The surrealist manifesto. Manifesto of Surrealism Analysis 2023-01-06

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The Surrealist Manifesto, written by the French writer and poet André Breton in 1924, is a key document in the history of the Surrealist movement in art and literature. Surrealism emerged in the aftermath of World War I as a reaction against the destruction and trauma of the war and the rigid constraints of traditional society. It was a movement that sought to tap into the unconscious mind and explore the irrational and the absurd in order to challenge the dominant cultural and political values of the time.

The Surrealist Manifesto was a call to arms for artists and writers to reject the constraints of reason and embrace the power of the imagination. Breton argued that the unconscious mind was a source of infinite creativity and that by tapping into it, artists could create works that were more authentic and expressive. He believed that the Surrealist movement could provide a new way of seeing the world, one that was more intuitive and spontaneous, and that it could lead to a more democratic and utopian society.

The Surrealist Manifesto also argued for the importance of automatism, a technique in which the artist allows their subconscious mind to take control of the creative process. This was seen as a way of breaking free from the constraints of traditional art forms and allowing the artist to explore new and unconventional ideas.

The Surrealist Manifesto had a significant influence on the art and literature of the 20th century and its ideas continue to be relevant today. The movement spawned a number of important works of art, including paintings by Salvador Dali and René Magritte, and the movement also had a profound impact on the development of avant-garde literature and film.

While the Surrealist Manifesto was a revolutionary document in its time, it has also been criticized for its lack of inclusivity and its often elitist perspective. Despite this, it remains an important and influential document in the history of modern art and literature, and its ideas continue to inspire artists and writers to this day.

The Manifesto of Surrealism

the surrealist manifesto

It matters not whether there is a certain disproportion between this defense and the illustration that will follow it. Preface for a Reprint of the Manifesto 1929 It was to be expected that this book would change, and to the extent that it questioned our terrestrial existence by charging it nonetheless with everything that it comprises on this or that side of the limits we are in the habit of assigning to it, that its fate would be closely bound up with my own, which is, for example, to have written and not to have written books. The first sentence will come spontaneously, so compelling is the truth that with every passing second there is a sentence unknown to our consciousness which is only crying out to be heard. The desire for analysis wins out over the sentiments. Nouveau is Surrealist in the kiss. Freud very rightly brought his critical faculties to bear upon the dream.


Surrealist Manifesto Analysis

the surrealist manifesto

What reason, I ask, a reason so much vaster than the other, make s dreams seem so natural and allows me to welcome unreservedly a welter of episodes so strange that they could confound me now as I write? And just as the length of the spark increases to the extent that it occurs in rarefied gases, the Surrealist atmosphere created by automatic writing, which I have wanted to put within the reach of everyone, is especially conducive to the production of the most beautiful images. Desbordes-Valmore is Surrealist in love. It was from this concept that he and Philip Soupalt developed "thoughtwriting," deciding to write their thoughts on paper and compare what they had each come up with. Surrealism, such as I conceive of it, asserts our complete nonconformismclearly enough so that there can be no question of translating it, at the trial of the real world, as evidence for the defense. Surrealism, such as I conceive of it, asserts our complete nonconformism clearly enough so that there can be no question of translating it, at the trial of the real world, as evidence for the defense. The effort to be social which dictates it and the considerable practice we have at it are the only things which enable us to conceal it temporarily. When that happens, a new morality must be substituted for the prevailing morality, the source of all our trials and tribulations.


Afrosurreal Manifesto

the surrealist manifesto

Psychic automatism in its pure state, by which one proposes to express — verbally, by means of the written word, or in any other manner — the actual functioning of thought. All that results from listening to oneself, from reading what one has written, is the suspension of the occult, that admirable help. Thus the analysis of the mysterious effects and special pleasures it can produce — in many respects Surrealism occurs as a new vice which does not necessarily seem to be restricted to the happy few; like hashish, it has the ability to satisfy all manner of tastes — such an analysis has to be included in the present study. Because of our search for a logical understanding, we've all but eliminated any acceptance of superstitious theories or the search for meanings that don't directly conform to what society accepts. In homage to Guillaume Apollinaire, who had just died and who, on several occasions, seemed to us to have followed a discipline of this kind, without however having sacrificed to it any mediocre literary means, Soupault and I baptized the new mode of pure expression which we had at our disposal and which we wished to pass on to our friends, by the name of SURREALISM. At first limiting itself to submitting to them, it soon realizes that they flatter its reason, and increase its knowledge accordingly. Out of this experience come Surrealist images, which Breton likens to images that come from drug-induced mental states.


Manifesto of Surrealism Summary

the surrealist manifesto

It was still dark. You will find them at the end of the volume. The flora and fauna of Surrealism are inadmissible. Saint-Jean-Perse is Surrealist at a distance. I loathe it, for it is made up of mediocrity, hate, and dull conceit. Will the accused be acquitted, or will he merely be given the benefit of the doubt because of extenuating circumstances? The activity of the best minds feels the effects of it; the law of the lowest common denominator finally prevails upon them as it does upon the others. Those attributed to me do not seem to me to exercise any greater influence on me than many others, and no doubt I am no longer as fully familiar with them as it is possible to be.


Surrealist Manifesto

the surrealist manifesto

I had a sneaking suspicion, moreover, that from the viewpoint of poetry I was off on the wrong road, but I hedged my bet as best I could, defying lyricism with salvos of definitions and formulas the Dada phenomena were waiting in the wings, ready to come on stage and pretending to search for an application of poetry to advertising I went so far as to claim that the world would end, not with a good book but with a beautiful advertisement for heaven or for hell. Some may say to me that the parallel is not very encouraging. What is so strange, or bizarre in the surrealist sense, is not the seeming contradiction between the text and the image because a contradiction can only exist between two statements. LOUIS ARAGON In the forest aflame The lions were fresh. Looking at the right hand, the right hand is slightly in front while the left takes the back position.


André Breton's Manifesto of Surrealism (1924)

the surrealist manifesto

And if you should die, are you not certain of reawaking among the dead? Can the questions answered in dreams apply to our real life? It cannot be born from a comparison but from a juxtaposition of two more or less distant realities. Upon his death, people from far and wide come to pay tribute in a silent funeral. Let us not mince w ords: the marvelous is always beautiful, anything marvelous is beautiful, in fact only the marvelous is beautiful. It should above all be viewed as a welcome reaction against certain ridiculous tendencies of spiritualism. Therefore, he relies heavily on the ideas of Freud and his interpretation of dreams to analyze the function of art in society. At first limiting itself to submitting to them, it soon realizes that they flatter its reason, and increase its knowledge accordingly.


The Surrealists Manifesto

the surrealist manifesto

LAUTRÉAMONT A church stood dazzling as a bell. This curious state of affairs seems to me to call for certain reflections: 1 Within the limits where they operate or are thought to operate dreams give every evidence of being continuous and show signs of organization. The citation above will include either 2 or 3 dates. Lane Ann Arbor, 1971 , p. No sooner had I granted it this capacity than it was in fact succeeded by a whole series of phrases, with only brief pauses between them, which surprised me only slightly less and left me with the impression of their being so gratuitous that the control I had then exercised upon myself seemed to me illusory and all I could think of was putting an end to the interminable quarrel raging within me. Through her painting The Basket Chair, she demonstrates her remarkable style of rough to light brush strokes that create a sense of realism in this piece. LOUIS ARAGON In the forest aflame The lions were fresh.



the surrealist manifesto

Each of us has within himself the potential of an orator: multicolored loin cloths, glass trinkets of words. Is the dream any less restrictive or punitive than the rest? Nouvelles Hébrides; Désordre formel; Deuil, pour Deuil. I shall even go so far as to maintain that it instructs me and, indeed, I have had occasion to use surreally words whose meaning I have forgotten. He reads himself like an open book, and does nothing to retain the pages, which fly away in the windy wake of his life. It was in the midst of all this that I renounced irrevocably my point of view. The mind becomes aware of the limitless expanses wherein its desires are made manifest, where the pros and cons are constantly consumed, where its obscurity does not betray it. I should have left for Béthune, where perhaps there was something awaiting me; that would have been to simple, really.


Manifesto of Surrealism

the surrealist manifesto

What is worth noting is that nothing allows us to presuppose a greater dissipation of the elements of which the dream is constituted. They will command them, so to speak, and wherever observation, reflection, and the faculty of generalization prove to be of no help to you, you may rest assured that they will credit you with a thousand intentions you never had. Put yourself in as passive, or receptive, a state of mind as you can. It is, in fact, difficult to appreciate fairly the various elements present: one may even go so far as to say that it is impossible to appreciate them at a first reading. I could thus depict a tree, a wave, a musical instrument, all manner of things of which I am presently incapable of providing even the roughest sketch. The manifesto excommunicated Surrealists reluctant to commit to prière d'insérer printed insert published with the Manifesto's release was signed by those Surrealists who remained loyal to Breton, and who had decided to participate in a new publication titled Surrealism at the Service of the Revolution.


André Breton

the surrealist manifesto

Gave us a good laugh. The activity of the best minds feels the effects of it; the law of the lowest common denominator finally prevails upon them as it does upon the others. Threat is piled upon threat, one yields, abandons a portion of the terrain to be conquered. The result is statements of undue length whose persuasive power is attributable solely to their strangeness and which impress the reader only by the abstract quality of their vocabulary, which moreover is ill-defined. When will we have sleeping logicians, sleeping philosophers? It bears within itself the perfect compensation for the miseries we endure.
