"The Day the Cowboys Quit" is a short story by Elmer Kelton that follows the life of a group of cowboys who work on a ranch in Texas. The story begins with the cowboys preparing to go on a cattle drive, which is a long journey that involves driving a large herd of cattle across the countryside to a different location. The ranch owner, Mr. Moss, is a strict and demanding man who expects nothing but the best from his cowboys.
As the cattle drive begins, the cowboys are faced with numerous challenges and hardships. They have to contend with extreme weather conditions, including heavy rain and strong winds, and they also have to deal with the constant threat of attack from wild animals and thieves. Despite these challenges, the cowboys remain determined and dedicated to their work, and they push on through the difficult journey.
However, as the drive wears on, the cowboys begin to grow tired and frustrated with Mr. Moss's constant demands and lack of appreciation for their hard work. They also begin to resent the fact that they are not being paid enough for their labor. As a result, they decide to go on strike and refuse to continue working until Mr. Moss agrees to their demands.
At first, Mr. Moss is shocked and angry at the cowboys' refusal to work, and he threatens to fire them all if they do not return to their duties. However, he eventually realizes that the cowboys are serious about their demands and that he will have to negotiate with them if he wants to keep his ranch running. After some discussion, Mr. Moss agrees to the cowboys' demands and agrees to pay them more for their labor.
In the end, the cowboys return to work, satisfied that they have been treated fairly and that their hard work has been recognized. The story ends with the cowboys driving the herd of cattle to their destination, knowing that they have stood up for themselves and earned the respect of their employer.
Overall, "The Day the Cowboys Quit" is a powerful and thought-provoking story that illustrates the importance of fair treatment and the value of hard work. It is a reminder that even in difficult and challenging circumstances, it is possible to stand up for oneself and demand the respect and recognition that one deserves.