Who is the protagonist in to build a fire. Describe the main character in "To Build a Fire" by Jack London. 2022-12-24

Who is the protagonist in to build a fire Rating: 8,4/10 1121 reviews

The protagonist in Jack London's "To Build a Fire" is a nameless man who is traveling through the Yukon Territory in the midst of a brutal winter. The man is an outsider in the harsh wilderness, and he is ill-equipped to deal with the extreme cold and treacherous conditions. Despite his lack of experience and knowledge, the man persists in his journey, driven by a strong sense of determination and the belief that he can overcome any obstacle.

The man's journey is fraught with danger and adversity, as he faces numerous challenges that test his survival skills and willpower. He must contend with the freezing temperatures, deep snow, and treacherous ice, all of which threaten to claim his life. Despite these obstacles, the man remains resolute, driven by his desire to reach his destination and complete his mission.

Throughout the story, the man is portrayed as a determined and resourceful individual, who is willing to do whatever it takes to survive. He uses his limited resources and knowledge to build a fire and keep himself warm, and he continues to push forward despite the many setbacks and challenges he faces.

In the end, however, the man's determination is not enough to save him, and he succumbs to the brutal winter. His tragic demise serves as a poignant reminder of the dangers and uncertainties of life in the wilderness, and the importance of being prepared and ready for any situation.

In conclusion, the protagonist in "To Build a Fire" is a complex and multifaceted character, whose struggles and triumphs offer a poignant reflection on the human condition and the will to survive. Despite his many flaws and weaknesses, the man remains a sympathetic and compelling figure, whose determination and resilience inspire readers to persevere in the face of adversity.

To Build a Fire: the man

who is the protagonist in to build a fire

The Man The unnamed protagonist of the story is on a journey through the Yukon Forest and is attempting to reach a camp by evening. Think about the characters in ". A husky wolf-dog follows him, instinctively depressed by and apprehensive of the cold. Building a fire under a tree with snow on its branches highlights his inexperience and desperation, both of which contribute to the inevitability of his death. His struggle is simply for survival in a harsh world, and he fails in this struggle. The man remembers an old man at Sulphur Creek who told him how cold it could get in this area this time of year. The man is the main protagonist.


The Narrative Point of View of "To Build a Fire"

who is the protagonist in to build a fire

He rubs his face as he walks, but the skin instantly returns to its numb state once he stops. Lesson Summary Jack London's ''To Build a Fire'' makes use of only two characters to great effect. At the same time, he realizes new despair. To save himself he scrambles to build a fire, but is too busy worrying about his survival to notice the mistake of building a fire underneath a tree that has collected an enormous amount of snow. The brazen confidence of the man is contrasted by the worry and fear of his dog, who is in touch with nature enough to know that traveling is a bad idea. He ignores the warnings from the old man at Sulphur Creek and travels alone, despite the cold weather. The man ends up freezing to death.


Who is the antagonist in To Build a Fire?

who is the protagonist in to build a fire

The man has made a plan to travel to meet his friends at a mining camp some distance away. With this kind of problem facing the main character, the conflict involves man versus nature. Eventually, the man begins to accept death. The man once heard a story about a man who survived a winter storm by killing an animal and crawling inside the corpse. Day had broken cold and grey, exceedingly cold and grey, when the man turned aside from the main Yukon trail and climbed the high earth- bank, where a dim and little-travelled trail led eastward through the fat spruce timberland.


Describe the main character from To Build a Fire.

who is the protagonist in to build a fire

His body fails him while the dog remains strong and warm. However, he is unable to use his frozen hands. Who is the antagonist in To Build a Fire? The mention of these concealed streams is a clear example of foreshadowing. With no way to start another fire, the man thinks of killing the dog and using its body heat to save himself, but his hands are so stiff that he can neither strangle the animal nor draw his knife to cut its throat. The situation is no longer one in which he could lose fingers or toes, but his life. He pays dearly for this belief. The man observes the changes in the creek and the safest places to put his weight.


To Build A Fire Summary & Analysis

who is the protagonist in to build a fire

His blood works instinctively, even if he overpowers this instinctual knowledge with his confident mind. Although neither man nor dog is aware, the temperature of the day is seventy-five degrees below zero. He calls the dog again. But the dog is also better prepared to deal with the risks of extreme cold as his act of biting away the ice on his paws shows. He curses aloud at the delay.


Who is the protagonist in "To Build a Fire"?

who is the protagonist in to build a fire

In this way, nature the part of the man that is natural continues to be stronger than human reason. The dog is sitting across from the man and the sight of the dog inspires an idea. He removes one match with his teeth, but drops it. For the first time, the man is imagining possible outcomes of his situation. Cite this page as follows: "To Build a Fire - Characters" eNotes Publishing Ed. Types of Point of View In general, there are three points of view. By introducing his reader to the setting from the first sentence of the story, the story's tone is depressed and frightening.


How many fires did the protagonist build in "To Build a Fire"?

who is the protagonist in to build a fire

The cold, however, can attack in many different ways. He never uses instinct, which would inform him without thinking that certain actions are dangerous. He questions whether his toes are numb or warm. The dog is made anxious by the cold, knowing instinctively that in such weather it is safer to hide and wait out the cold. As readers, we can assume we see and picture the character this way since London purposely doesn't give us a name or much information at all about him. The man discovers that he needs to look down to see where his hands and arms are because he cannot feel anything. It is too dangerous to be wet at this temperature.


To Build a Fire Characters: Description & Analysis

who is the protagonist in to build a fire

Finally, the man falls into a sleep that seems more restful than any other sleep he has experienced. The one was the slave of the other. He thinks of killing the dog but is unable to do so. If only he could get there, then the boys would take care of him. The Old Man This older and more experienced man warned the miner not to travel alone in such cold weather. He begins to admit that the old man was right and that the situation is extremely serious. He calls the dog, but his voice reveals his fear and his intentions.


Who is the round character in To Build a Fire?

who is the protagonist in to build a fire

Just as the man gets the fire burning, a pile of snow falls from an overhanging tree, putting it out. What motivates the protagonist in To Build a Fire? What does the man ultimately do to provide fire? The natural world is not out to entrap the man. When the dog breaks through, the man builds a fire, eats his lunch, thaws out the dog, and then continues on. Unable to use his fingers, the newcomer manages to grab the box of matches and rubs the entire pack against his leg, which ignites all seventy matches at once. Indirect characters also appear in the story.


Describe the main character in "To Build a Fire" by Jack London.

who is the protagonist in to build a fire

He feels he is flying over the surface of the earth because he cannot feel his feet. Sleep is peaceful compared to other deaths. His lack of control of his hands is such that he accidentally puts out the fire he is trying to create. Then the man stops for lunch and builds a fire. At the end of the story, he freezes to death.
