sides of an argument before making a decision. He is patient and respectful in his interactions with the other jurors, even when they become angry or frustrated. He is also highly principled and believes in the importance of upholding justice and ensuring that the accused receives a fair trial.

Throughout the play, Juror 8 challenges the assumptions and preconceptions of the other jurors, pointing out the flaws in their logic and questioning the validity of the evidence presented against the accused. He is persistent in his efforts to convince the other jurors to consider the possibility of reasonable doubt, and refuses to be swayed by their emotional responses or the pressure to conform to the majority opinion.

Juror 8's willingness to stand up for what he believes in and his commitment to seeking the truth ultimately influence the other jurors to reconsider their own positions and reevaluate the evidence. As a result, they are able to reach a unanimous verdict of "not guilty" and ensure that the accused receives a fair trial.

In conclusion, Juror 8 is a highly influential and important character in "Twelve Angry Men." His rational, thoughtful approach to decision-making and his commitment to justice serve as a model for the other jurors and demonstrate the importance of considering all sides of an argument before reaching a verdict.

Juror 8

juror 8

For example: Juror Number Seven is a brash salesman, Juror Number Eleven is a refugee from Europe who has suffered injustice, and then Juror Number Twelve works in advertisement and is a snob. In the first vote, Juror 8 is the only one to vote not guilty. The act of Juror 8 standing against the majority of the other jurors about the case, voting not guilty, allows the jurors to thoroughly dissect the case, understanding it fully and thoughtfully before making their decision of guilty or not guilty. Additionally, the eyewitness claimed he was at his doorway to see the defendant running down the stairs fifteen seconds after he heard the body. It follows the case of a son brutally murdering his mother, with all factors seeming to point to a guilty ruling. You know, living in a slum, his mother dead since he was nine. Act I, Page 330: Three is getting extremely agitated with Eight.


Juror 8 Character Analysis

juror 8

In 12 Angry Men, Juror 8 is such a person, calmly and patiently leading his fellow jurors to a unanimous verdict of not guilty in what seems like an uphill battle. The writer carefully intertwined that message from the start until the case was over at the end, never losing track of what the goal was. Juror 2 was guilty of self-censorship agreeing with the rest of the group to influence his decisions. After all, isn't a lawyer essentially the architect of a case? Juror 8 Described as peaceful and compassionate, Juror 8 is focused on the truth of the case and refuses to give up until the other jurors face that truth. Would you take your job and do it responsibly, or would you do it like some of the Jurors in 12 Angry Men and blow it off so you can finish early and leave. In 12 Angry Men, Juror 8 is such a person, calmly and patiently leading his fellow jurors to a unanimous verdict of not guilty in what seems like an uphill battle.


Juror #8 from 12 Angry Men

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I don't really know what the truth is. This act shows his desire to contemplate important decisions rather than make an impulsive choice without thinking. Profession… architect, and temporary juror. He is a man of strength, tempered with compassion. Juror 8 Juror 8, or Davis as he is revealed to be in the 1957 film adaptation of "12 Angry Men," is a compassionate and peaceful man who is dedicated to the truth.


Juror 8 in 12 Angry Men by Reginald Rose

juror 8

For example, he demonstrates how the man in the case who claimed to have heard the boy say he would kill his father could not have heard anything with the L train riding by the apartment building. It 's not so easy for me to raise my hand and send a boy …show more content… For example we can see that Juror 7 had shown an extroverted personality type of people. Juror 8 Vs Antigone 896 Words 4 Pages Juror Nine votes not guilty because he admires Juror Eight for standing alone against the majority. Nobody can be that accurate," to which Juror 8 retorts, "Well, I think testimony that can put a boy into the electric chair should be that accurate. It proves, however, that the logic of the American trial-by-jury system does work. It is through his persuasive abilities that one by one, the other jurors change their initial vote from guilty to not guilty. The 8 jurors were all familiar faces played by actors who I've seen from other dramas and they really brought their characters to life, especially the actor who was the defendant.


What does Juror 8 say about truth and prejudice in 12 Angry Men?

juror 8

In his calm and gentle manner, he quietly guides his fellow jurors from a hasty vote of guilty to a more thoughtful and contemplative vote of not guilty. This enrages Juror 10, who believes the defendant should be executed just because of his ethnicity. Therefore, Juror Number Eight, with the description given above, calls for a man of deep character and enormous depth of thought and humanity. Ultimately, as the other jurors reveal their own personal biases, Juror 8 stays calm and neutral, representing an idealized form of justice. These individuals effected great change, not by shouting or resorting to violence, but by being committed to a goal and quietly making choices that influenced people.


Juror 8 (2019)

juror 8

Although he is not particularly bright, he is dogged. In the end, the reader can look at figure 1. Personality… passionate, intelligent, and deeply committed to justice. Character Differences In 12 Angry Men 1133 Words 5 Pages Although 3 does change his mind in the end, he is the last to change so he is the leader for the guilty side. One stage direction even says he is speaking calmly.


Juror Eight

juror 8

The film was well produced with good pacing, good camera work, and good music to draw you into the scene. Jurors 7 and 1 then change their votes, tipping the majority toward a not guilty verdict. I think maybe we owe him a few words. The designated leader of the jury group was Juror 1. One of these pieces of evidence is the knife used to commit the murder, which many of the jurors believe to be unique.


What is the background of Juror Number Eight in Twelve Angry Men?

juror 8

The final juror, 3, threatens him, and Juror 8 remains steady and simply restates his vote of not guilty, compelling Juror 3 to do the same. Living… in New York during the 1950s. Analysis Of Stereotypes In 12 Angry Men 747 Words 3 Pages Based on the evidence gathered from the case everyone agrees the boy is innocent except one man, juror three. The Foreman and Juror Two are weak and feeble men whereas Juror Number Three is the one who Eight calls a "sadist" because of his forceful ways and his brash behavior. Following Juror 9, Jurors 5 and 11 are the first to change their votes.
