Use reminder in a sentence. GENTLE REMINDER in a sentence 2022-12-08

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Typing a paper on a computer has become the norm in today's digital age. Gone are the days of handwritten essays and the tedious process of transcribing them onto a typed document. Now, students and professionals alike can easily and efficiently type their papers on a computer, saving time and effort while also having access to a host of features and tools that make the writing process easier and more efficient.

One of the biggest advantages of typing a paper on a computer is the speed at which it can be done. With a keyboard and a word processor program, it is easy to type out a paper quickly and efficiently, without the need for handwriting or transcription. This means that it is easier to get a paper done on time, even if it is a long and complex one.

In addition to the speed at which a paper can be typed on a computer, there are also numerous tools and features available that can make the writing process easier and more efficient. Word processor programs, such as Microsoft Word, have built-in spell check and grammar check tools that can help to ensure that the final product is free of errors. These programs also offer the ability to easily insert footnotes, citations, and other formatting elements, making it easier to properly cite sources and adhere to academic writing standards.

Another advantage of typing a paper on a computer is the ability to save and store the document electronically. This means that it is easy to access the paper from any device with an internet connection, making it convenient to work on the paper from anywhere. In addition, electronic storage allows for easy revision and editing of the paper, as changes can be made and saved instantly.

While there are many advantages to typing a paper on a computer, there are also some potential drawbacks to consider. One potential issue is the risk of computer malfunctions or data loss, which could result in the loss of all of the work on the paper. It is important to regularly save and back up documents to avoid this issue.

In conclusion, typing a paper on a computer has many advantages over traditional methods of writing. It is faster, more efficient, and offers a range of tools and features that make the writing process easier and more accurate. While there are potential drawbacks to consider, the benefits of typing a paper on a computer far outweigh them, making it the preferred method for many students and professionals.

Use reminder in a sentence

use reminder in a sentence

The first reminder concerned some racist remarks about Aboriginal people and dysfunctional social behaviours. But if you learn whole sentences with "reminders", instead of the word "reminders" by itself, you can learn a lot faster! Yet the redundancy is also a reminder that there are no jobs for life any more, even in the most advanced industries. This is in addition to three reminder letters asking for the information I had already sent. They are markings of where the structure of my character was welded. A reminder of just how close Tallinn is to Finland is the large number of Finns you will come across sitting in the sunshine outside the city's many bars. They act as a poignant reminder of the tragic incident seven days ago.


Reminder used in a sentence, 15 examples

use reminder in a sentence

It's antiquated and outdated, more of a reminder of a bygone era in college football. They were responsible for the enlightenment of the people, teaching them Law and helping them avoid the temptations that would lead to blasphemy, heresy, eternal damnation, and a most probably gruesome, demeaning execution that would serve as a reminder and a lesson that All is Law and no one and nothing is above it 56. And indeed, for the righteous is a good place of return 183 1. And not knowing what the W's stood for had become a constant reminder to Kat that, in life, there are some things that can be given but never stolen. That was an unpleasant reminder that for many people, science is still considered a boys club. I was given a good authority by God. A reminder that what is beautiful is fleeting.


Reminder in a sentence. The word Reminder in example sentences. Reminder dictionary definition. Reminder pronunciation.

use reminder in a sentence

It was widely criticized, both in praise and blame; and Patmore, distressed at its reception, bought up the remainder of the edition and caused it to be destroyed. Sex would fade and so would the need to be filled with him, but right now I felt him inscribe his soul around my chest, and the reminder would be there with every beat for as long as I lived. The number of species common to southern China, Japan and northern Asia is small. Jeck's endlessly rotating platters, like the whirr of moving film, serve as a constant reminder of the time-based nature of the medium. Upon these descriptions he was still engaged till death, in 1837, put an end to his labours, when his place as Naumann's assistant for the remainder of the work was taken by Rudolph Wagner; but, from time to time, a few more, which he had already completed, made their posthumous appearance in it, and, in subsequent years, some selections from his unpublished papers were through the care of Giebel presented to the public.


Use "remainder" in a sentence

use reminder in a sentence

The only reminder of the heating is a radiator in the bathroom, which the residents did not want to do without. . The liquid when soaked into a porous combustible substance like blotting-paper burns rapidly and quietly, and when struck with a hammer on a hard surface violently detonates; when a little of the liquid is spread on an anvil and struck, the portion immediately under the hammer only will, as a rule, detonate, the remainder being scattered. Please be reminded to bring your basketball gear in. Martial Arts are about restoration of physical and spiritual balance and fluidity; they are about observing restraints and 'setting example'. Katie sensed she wasn't safe where she was, but she didn't want to travel without Gabriel. It should also be a good reminder to all of the people on HN who jumped to the conclusion that this guy was right on very sketchy evidence.


How to use "gentle reminder" in a sentence

use reminder in a sentence

It is the times of prayer that obligate purity. Short emails are easy to read, and they usually get a response. Plus, we can always use a reminder that this city's music scene is plenty big, even if some teen jerkass from Washington doesn't think so. The pages were somewhat of a reminder that maybe one day I would be 170 If patients did not respond to the first letter we sent a reminder letter. It's the difference between seeing something that annoys you and moving on and having something that someone else stuck into your reminder list that you can't delete.


How to use "reminder" in a sentence

use reminder in a sentence

He raised his eyes to the heavens, clinging desperately to the only remaining physical reminder of his past life. Instead it had become a whispered warning and reminder to be constantly on our guard. Modern violas and pansies are hybrids of the old-fashioned heartsease Viola tricolor, itself a fitting reminder of this romantic month of the year. If the campaign is successful, the aim is to turn the ship into a working museum piece, an example of paddle steamers and a reminder of the heroism of the men of Dunkirk. One program reminder, this Sunday night we'll present a composite of interviews that we've done with Brando on this show. There were no longer any deep-penetration, unescorted raids. Anywhere he roams, she is there, a reminder of the fragility of his heart and of his sham relationships.


Use reminded in a sentence

use reminder in a sentence

Once onto the actual branch, old catenary towers are visible, a reminder that this line was once electrified. . As a gentle reminder, we will continue to enforce our no-show and tardy policies. And, therefore, in the midst of all the triumphs of Christianity, it is well that the stately synagogue should lift its walls by the side of the aspiring cathedral, a perpetual reminder that there are many mansions in the Father's earthly house as well as in the heavenly one; that civilized humanity, longer in time and broader in space than any historical form of belief, is mightier than any one institution or organization it includes. The attacks are a reminder that if left uncontrolled, street kids could grow not only into robbers but also purveyors of terror. It serves as a timely reminder of the bravery and determination of the Royal Navy and merchant seamen.


Use "reminder" in a sentence

use reminder in a sentence

The red flag fluttered over Sheffield town hall on May Day, a reminder of the city's radical past dating back to the Chartists. For a city that is on the threshold of a major expansion, Mr. Beyond simply looking fantastic the wildly stylized world of the film is an obvious reminder not to take things too literally. When were the immigration protocols made more strict in Norfolk Island 576 We expect this to continue into the next quarter and, barring any about turns in the world economy, we remain guardedly optimistic for the remainder of the year. The so-called rational animal has a desperate drive to pair up and moan and writhe.
